LTE trials to begin in the UK, could roll out nationwide by 2014

25 May, 2011
South Newquay in Cornwall, England, are to see the first official trials of LTE technology in the UK. BT and Everything Everywhere have been granted permission to use part of the 800MHz spectrum...

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  • u
  • unlucky dude
  • uvf
  • 26 May 2011

You all are lucky enough to be able to be atleast getting a decent 3g network.
But here in india the 3g spectrum just got auctioned with a bag full of scams and delays.but still the 3g network is pathetic in most places and the reverts back to the bloody 2g network.
God save India.

    • t
    • to Christian
    • pdt
    • 26 May 2011

    you have g Wimax, not LTE.
    This is different nanotechnology.

      • C
      • Christian
      • M}3
      • 26 May 2011

      Norway has had 4G for some time now - unless I remember wrong, we had it before any other country.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 3ZQ
        • 26 May 2011

        Government is to blame, taken their sweet time (like they do with everything else) to get the digital transfer done.

          • O
          • Oblivion
          • mVE
          • 25 May 2011

          Anonymous, 25 May 2011why on earth are they trialling this system in such a benig... moreI believe it's because if they can make it work there with high speed then more built up areas will be a breeze in comparison.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • mE0
            • 25 May 2011

            O2 did LTE 4G trials 18 months ago in the UK !!

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • MVg
              • 25 May 2011

              Android will be better and out perform any os

              android rules

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • iIR
                • 25 May 2011

                why on earth are they trialling this system in such a benighted back water

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 3Ax
                  • 25 May 2011

                  any one else see a problem with those in the black spots registering intrest on a website?

                    • b
                    • bob
                    • M31
                    • 25 May 2011

                    first.... about time,

                      • D
                      • AnonD-309
                      • KIY
                      • 25 May 2011

                      Well,well,well, 4G in UK , Amazing news , but why its taking too long to establish the Lte . Why we are so behind as compare to the other nations

                        • D
                        • Dave
                        • myA
                        • 25 May 2011

                        God now we will have even more high priced contracts

                          • l
                          • lt user
                          • 0xP
                          • 25 May 2011

                          LTE already running in Lithuania. Of course, covered only some cities, but it's improving. By the way, no lte phones in the market yet, only modems for pc ar available...