iPhone 8: Gesture controls fully replace the home button, new report claims

30 August 2017
Apple's iconic home button will be obliterated even in concept in the tenth anniversary smartphone.

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  • D
  • AnonD-113455
  • Ibx
  • 31 Aug 2017

AnonD-85415, 31 Aug 2017What's new in the iPhone 8. Every f**king feature being ... moreThere is a new feature in iPhone 8. There is spit eye notch on top of screen. Apple always waiting and do it RIGHT at the end as claimed by ifans. Apple makes sure when you look at the screen your eye don't cross hahaaha.

    • D
    • AnonD-85415
    • bEW
    • 31 Aug 2017

    BiyoBiyo JunJun, 31 Aug 2017android user always feel uncomfortable when apple do someth... moreYeah, you are right! Now again we android users will have to endure those sleepless nights as to how dare Apple copy some of the features that are already available in android phones!!

    Scary right..

      • D
      • AnonD-85415
      • bEW
      • 31 Aug 2017

      What's new in the iPhone 8.

      Every f**king feature being already used in android phones! :D

        • p
        • piku
        • gML
        • 31 Aug 2017

        seems ugly to me

          • W
          • WE NEED MOUSE.
          • 2Is
          • 31 Aug 2017

          Gesture control is not all nice, they need to think it carefully.

          1. Too much, will conflict with existing apps control. Ending up with mistake clicks and tabs.
          2. Too complex will need multiple hand to trigger a basic feature. Then its no longer a one handed phone. (and might conflict with double tap home for reachability feature)
          3. Gesture is like shortcuts, that need to be learned. If not intuitive enough, it will anger / confuse simple people.

          Apple used to laugh at Android for their old 3 button software keys.. They better not repeat that same mistake.

          But given Apple's track records (Copy Pencil, copy notification, copy bezels, copy remove home button), i can see it coming in the future.

            • D
            • AnonD-66340
            • X{W
            • 31 Aug 2017

            LOL you really are a thinker man :D

              • D
              • AnonD-76172
              • 86w
              • 31 Aug 2017

              I've been doing this for years on Android. Think I'll sue Apple for copying.

              Will admit though, as ugly as this phone looks (not surprising given their history), at least they have the right idea of shrinking the bezels. That nasty looking cutout at the top though...

                I think such gesture navigation will make the ios a blackberry
                Os type. Its not good. I sarted liking present ios navigation on my
                6S and look forward to iphone 8. But this is scarring me now

                  android user always feel uncomfortable when apple do something ... they really afraid with apple, they even cant sleep at night thinking about apple ...

                  so , no matter what android user do like bashing or made fun of apple , just let them be ... their life soo miserable ..

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • vV5
                    • 31 Aug 2017

                    AnonD-79703, 30 Aug 2017sailfish much?Agree.

                      This gestiure control is really a smart move by Apple. I can't wait to see the iPhone 8 rocking iOS 11.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-605278
                        • t7x
                        • 31 Aug 2017

                        [deleted post]Arrows NX F04G is the phone.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 5Jj
                          • 31 Aug 2017

                          Now that's innovation.

                          Only took them 10 years to change it.


                            Everybody adores Apple even if they are just inovaters. Lets see them be the first at something for once instead of taking all the glory for something someone else came up with first. Oh wait they did, Apple maps. They ditched Google maps for there own version, oh wait they were copying that too.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-218710
                              • 6P@
                              • 31 Aug 2017

                              Creating Concepts is not easy, nature and decade old habits don't go away easily! Swipe half and beyond is complicated, as it's availability is doubtful, producing restrains, it's might be sold available in black market. War of everyone getting one, is compromised. Apple you have started a new complicated rat race of acquiring one!

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • rZu
                                • 31 Aug 2017

                                I bet it will be like BB10 OS gesture features.

                                  It worked for the Nokia N9, remember?

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-691116
                                    • xEc
                                    • 31 Aug 2017

                                    This is a very smart move by Apple if true. I've always felt that swiping and gestures are the future having seen the Nokia N9 in action . Some apps already have a sliding left menu so it's not like users are totally unused to it. Why not make it the usual universal gesture for the most common functions and rid of screen wasting buttons altogether I say... Android should do same too. Imo.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-563937
                                      • Nte
                                      • 31 Aug 2017

                                      if the iphone 8 looked like that i would admit apple is innovation , if not , it is just lying scheming shitty company.

                                        • S
                                        • Slayer
                                        • nFM
                                        • 31 Aug 2017

                                        Jeez.....that is one ugly motherf.......g phone! Those cut outs should have been re-thought. Lol