Deutsche Telekom reportedly plans to merge T-Mobile and Sprint
- D
- AnonD-647900
- Y7u
- 26 Jun 2017
"...though the first time we heard rumors of a merger with Sprint and T-Mobile." "Seeing as this is the third round of merger rumors we’ve heard about T-Mobile and Sprint merging," HUH?!
- D
- AnonD-678969
- qJx
- 21 Jun 2017
At least with AT&T there was some synergy as both are GSM based carriers making it an easy transition for persons that travel internationally. Also AT&T would have enhanced T-Mobile's poor US coverage. With Sprint you get what is considered one of the worst carriers in terms of customer service and no real improvement in US coverage. Too, Sprint is not a GSM carrier so that means reverting to CDMA. Finally Sprint is a US carrier and only entertains support for international travelers as a side note. In my mind this is not a very smart move unless Deutsche Telekom intends to make some serious changes in Sprint's infrastructure.
- T
- Trump fan 1980
- qNg
- 21 Jun 2017
Kd10, 21 Jun 2017This will not end well, if you are a consumer paying for ce... more How so?
- F
- FB in D
- 4Jj
- 21 Jun 2017
In fact, there WAS a merger announced between AT&T and T-Mobile, but the Feds squashed it. As far as Sprint goes, this might be good. Unlike with the airlines where mergers have made it bad for the consumer, I see some cost efficiency, here, causing more choice at lower rates. Let's hope so.
- T
- TechLover1
- 0En
- 21 Jun 2017
Well, we (I mean all the global consumers/ customers, etc) definitely need more competition and absolutely not less. So based on that criteria, basically it's not better.
- g
- gaiageek
- r6}
- 21 Jun 2017
When I first heard of the possibility of a merger between T-Mobile and Sprint, I was for it, assuming that it would include a transition of Sprint's CDMA network to a T-Mobile compatible GSM network. On the LTE level this would just be a matter of having device that support the right bands, so this would seem relatively easy. The result would be a T-Mobile network with expanded nationwide coverage including rural areas - the one area where T-Mobile was notably lacking.
However, I've read good arguments for T-Mobile not needing or not greatly benefiting from Sprint's towers and spectrum: that much of it isn't what T-Mobile really needs, which is lower frequency spectrum with higher range and penetration. This is exactly the spectrum T-Mobile just won in the recent 600 MHz auctions - and nationwide no less. This begs the question whether they'd really benefit from Sprint's network assuming they make use of this new spectrum.
Ultimately I'd rather see 4 big carriers competing in the US. However, we came close to a takeover of T-Mobile by AT&T a few years ago, which would have left the US with only one GSM-based nationwide network. Given that, if a merger now between T-Mobile and Sprint can truly result in making T-Mobile stronger, and practically ensure that the US will have two strong nationwide GSM networks, I'm all for it.
- K
- Kd10
- 4qB
- 21 Jun 2017
This will not end well, if you are a consumer paying for cell service, period.
- T
- Trump fan 1980
- qNg
- 21 Jun 2017
Hopefully this proposed merger will materialize, and create lower carrier costs for consumers.
- M
- Mr. Electronics
- 0fL
- 21 Jun 2017
Well, I'm a T-Mobile subscriber but who knows how that can affect me, and of course everyone else
- ?
- Anonymous
- j8n
- 21 Jun 2017
Less choices, high cost, not good.