Motorola RIZR Z6 announced
- ?
- Anonymous
- QPs
- 13 Jan 2007
when is it coming out in america and how much will it cost?
- n
- noorie
- iws
- 12 Jan 2007
cost in mumbai Rs 13000/-
- s
- shweta
- Uqw
- 11 Jan 2007
what would be the cost
- b
- billu
- jb8
- 11 Jan 2007
Im a phone collector so I know my phones good. I own both of the RIZR Z6 and the samsung D900. There both really good phones ive played with them but unfortunatly from my point of view i would say that the D900 is much better than the moto RIZR Z6.
- ?
- Anonymous
- jac
- 11 Jan 2007
Will it be aluminum / steel bodied as it appears in the pic? I am currently using a Z3 and love it. I cant wait to get my hands on this Z6
- ?
- Anonymous
- Pn2
- 10 Jan 2007
i like it ...
looks pretty on pics at least ...
- ?
- Anonymous
- mP3
- 10 Jan 2007
In a video of the rizr z6 i saw a wifi menu. sorry for my poor english i'm from spain.
- ?
- Anonymous
- ijn
- 10 Jan 2007
no wi-fi no love! :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- ib7
- 10 Jan 2007
...another crap fone from moto...
- k
- ken19
- 2A3
- 10 Jan 2007
design looks like ASUS J208,:-D
- A
- Aquila Noctis
- SfJ
- 10 Jan 2007
I'm waiting for tecnical specifications...
Linux is good but UMTS should be a must for a so expensive and nice phone...
- ?
- Anonymous
- ijD
- 10 Jan 2007
motorola need to start dewsigning some new fones. bringing out the same thing time after time with all the same problems is becoming monotinous. i think motorola need to go back to the drawingboard and stop making pretty fones and make ones that actually work!
- ?
- Anonymous
- kxP
- 10 Jan 2007
You can't say a phone is crap before actually using it, so don't post what you don't know.
And Motorola ought to stop producing all these ugly phones... their RAZR / RIZR / SLVR look is really becoming boring and uncreative.
- ?
- Anonymous
- my4
- 09 Jan 2007
Linux....About time!!! So long windows, Linux on its way!
- s
- sanja v
- iVG
- 09 Jan 2007
iam writing to you from india. and the motorola a1200 ming is one of the worst phones ever produced from motorola. if it hit the U.S. market it will be a catastrophe for all the buyers for the fact of all of the bugs that will come with the U.S. version which still they havent been able to fix all the problems with the a1200 if you are looking for a phone buy a NOKIA. if you are looking for a pointless expensive headache be my guest. The main fact that its a linux os based phone and not a windows based interface that will scare away all potential buyers. wont work with most prgrams . cannot operate with finger digital buttons too small buyer will have to use the stylus at all times.. battery life is very short... the bottom line is this phone should be rated -10 .. horrible product..Stay away..
- s
- sajjad
- waU
- 09 Jan 2007
these r grt mobiles....pplz r crazy when these type of things r realesed by nokia ppl like them and same for others they dislike....atleast not like N series of nokia which r much bigger n work Motorola!
- j
- just4kix
- PT}
- 09 Jan 2007
I wonder if MOTO has changed the UI for these phones... hope so.
- B
- mAN
- 09 Jan 2007
ugly like always!!!!
- A
- Abby
- 2Wa
- 09 Jan 2007
Motosick , Motoyuck... bottom line for all moto phones
- ?
- Anonymous
- mg}
- 09 Jan 2007
not bad