The white iPhone 4 is thicker, won't fit in some cases

29 April, 2011
Lately there isn't a single new Apple gadget that won't disappoint the users in some way. The white iPhone 4 was delayed with 10 months and now when it's out the users report it's thicker than the black one...

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  • a
  • angrychicken
  • qnS
  • 29 Apr 2011

because nokia dont make "white" phones? ... ;)

    • L
    • Laurynas
    • 0xM
    • 29 Apr 2011

    Apple's location-gate scandal reaches South Park:

    So much true in this video, it is kind of moral. :D

    P.S. Sorry for off topic.

      • s
      • system07
      • uCr
      • 29 Apr 2011

      Get real!, 29 Apr 2011Hey, guys! Relax! :) "Thicker phone" = "m... morelol, way to go...

        • G
        • Get real!
        • 4nK
        • 29 Apr 2011

        Hey, guys! Relax! :)

        "Thicker phone" = "more value for your money!" ;)

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • nG3
          • 29 Apr 2011

          DAN13L, 29 Apr 2011Have you studied Optics and/or Engineering? Color makes a d... moreHasnt bothered any other companys fones tho has it ,silly apple.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • YQU
            • 29 Apr 2011

            So how was nokia able to produce n8 and e7 in many colours but with same thickness?

              • D
              • DAN13L
              • jbM
              • 29 Apr 2011

              :o, 29 Apr 2011omg cant you see it, now steveboy will launch new porotecti... moreHave you studied Optics and/or Engineering? Color makes a difference when it comes to materials and color could possibly affect signal too.

                • D
                • AnonD-40
                • IDk
                • 29 Apr 2011

                AnonD-5791, 29 Apr 2011We don't blame Apple, we blame the one who in charge ;) sam... moreSteve is holding thing back. Apple needs to diversify their current iPhone lineup and add a mini and a Pro. A company that size can make it happen in a flash if they wanted to. Apple should go for marketshare like they did with the iPods and try to corner the smartphone market.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-5791
                  • tV4
                  • 29 Apr 2011

                  AnonD-40, 29 Apr 2011HAHAHA! Good job mate! You caught another anti- Apple fa... moreWe don't blame Apple, we blame the one who in charge ;) same situation with Elop

                    • D
                    • AnonD-40
                    • IDk
                    • 29 Apr 2011

                    AnonD-291, 29 Apr 2011WHITE iphone is actually 0.2mm thicker not slimmer !!!HAHAHA!

                    Good job mate! You caught another anti- Apple fanboy who don't know what he's talking about.

                      • s
                      • system07
                      • uCr
                      • 29 Apr 2011

                      another of the usual Apple's gaffe, apple's been bitten! LMFAO!!!! :D

                        • D
                        • AnonD-5791
                        • tV4
                        • 29 Apr 2011

                        AnonD-291, 29 Apr 2011WHITE iphone is actually 0.2mm thicker not slimmer !!!wooooot???? I thought it was slimmer...OK God bless apple hallelujah

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 3Ax
                          • 29 Apr 2011

                          Dave, 29 Apr 2011Great another F@@K UP by Apple. They cant do anything right... morelol mate that is so true

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • IaC
                            • 29 Apr 2011

                            optical illusion i just checked with a laser level they are exactly the same dont panic :P

                              • D
                              • AnonD-291
                              • vGA
                              • 29 Apr 2011

                              AnonD-5791, 29 Apr 2011Go back to business school before you lead your team to hel... moreWHITE iphone is actually 0.2mm thicker not slimmer !!!

                                • :
                                • :o
                                • ix9
                                • 29 Apr 2011

                                omg cant you see it, now steveboy will launch new porotective cases for icrap "white" version only e get a few more bucks out of ifans pokets LMAO plus quote "There's a lot more that goes into both the material science of it - how it holds up over time…but also in how it all works with the sensors" is this guy for real???

                                  • j
                                  • jeeylu
                                  • nCJ
                                  • 29 Apr 2011

                                  So great, so innovative, yet the don't manage to do a white painting job.

                                    • L
                                    • Laurynas
                                    • 0xM
                                    • 29 Apr 2011

                                    So, since now iPhone 4 isn't equal to iPhone 4...

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • sXD
                                      • 29 Apr 2011

                                      They have put in some extra tech, that hasn't been activated yet.

                                        • m
                                        • mink
                                        • uCr
                                        • 29 Apr 2011

                                        another apple's been bitten! LOL