April Fool's jokes round-up
- Optimist Prime
- a0W
- 03 Apr 2017
Akinaro, 02 Apr 2017Best jokes of all times are about making fun of someone, st... moreWhile you're living in the 1950s (With all the racism and xenophobia that goes with it), you should probably live as they did back then, without unifying things like the internet. We'd all be better off.
- A
- A decent human being
- Fv4
- 03 Apr 2017
Akinaro, 02 Apr 2017Best jokes of all times are about making fun of someone, st... moreYou sir/madam, are a disgusting excuse for a human being
- A
- Akinaro
- dPP
- 02 Apr 2017
Hello, 02 Apr 2017This has nothing to do with SJW, the ads are admittedly ter... moreBest jokes of all times are about making fun of someone, starting from profession like "doctor" to ethical affiliations like being black or being slaw.
Today everytime when you say really good joke like that, there is 75% chance that some ldiot will start crying that you are Xenophobe orRacist.
Today everyone afraid to say something, even if its true because of Political Correction.
And worst part is that today we teach people to say only good things about everything, so when you see that someone make TERRIBLE art, like eg, drawings, you cant say that its trash and its ugly, even if EVERYONE know that. You need to say "Good for you! You making Art!"
So every joke and opinion is good, as far as minority of society like BLM or SJW will say its good... Welcome in 2017 where 1% of people decide if something is offensive or not...
- D
- AnonD-614960
- Kg%
- 02 Apr 2017
I like that google cloud, :D
- ?
- Anonymous
- vV5
- 02 Apr 2017
April Fool's:
Samsung S8 can shooting 1000fps video.
- H
- Hello
- LaT
- 02 Apr 2017
Anonymous, 01 Apr 2017Yeah, true. However we have become really sensitive these d... moreThis has nothing to do with SJW, the ads are admittedly terrible this year
- ?
- Anonymous
- gCS
- 02 Apr 2017
If only google put so much time and effort into their software division
- D
- AnonD-39937
- LaA
- 01 Apr 2017
Alexa has an interesting 1st april video idea, but the video itself is kind of boring... But Google kills it, love the pacman mode :))))
- D
- AnonD-39937
- LaA
- 01 Apr 2017
zodiacfml, 01 Apr 2017Hi GSMarena, you might like this one from ASUS https://www... moreAsus also had a funny video, the shutter sound is extreme pro level , prolove it! :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- s9W
- 01 Apr 2017
Akinaro, 01 Apr 2017Lame like for last few years... Whole point of April Fools... moreYeah, true. However we have become really sensitive these days to offend anyone so it's at the level they are until people can learn to take humor lightly without going Social Justice Mode...
- z
- zodiacfml
- nC2
- 01 Apr 2017
Hi GSMarena, you might like this one from ASUS
- A
- Akinaro
- dPP
- 01 Apr 2017
Lame like for last few years...
Whole point of April Fools day is to make joke that people take seriously before they realize that it was just a joke. It should be joke that is somehow unexpected and a bit realistic...
And what we have here? Bunch of prepared videos that are boring, without any real joke in it and not related to real products...