Motorola announces affordable W218, W360, W380 and W395

27 Mar, 2007
Motorola announced several new budget line GSM mobile phones - the W218, W360, W380, and W395. The new devices range from basic to feature-rich...

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  • m
  • malik
  • PxR
  • 05 May 2007

Plz somebody tell moto company to change shapes for new phones these are all old fashioned shapes from which we are bored too much........ these are budget phones,they will not be costly...... but their shape is boring.

    • N
    • NT
    • myC
    • 09 Apr 2007

    'Recycling old ideas'....yes true,but moto ain't the only ones doin' it....look how many bloody sliders samsung have endlessly churned out over the past few years,with only slight technical/cosmetic differences,SE have done the same thing ,and Nokia have done the recycling thing for years too,in fact pretty much all the manufacturers have released very similar models at some point- but there ain't no point moaning about it,so get a grip peeps!

      • t
      • toku
      • ijA
      • 31 Mar 2007

      hey this page is still wrong until now! why don't you guys fix it? who is running this website anyway? it's been almost a week now since this page was first displayed.

        • m
        • meghindo
        • nDS
        • 31 Mar 2007

        OMG is it just me or this phones doesn't represent nothing new?I mean...they are soo outdated....& they look 2005 two....Ugh I love when new phones come out but this is nasty...

          • G
          • Graeme
          • M3s
          • 29 Mar 2007

          This is just recycling ideas currently out there. Motorolla already have entry level phones at decent prices that look pretty much exactly like these do. The L6 and L7 have the candybar market covered, the V3 and V3i for clamshell. They even have the K1 and Z3 - at least they look a little different. I can't see what the purpose in launching these handsets is, they do nothing different and look the same as the existing range. If it was a bit of a design shake up or a completely different menu system I might understand it, but it seems that's never going to happen.

            • m
            • moglar
            • mEU
            • 29 Mar 2007

            Oh yay! More RAZR type phones...Why Motorola!? they're not even that thin anymore. Motorola can't even think of new names for their phones never mind new designers. They should fire those lazy designers in Motorola and hire 12 year olds to design the handsets. Like the Nokia 8800S, I think that was designed by Nokia's CEO's pet dog and look how good it looks. They just add another "X" to the names. V3, V3x, V3xx...What!!!!!?
            "Motorola Intelligence Everywhere" Where??

              • C
              • CK
              • P}0
              • 29 Mar 2007

              the last one is what? isn't it RAZR again?

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • wgd
                • 29 Mar 2007

                i just think that motorola have worn out the razr name, as well as the style of the keypad, the first time it was cool now it is just so old and yesterday!!!

                  • c
                  • cellz
                  • 4dL
                  • 28 Mar 2007

                  They are similar to the W375 and somehow the K1

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • A03
                    • 28 Mar 2007

                    bah, another razr. that starts to be boring

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • mLb
                      • 28 Mar 2007

                      Enough RAZR type phones.
                      Build different phones not the same type.
                      Motorola Intelligence Everywhere sorry Nowhere !!!

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • P1L
                        • 28 Mar 2007

                        Why using W index on them ? I thought at first it was Sony Ericsson until I read motorola and look at the boring razr design...
                        I think they've exploted too much that design...Maybe they run out of ideas...

                          • n
                          • nick
                          • m4e
                          • 28 Mar 2007

                          these phones are eachaother's clones...

                            • m
                            • matt
                            • Lxt
                            • 28 Mar 2007

                            mmm, no, no, no...

                              • Z
                              • Zain
                              • P%v
                              • 28 Mar 2007

                              Everythin the same, razr & moto slim whts the diff? same old designs

                                • c
                                • coffee
                                • 4xf
                                • 28 Mar 2007

                                boooriiingg. might as well change their name into Razrs instead of Motorola.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • QXN
                                  • 28 Mar 2007

                                  crap!! get real motorola same old ding dong. be inventive and bring out some decent designs. the V3 look is 2 years old now.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 2SR
                                    • 28 Mar 2007

                                    same desgins........... motorola's not doing gud......

                                      • m
                                      • maxx
                                      • wY5
                                      • 28 Mar 2007

                                      Motorola has no originality in naming their phones!

                                      Its like Sony Ericsson's Walkman phone name.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • iKt
                                        • 28 Mar 2007

                                        these r razrs in a fat body !