Android Market catching up to Apple App Store in app numbers

18 March, 2011
The number of apps is some sort of pride for app stores so here it goes - the Android Market is quickly catching up to the current leader, the Apple App Store. What's more is that the growth the Market seems to be...

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  • Aussie-Dealer
  • PBh
  • 18 Mar 2011

Anonymous, 18 Mar 2011Android is not good as iOS. Can`t wait to iPhone 5 it will ... moreone thing that you and all the other "suposivly" tech savy apple
nerds should never forget is that apple have been doing apps for at least 5 years now where android have only been doing apps about 2-3 years. apple had a huge lead in the apps market. for android to be so close to apple in just half the time is an amazing acheivment and do not forget that there have been apps that apple have bought from android. i have worked for apple about 6 years now and i will say this. that android apps market is a big competitor to iOS and they are both fantastic phones.

    • i
    • i disagree with u
    • 3Je
    • 18 Mar 2011

    Mn Iphone is not worth buying for its original price. android is killing ios
    and u are on about iphone 5 and 6 dont be too sure HTC will always get a masterpiece out which will merk iphone
    just like evo 4g did to iphone 4 and htc desire did to iphone 3gs and htc hero did to iphone 3g

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • nxi
      • 18 Mar 2011

      250k..really??for how many oses??less than 10% works on all the versions most apps made for one version does not owrk on the other and most apps have different system requirement so u have only 10k apps left like steve jobs sed honey com has only 100 apps

        • S
        • Simon
        • iL}
        • 18 Mar 2011

        Mick, 18 Mar 2011Upgrade your firmware, as alot of apps are 2.2 and aboveThanks for reply,my phone had 2.2 out of the box...I just seem to get to about 100 apps and it ends there if I know the name of an app I type it in and it appears but a 100,000 apps are in store so they are hiding somewhere lol

          • S
          • Simon
          • iL}
          • 18 Mar 2011

          Mick, 18 Mar 2011Upgrade your firmware, as alot of apps are 2.2 and aboveThanks for reply,my phone had 2.2 out of the box...I just seem to get to about 100 apps and it ends there if I know the name of an app I type it in and it appears but a 100,000 apps are in store so they are hiding somewhere lol

            • F
            • FURY
            • Y9j
            • 18 Mar 2011

            Jack, 18 Mar 2011Lets be honest if some smartfone neophyte asks you which is... moreExactly what I keep telling people - hit the nail on the head with this one

              • D
              • AnonD-491
              • 2@e
              • 18 Mar 2011

              I dont consider fart machine as an app :-|

                • D
                • Daniel
                • LkA
                • 18 Mar 2011

                Android is simply the best smartphone OS ever! Freedom, my friends, that´s what I´m talking about!!!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • p@K
                  • 18 Mar 2011

                  The thing is that most of the Android apps are converted from iOS ones, especially games.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 0V1
                    • 18 Mar 2011

                    I really hope that GOOGLE will control their Market.
                    There should be an aproval mechanism just like iOS.

                    Other than that , iOS is better in Games and Android is
                    better in all other categories.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • prk
                      • 18 Mar 2011

                      AnonD-1825, 18 Mar 2011So lot's of fart apps on android market, right?yes, good point! :-)

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • mf7
                        • 18 Mar 2011

                        It's all fine and dandy... but it IS NOT about the number of apps but the quality of the ones available!!!
                        On iTunes over 17.5% of the apps are actually just books and Android Market prob the same. It is ofc. very nice to be able to just download a book with one or two clicks but still if one book = one app then 350k or 250k gives a wronk picture of the actual app number.

                          • J
                          • Jack
                          • PUK
                          • 18 Mar 2011

                          Lets be honest if some smartfone neophyte asks you which is the best smartfone to buy the answer is simple. Apple anything they are staright forward and have a really clean user interface. You can also go down to any apple store and yak to death the sales/techo staff in a bid to learn how to use it. There is a huge "help desk" resource on the ground.
                          If on the other hand the person is reasonably PC literate and knows things like "files" and "ram" and can "swap" a memory card then a Samung Galaxy S Android can give them hours of pleasurable fun learning how to use it and flexing their brain. So if my grandad asked which one, i would say Iphone if my teanagers asked which one, i would say a good Samsung Android Galaxy S.
                          Neither is better. Humans are the most adaptable things on the planet. Just get what fits..........

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • ixu
                            • 18 Mar 2011

                            mark, 18 Mar 2011i would not say 100,000 difference is exactly catching up m... moreagree 100% :)

                              • P
                              • Pravi
                              • YTY
                              • 18 Mar 2011

                              mark, 18 Mar 2011i would not say 100,000 difference is exactly catching up m... moreApple the u don't knowa bout those small company which doing innovative things and apple stealing those innovation and presenting it like that apple is innovator ..but one thing is true apple is overhype company with overpriced seems to like that american apple user didn't learn from recession.they r still wasting money in over priced phone for just because it is product of apple...

                                • b
                                • baz
                                • 0R$
                                • 18 Mar 2011

                                Anonymous, 18 Mar 2011Android is not good as iOS. Can`t wait to iPhone 5 it will ... moremight be might not be try and keep an open mind don't let yourself get brainwashed could miss out.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 3A1
                                  • 18 Mar 2011

                                  yes but all the android apps are complete copies of the ones in app store

                                    • P
                                    • Pravi
                                    • YTY
                                    • 18 Mar 2011

                                    Anonymous, 18 Mar 2011Android is not good as iOS. Can`t wait to iPhone 5 it will ... moreWho u r ..u r astrologer or own by apple .. current mobile OS era r moving to open system OS where fanboy r still attached to closed OS..very sad :(
                                    Android users r very smart people because they knew that they r free to download anything or change anything in the OS that means android users r innovative people and android OS r innovative platform which giving freedom to users.

                                      • j
                                      • joel
                                      • IaC
                                      • 18 Mar 2011

                                      AnonD-2183, 18 Mar 20112 months ago i was a big fan of apple just because of appli... moreI agree! Iam an N97 user, and can say that symbian time has gone. Iam using an android phone too, and its far cry better than symbian.

                                        • m
                                        • mark
                                        • mqM
                                        • 18 Mar 2011

                                        i would not say 100,000 difference is exactly catching up maybe a few thousand. but apple is the leader. the innovator. the original and everyone wants to copy them. shame.