The white iPhone 4 is thicker, won't fit in some cases

29 April, 2011
Lately there isn't a single new Apple gadget that won't disappoint the users in some way. The white iPhone 4 was delayed with 10 months and now when it's out the users report it's thicker than the black one...

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  • D
  • David
  • p8c
  • 30 Apr 2011

What is the reason for owners of black iPhone 4 to buy the white iPhone 4? Specially if they are going to put a case on it? Sounds pretty stupid to me..

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • nG3
    • 30 Apr 2011

    zeferino, 30 Apr 2011When you are an apple lover, 10" thicker would also be... moreWho cares i wil never buy anything apple.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • v0q
      • 30 Apr 2011

      apple fanatics will love this

        • D
        • AnonD-7409
        • vwa
        • 30 Apr 2011

        Was A bad joke anyway..

          • D
          • AnonD-2461
          • v3D
          • 30 Apr 2011

          for apple fans!!!Better wait for iPhone 5 than this....

            • d
            • dee
            • Bw@
            • 30 Apr 2011


            the white phone is not thicker than the black one ..

            its your eyes that needs to be tested cos stone cold Steve says so!!!

              • z
              • zeferino
              • sF{
              • 30 Apr 2011

              When you are an apple lover, 10" thicker would also be okay. Apple's list of great devices will never be challenged, and each time Apple is ready to launch something, well the world waits, and when it is out, the lines get longer, the numbers go through the ceiling and the devices exceed all expectations. Bet that every time Apple is ready to launch a new Phone, Ipad or computer, YOU CAN EXPECT TO SEE SOMETHING GROUNDBREAKING. So to all my fellow Apple fans, next ?

                • q
                • q8phantom
                • pVP
                • 30 Apr 2011

                ALonZo, 30 Apr 2011Lol at people with their plastic Nokias and Android handset... moreEven though I love my N8 and iPhone,

                I should say that the build quality of the aluminum Nokia N8 is way better than that on iPhone.
                Software quality and apps is better on iPhone, so don't say Nokia is plastic, keep in mind, That I use both of them, and am not a fanboy of any, thank you!

                  • B
                  • BedShaker
                  • 9x7
                  • 30 Apr 2011

                  As usual, Apple release a "FIRMWARE Update" to solve the issue.. And to top it off, Fanboys WILL BELIEVE IT!

                    • M
                    • Myself
                    • N7$
                    • 30 Apr 2011

                    they probably used an illegal substance with the white paint lol hahaha. Just kiddin

                      • D
                      • AnonD-7402
                      • KI1
                      • 30 Apr 2011

                      Its Same... just eyes seeming problem

                        • G
                        • Get real!
                        • 4nK
                        • 30 Apr 2011

                        Jabadabaduu., 30 Apr 2011So is there any iprovements in the phone? I mean there woul... moreCorrection:
                        It isn't 2mm thicker but 0.2mm. :)

                        And no, there are no known differences to the black version other than the 0.2mm in thickness, at least not for now.

                          • p
                          • pat
                          • Ia9
                          • 30 Apr 2011

                          Anonymous, 30 Apr 2011I love my Iphone,so i think they will bring out an updated ... moreLOL!

                            • A
                            • ALonZo
                            • LhV
                            • 30 Apr 2011

                            Lol at people with their plastic Nokias and Android handsets bashing a premium handset as it's SLIGHTLY THICKER! Wow such shocking news. I mean anything would think that Apple have produced a phone that just doesn't work, but the plastic phone bashers are using an excuse of slight thickness on a great phone to bash Apple! Big deal that plastic bumper cases for the black iPhone 4 may not fit, hundreds of manufacturers will no doubt produce cases for the iPhone 4 White in no time! And for sale at a few bucks.

                            So plastic phone owners, keep moaning, Apple is still the premium touchscreen phone brand, as recognised by millions of people, including mobile phone experts :)

                              • J
                              • Jabadabaduu.
                              • mh}
                              • 30 Apr 2011

                              So is there any iprovements in the phone? I mean there would be no point to just make it about 2mm thicker and make it a white 1 and not add anything more in it. I mean there would be no point to make people wate this long just for those things that could have been done in like 2 months.

                                • c
                                • cfm69
                                • t04
                                • 30 Apr 2011

                                mile, 30 Apr 2011agreed with Stuntman. i had a white n97 and the black one... more...because they're both release at the same time. lol!!!

                                  • c
                                  • cfm69
                                  • t04
                                  • 30 Apr 2011

                                  Levi, 30 Apr 2011I think the extra thickness is to protect users from radiat... moreFYI, all phones has radiation no matter how small or big device, no matter how cheap or expensive device. They are all electronic gadgets!

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • mh$
                                    • 30 Apr 2011

                                    Anonymous, 30 Apr 2011Apple haters are amusing as they blindly bash the company w... moreYeah, no point to use case on that. If you buy a case for it, who will then see the white color???

                                      • P
                                      • Prince
                                      • Suq
                                      • 30 Apr 2011

                                      Why people are so crazy about white iphone.just buy white color sticker.

                                        • x
                                        • x10
                                        • 0ad
                                        • 30 Apr 2011

                                        Anonymous, 30 Apr 2011Apple haters are amusing as they blindly bash the company w... morethey need a case...cuz the antenna sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!