Midnight Black version of OnePlus 3T is sold out
04 May 2017
It was a limited edition and we have reached that limit.
- k
- kei
- P@Y
- 06 May 2017
Anonymous, 04 May 2017its not true! amazon usa seller as still 9 for sell... theyre a reseller
still considered sold out from OP
- D
- AnonD-666965
- mVx
- 04 May 2017
I just received mine today. Very impressed so far
- n
- nvs
- Saf
- 04 May 2017
Hi GSMArena, did you noticed the last tweet from OP?
- ?
- Anonymous
- rRU
- 04 May 2017
its not true! amazon usa seller as still 9 for sell...
- A
- Anonym
- 60J
- 04 May 2017
For a limited edition with such limited quantities, it sure took its time to be "sold out".
Saddest thing, which I can't understand, is why keep beating the drum for the same news.
- ?
- Anonymous
- U}}
- 04 May 2017
I kno i know , but When the next OnePlus flagship will be released "real time" ?????
- E
- Endlessz
- sED
- 04 May 2017
I got one, then I sold it after using it for 2 days, never look back since then. Waiting for OnePlus 5 =)