BlackBerry Keyone gets delayed until May or later, new BlackBerry tablet may be on the way

31 March 2017
The revelations come from BlackBerry's earnings call, where CEO John Chen outed some interesting details.

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  • D
  • AnonD-457355
  • nGZ
  • 03 Apr 2017

Noooo! The wait is killing me! :(

    • E
    • Ed
    • mXD
    • 02 Apr 2017

    For a "business" oriented company, it seems very "unbusiness-like" to be late all the time BB. Apart from host of other problems in the past, delays and late releases were one of the big reasons BB went downhill.

    Seems they havent learnt that lesson yet.

    Hype comes fast and it goes faster.

    I love BB but seriously, i hate this unbusiness like approach/ attitude to releasing products.

    Its not like they officially announce that there are delays as such. So unprofessional.

      • D
      • AnonD-658153
      • X$n
      • 01 Apr 2017

      My bad news

        • N
        • Nash
        • M2f
        • 01 Apr 2017

        If BB have a tablet on the way and it will be Android based, then it will be super. I remember the Playbook back in 2011. That was a fast tablet with real multifunctionality that never froze and was very secure thanks to BBOS. The downfall of course was the lack of android and the possibility of even putting Playstore Apks easily in the beginning .If they resolve these issues now, and at the right price, they can make a solid dent in Android shares which are very unsecure.

          • D
          • AnonD-632062
          • J7S
          • 01 Apr 2017

          Anonymous, 31 Mar 2017Omg that CEO, if those are his exact words he doesn't seem ... moreI thought the same thing! John Chen doesn't speak like a confident CEO, he sounds more like an unsure low-level employee!

            • X
            • XBR
            • LaT
            • 01 Apr 2017

            whats the hold up.. just release the thing already.

              • D
              • AnonD-656940
              • xQP
              • 01 Apr 2017

              I love this idea that someone would have been dead set on this phone, it was something that they truly wanted, but upon learning that they have to wait another month forsake all things BB.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 7EX
                • 01 Apr 2017

                To hell with BB. Sold my passport SE hoping to replace it with KEYone. Well, now... I'm done! Also quit crackberry, bunch of loosers there, just like BB.

                  • s
                  • signs are good
                  • 2Zv
                  • 01 Apr 2017

                  People are upset about a 3 week delay. Shows they care. Even if they do sound like negative trolls. People complain about the sd625 yet reports have claimed the devices performance to be snappy. It performs well and offers two days battery life. What are people complaining about? 'It has too much battery life and it won't keep my hands warm during winter.''I can't shatter both the display and the back of the device like I can on the s8.' anyway a tall android version of the passport is a no brainer. Only needs to be 20mm taller than the original now that top bezels have become minimal. Just add symbols to the keys and it will be gold. A landscape capacitive slider tablet would be fantastic also. But it would need to be expensive.

                    • A
                    • AdamBoy64
                    • Hqc
                    • 01 Apr 2017

                    The BlackBerry Classic has been a great phone for me. Still going strong.. almost two years now.

                    I'm looking forward to the Mercury.. er.. Keyone.

                      • A
                      • AdamBoy64
                      • Hqc
                      • 01 Apr 2017

                      "the first Android smartphone in a long while to come with a physical QWERTY keyboard.."

                      Was the Priv not with Android? Perhaps the definition of 'long while' is up for interpretation.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-480266
                        • fC{
                        • 01 Apr 2017

                        BB now can only survive on ROYALTIES..

                          • D
                          • AnonD-248589
                          • Ibx
                          • 01 Apr 2017

                          The one phone that would actually interest BB fans and they can't launch it. Just get out of hardware already, Chen clearly doesn't have the chops.

                            And they still think that they are on par with company such as apple and samsung . Try to charge that flagship price for a mere 625 snapdragon . Dream on blackberry . Why dont you start with low price like nokia , they know where their status are..

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • nw}
                              • 31 Mar 2017

                              Omg that CEO, if those are his exact words he doesn't seem to be very competent, does he? I mean he calls KeyONE "that other one, keyboard on android" and "he thinks that production starts at the end of April" - geez you'd imagine that company top man woud KNOW things actually.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • GwU
                                • 31 Mar 2017

                                I'm done.


                                This phone has been over two years in the making. BlackBerry has once again failed its dwindling (but still loyal) userbase.

                                I needed a new phone, and held out for Keyone. Now they have failed to deliver on their promise of April.

                                I should have known. Nothing that BlackBerry has done in the past five years has come on time. This phone was under-delivered and way under-spec for the price.

                                The lack of any kind of transparency from BlackBerry is appalling.

                                And for a company that is now solely in the "software" business, we still do not have Nougat or even a public time-table for software updates, or things like picture password on DTEK50. More failed promises.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-424566
                                  • Bw@
                                  • 31 Mar 2017

                                  Scnab, 31 Mar 2017They've should have learned the lessons by now it's to pric... moreThey have all lost the plot in pricing mate, Sammy the biggest culprit, glad I went Chinese, whistles and flutes not needed, just a big battery to get me through the day, and I got it!

                                    • S
                                    • Scnab
                                    • mgR
                                    • 31 Mar 2017

                                    They've should have learned the lessons by now it's to pricey. The way nokia is going is way much better. Used to live bb but they just lost the plot with pricing.