Apple iPhone announced at Macworld

09 Jan, 2007
Today, at Macworld 2007 Apple announced the long-awaited iPhone - a widescreen iPod, a mobile phone, a mobile Internet terminal, a digital camera and a portable PIM organizer all-in-one....

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  • G
  • Gabriel
  • 4XQ
  • 14 Jan 2007

this is the futures...

    • s
    • sonic604
    • 4AY
    • 14 Jan 2007

    iphone - looks really good!!! BUT - No 3G - No keyboard (please correct me if i am wrong) - the phone itself will purely based on its screen (nice) but it could be extremely sensitive (ie LG chocolate buttons) which could be annoying and plus after a while maybe screen discolouration (I don't know - I speculate)
    What really burns me is the price tag - I don't know if you guys noticed is $499/599 with a 2 year contract.(hmmm...if i recall V3 Razer was bloody expensive even with contract and 3-6 months....better phones came out!) I am not cheap, I paid $500 for my W850i because it was totally worth it. There are plenty of phones out at really good SE P990, Treo, Blackberry Pearl, Nokia N Series and SE W series....the only thing the iphone has over other phones is the ipod feature....but we saw Motorola E1 fail eventhough it supported Itunes. I think it will be a hit among YOUNG people but the cellphone informed people that know their stuff seriously, it won't appeal to them. Plus, this phone, I don't think will drop its price tag as time goes by because ipods prices are the same every where (at all retailers). Pretty much apple iphone will give a good run to all other companies but Sony Ericsson, Nokia, LG, Samsung and other really big cellphones will come out with something better

      • c
      • cingular 8525 owner
      • jNX
      • 14 Jan 2007

      This phone is sleek and is real eye candy. The 4gb and 8gb storage options is a plus, however, how could it not have 3G? What kinda nonsense is that? its kinda like a step back. Also when u get accustomed to the slide out keyboard on the 8525 its hard to go back to something with an onscreen keyboard. This phone, with 3G and a slide out keyboard would be the perfect phone... and well video calling of course but i dont expect to see that in the US for a while.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • kcp
        • 14 Jan 2007

        Not bad to be companies first phone. Iphone is still a baby which needs to grow. Good platform to start with, lets see how bug and glitch-free it is and what next models will offer. Its too early to comment on this phone, so far i like it a lot, still missing true navigation, office/business applications, camera needs improvement, video callls etc. Hopefully Apple won't stop its R&D on this model.

          • C
          • Coms
          • Ss4
          • 14 Jan 2007

          one big minus, no video call!!!

            • a
            • adiansa
            • 2FY
            • 14 Jan 2007

            Its great, but then when i read some of the comments, it is said iPhone just looks like LG phone.well, looks like, and LG looks better....
            I was hoping something extraordinary like what Apple did in their previous products, iMac 98, G4, and others.but this iPhone doesnt give something wow.....

              • #
              • #1verizonrules
              • jrY
              • 13 Jan 2007

              This is great! I loved the Apple Newton and I'm sure this one will go over just as well as that did! Minus the graffiti problems I'm sure. haha

                • J
                • Julez
                • YaX
                • 13 Jan 2007

                Breakthrough Internet communicator? Definitely not, it's not even 3G even though Cingular has 3G available. Widescreen iPod? Ok, it was bound to happen. There is nothing revolutionary about the iPhone that makes it $500. Sony's own P990 already has a touch screen, though not used as innovatively as the iPhone, it's still not revolutionary. 2 MP cam is current gen, not next gen. The iPhone takes the best of CURRENT US tech and pretty much just merges it. For it to be as "revolutionary" as they claim it to be is a joke to European and Asian market phones that can load the NY Times page 10 times faster than the iPhone can.
                The iPhone is designed for solid Mac and iPod enthusiasts, I think, but I don't think most of them are willing to shell out $500 and a 2 year contract with Cingular for a sub-par phone just for the Apple name brand. If Apple is to succeed, this phone must appeal to more than the audience that it's intended for.

                  • k
                  • klasik
                  • kCf
                  • 13 Jan 2007

                  no more crying to all you haters that does not see the integration and innovativeness this phone brings... Mac/Apple common! for the industry heads & creative minds only I guess... the level's been bumped to a way way higher level...cant wait and can't wait for the next gen already whats been mentioned by those who research before they yap they stupid mouth watch the keynote presentation!!!

                    • S
                    • Stevie G
                    • nXE
                    • 13 Jan 2007

                    Its obvious that most of the posters giving negative comments have not seen the iPhone in action. Go ahead and look at Steve Job's keynote speech where he introduces the iPhone. Its not about the specs..its about the user interface and integration of all the functions on the device.

                    To me the greatest achievement is that it is running a variant of OS X. Along with this it includes core OS X technologies such as Cocoa, Core Animation, the OS X networking stack, etc. As Steve said, this will allow DESKTOP CLASS apps to run on the iPhone.

                    Compare this with the symbian OS on the Nokia and SE smartphones or the WM/Pocket PC on Windows-based smartphones. These are nothing but lightweight embedded OSes.

                    If any of you have any vision, you would see why this is a big deal.

                    So if you prefer a camera with 5.0 megapixels or FM (ha! FM tuners?) instead go ahead....

                      • j
                      • john
                      • mjM
                      • 13 Jan 2007

                      dude its announced whithout 3g and you dont really use it

                        • B
                        • Babdi
                        • 2@t
                        • 13 Jan 2007

                        iPod without a 3G is a step backwards. @ megapixel is Passe. Proximity sensors and accelerometers are marketing gimmicks. This does not add value

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • n{k
                          • 13 Jan 2007

                          anybody know when this phone will be available in Europe?

                            • s
                            • sunny
                            • S9k
                            • 13 Jan 2007

                            iPhone has not meet my expectations as i thought that Apple would be coming with a user friendly phone with loads of features in it.
                            But the features on the phone as low as to a basic phone of any other company,and price wise its tooooooo expensive for the features that are instored in the phone.and they have mainly focused on the iPod features instead of Phone Features.

                              • A
                              • Andrew
                              • mtq
                              • 13 Jan 2007

                              As I`m from EU I can say that this phone will be a top gadget in USA, but not in EU as it`s with iPod and etc. Nokia with N series anyway will be a top gadget after releasing iPhone! Think, why we from EU need staff that works for all 100% only in USA. It`s only if Apple wont make Firmware thats suits EU needs!

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Dv4
                                • 13 Jan 2007

                                i think the phone to beat, after the EU launch will be the n(5 or somethin. thats way better than this phone. i know the 2 phones as of now cant be compared, but this 1 is gonna be a show toy more than anything, its gonna be outclassed by the other cells i thnk in performance. i hope nokia do justice in the n95... thats gonna be a million times better

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • Dv4
                                  • 13 Jan 2007

                                  welll.....i was waiting for the iphone...was think the wonders apple could do wid it........but noe i dont think i would buy it...main reason its only 4/8 gigs......they shod have got 1 wid a 30 gig or somethin....and it dosent have 3g.... only 2MPG cam...that sux.........they could have done way better.....way way better.......i think they chose not to.....

                                    • h
                                    • ha
                                    • MCR
                                    • 13 Jan 2007

                                    I'm sure that it will have 3g when it hits the European market

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • wYE
                                      • 13 Jan 2007

                                      The hardware on this phone is OOOOOOOOLD by the time this comes out. But if you're only looking for an iPod upgrade, this is perfect.

                                        • i
                                        • idealess
                                        • ib7
                                        • 13 Jan 2007

                                        is nice the design.....iphone is look PDA more...i don think so is the phone.....while the price in american is cheap...but other convert country is expansive........