Sharp to go global with its 16MP 3D AQUOS phone

24 May, 2011
A few days ago, we showed you an Android running Sharp AQUOS phone with monster specs, and expressed our disappointment that the device is bound to stay Japan exclusive. Well, not anymore...

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  • A
  • nmD
  • 24 May 2011

anyone let me get this right.. does this phone has dual 16 mp camera??? and those two can record 3d videos also?? this is just wooooooo!!! ilove this phone!!

    • D
    • AnonD-977
    • va9
    • 24 May 2011

    'Global smartphone' usually means CDMA and GSM compatible which is what Verizon uses to describe some of their phones.

      • L
      • Lucho
      • L5b
      • 24 May 2011

      I don't wanna dissapoint anybody, but I think that by saying "Global Smartphone" they mean "It will work anywhere in the world (with roaming)". It's been quite common since SoftBank uses common 2G and 3G bands. The iPhone4 is also sold as a "Global Smartphone" in Japan.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • PEd
        • 24 May 2011

        good shot sharp. well done.


          • M
          • Marek
          • n5Q
          • 24 May 2011

          So what exactly are those monster specs mentioned in the article?

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • t7X
            • 24 May 2011

            sharp simply plan to introduce this phone to china where it already have a presence though not that big. i think if china is a success then they will introduce it to the other countries.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • n50
              • 24 May 2011

              with a name like AQUOS, is it still waterproof? if yes, instant buy.

                • D
                • AnonD-8966
                • fvV
                • 24 May 2011

                sharp make the best phones ever. i hope there phones will be global

                  • e
                  • eu
                  • spk
                  • 24 May 2011

                  but it's not even the same phone.. and it seems that u all act like that's not a problem..

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • PBR
                    • 24 May 2011

                    They called it global smartphone because it will be manufactured in China like all global smartphones? hmm

                      • m
                      • molotofc
                      • mXY
                      • 24 May 2011

                      I remember Sharp made some sort of flip phone for Vodafone UK many years ago

                        • R
                        • Ravi
                        • MJn
                        • 24 May 2011

                        I am guessing by "global" they mean anywhere outside Japan :)

                          I really hope that they will enter in the global markets! They are awesome! They are on a whole new level!