Nokia at the 3GSM 2007
- b
- bestmobiles
- mTy
- 12 Feb 2007
actually bert i think youll find that people do care about the keyboard, Nokia have obviously tried to make the keyboard easier to use (had a little trouble with the 9500 keys) whilst trying not to get key/screen issues, suck as the V3 and U6 have with te screen being marked by the raised parts of the keys. please take your childish attitude elsewhere as this is not the place for it
- W
- Wonderkid
- iEy
- 12 Feb 2007
Ah ha! Has anyone noticed on the close up photo of the guy holding an E90 that the keys have popped up? That must be what the special hinges are for! To provide extra space for a raised keyboard.
- F
- Faysal
- 12 Feb 2007
Amazing,Superb.This Is the way i was expecting Nokia at 3GSM."CHEERS"
- S
- SuccessCre8or
- iEK
- 12 Feb 2007
Hello Nokia,
Seems that nokia couldn`t find any new numbers... so it`s using the model number of the old 6110 in introducing a new handset called "6110 Navigator"..!
When will you stop nokia ??!!!
i m really tired of reading news about uour new models every second :D..
by the way, i really liked the new communicator E90 , but my budget won`t like it at all.....
- c
- chan keng yik
- TS$
- 12 Feb 2007
my dream phone n95 dont know how much
- a
- andy burgin
- n1w
- 12 Feb 2007
Nokias put a lot of pressure now on the other producers by releasing some top class mobiles,but theres still one thing Nokias got to improve on its mobiles is the flashes on there mobiles to make sure they can really take qualiy photos on anytime of the day an really jump miles ahead of the rest
- S
- Spireto
- ixc
- 12 Feb 2007
NOKIA once again improve at it cares for all the range of customers and users.
All products are great.
- e
- efende
- nqp
- 12 Feb 2007
not excited at all. happy with my N73 too
- L
- Lahiru (France)
- mLb
- 12 Feb 2007
N77 is good.But camera features not enough(If 3.2 Megapixel with auto focus its good).But i prfer my N73
- ?
- Anonymous
- 12 Feb 2007
e90 nothing new (N)
n95 is better
- t
- trisha
- wYG
- 12 Feb 2007
not excited at all. happy with my N73.
- ?
- Anonymous
- BwW
- 12 Feb 2007
...if a little pointless.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P$w
- 12 Feb 2007
First here. ....... N 77 is cool