Latest Sony Ericsson XPERIA phones will be Facebook phones
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGq
- 06 May 2011
what is needed is Dual SIM and a Slider QWERTY
- j
- jhin
- kJq
- 06 May 2011
Anonymous, 06 May 2011As someone who hates Facebook this is really bad news. Just... moreJust because you hate Facebook doesnt mean they arnt going back to the glory days...if you dont like the feature dont us it. The arc is fantastic and is defiantly a step in the right direction for Sony
Btw, sent from my arc.
- U
- UnknownPlan
- tew
- 06 May 2011
Well done SE dont make separate phones just integrate thats innovation..
- D
- AnonD-7837
- sF%
- 06 May 2011
facebook + Personal Info = Danger
- t
- the_surgeon
- smJ
- 06 May 2011
still sucks.
sony can never compete with idevices or samsung
- D
- AnonD-324
- vG0
- 06 May 2011
Since the UI of SE XPERIA is not that great, they are trying to get people on SE phones by talking about FACEBOOK.
Dont ever go for SE XPERIA. In HTC you have much better options.
And if you are addicted to FaceBook, please download an app from the Market. Big DEAL SE for crying out LOUD..
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7$
- 06 May 2011
As long as there is an option to NOT use it then it should be fine.
- M
- Maisics
- PBc
- 06 May 2011
didn't HTC sense 2 have the integrated web albums and contacts ages ago?
just saying the only thing I don't have is active notifications
- f
- francis_tala
- 01k
- 06 May 2011
i will now buy the Arc
- T
- That guy
- qnn
- 06 May 2011
This phone is going to own!
- R
- Roark
- 2Aj
- 06 May 2011
Can I upgrade this FB feature on my SE Xperia X-10 that I had bought on 2010?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 06 May 2011
*Facepalms* why Sony? Why? :(
- E
- EskeRahn
- 0u3
- 06 May 2011
Lets hope this 'feature' can be turned of, for non-teenagers...
- ?
- Anonymous
- nwa
- 06 May 2011
Anonymous, 06 May 2011As someone who hates Facebook this is really bad news. Just... morewhat is the problem with them having done so?
You don't like it, you don't use. Simple as that.
I like facebook, use it moderatly and even though I love what they have done.
It is a fantastic way to share things.
Well done SE!
- ?
- Anonymous
- U@}
- 06 May 2011
Dislike! I dont want that much integration of facebook in my phone. Dont mess android please with so much customization! Give users right to delete or add any customizations at any point of time, I am happy!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0F0
- 06 May 2011
As someone who hates Facebook this is really bad news. Just when I thought that Sony Ericsson are going back to their glory days they go and integrate Facebook into their phones.
I have played with the cloud touch and its a horrible. I really hope that their next dual core flagship phone does not have Facebook integration and its just on selected XPERIA phones.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nGF
- 05 May 2011
Please let us remove this shit. Really, I stopped using Facebook 6 months ago. Zuckerberg can take his spy software and shove it.
- V
- VynZ
- 3xh
- 05 May 2011
What IS the point of a phone running an 'open' os when its packed so much with 'customisation' that it works like crap and cant be updated easily. If you want an android phone, buy a google branded phone otherwise you're better off buying one with a proprietary OS.
- L
- Laurynas
- 0xM
- 05 May 2011
I don't like it!
- o
- omac
- Rn@
- 05 May 2011
Ok ok thats nice, now where is your dual core flag ship device?