LG G6 for Sprint is just $119.76 today only, Verizon's version going for $287.76

18 August 2017
Keep in mind that you have just a few hours left to take advantage of these great deals.

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I went to the official Best Buy website to price check five minutes ago. The Verizon LG G6 is 28$ a month. That's not 287$.

    Flossy420, 18 Aug 2017Why the hell does LG drop their sale value so low? If a bo... moreLow popularity,no sales,not satisfying quality.LG G6 has last years chipset,that turns down customers,selfie camera is not up to standards of flagship and people still own the reputation of bootloops (even though LG fixed it long time ago).That's why LG value drops.
    LG is still great and all,but i picked Samsung S7 edge over it for the same money.Idk why.
    LG is attacked by many sides and not many prefer it sadly.People also disliked last year flagships.
    LG also has picked some bad choices in the past. LG G4 was perfect,but the snapdragon 808 was old and it was heating up,but people still loved it even with the bootloops.Then LG killed it with the LG G5 poor design and Lg G5 was hated by all for the design too and quality,V20 was too big and bulky with small upgrade over it and not offering that much.
    Now LG G6 is great but needs to fight his way to the reputation once it had.I think the LG v30 will change a lot of things and will bring even better reputation,so my advise would be getting V30.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 9aW
      • 19 Aug 2017

      As it should spirits network is terrible. You are basically buying a paper weight.

        • B
        • Big D
        • kt3
        • 19 Aug 2017

        How about Boost Mobile? Same as Sprint?

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • s{K
          • 19 Aug 2017

          Flossy420, 18 Aug 2017Why the hell does LG drop their sale value so low? If a bo... moreAsk the carriers - they are the ones selling it; this isn't really on LG.

            • R
            • Robert L
            • 0a{
            • 18 Aug 2017

            I just would like to no , where At&t is at with sells, cheap bastards.

              Why the hell does LG drop their sale value so low?
              If a bought this phone when it first come out for 600$, if i were to sell it, i would get about 250$ for it.

              If i bought an iPhone last year, i would still get more than 70% of its original value