iPhone sales in the US up while others stagnate

02 July, 2011
According to the latest survey by Nielsen, 38% of mobile phone users in the US now own a smartphone. Also, out of all the people who purchased phones in the last three months, 55% purchased a smart...

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  • D
  • AnonD-1825
  • p77
  • 06 Jul 2011

Tom you should read the new stats

Top Mobile OEMs february-may

24.8% 24.8% 0.0% change 0% again samsung didn't grow their market share like they didnt last time.

7.5% 8.7% UP 1.2% Apple gain market share AGAIN! most gained brand. actually lg was only one who also gain market share 0,2%

"Apple's market share is the fastest growing (1.2 percent points up over the past three months)"

Apple won again, who is surprised? :) Tom might. I have tryed to say to you many times that iPhone has biggest potential markets but you just cant accept that, this new stats again clearly shows how well iPhone doing. AND THE FACT THAT YOU BEEN WRONG THE WHOLE TIME!

I think this new stat finally closes this fight, let's continue this after six months :) when we have iPhone 5 vs galaxy s2.

    • D
    • AnonD-1825
    • p77
    • 06 Jul 2011

    AnonD-10525, 06 Jul 2011So if its not about what device does it better but its abou... more"was so mad when the phone started acting up - which was about 2 weeks in btw."

    That's exactly what those galaxy s2 users told in galaxy s2 user forum. They loved their Galaxy s2 first, but after two week the problems has started. Maybe many of those phone rebooting itself problems is because overheating phone, and you don't need to play games with galaxy s2, it's get very hot even normal use what i readed.

    Many have already send their galaxy s2 to fix, some of them got new unit and still have lot of problems, some of said they wanted try this galaxy s2 and now regret to buy one and got back to iPhone which works perfectly.

    So much problems already and it's not even been out for long time.

      • D
      • AnonD-10525
      • qC$
      • 06 Jul 2011

      [deleted post]So if its not about what device does it better but its about having as many of those things available on one device.... then why are you bragging that the Galaxy S2 can do everything better??? You make no sense. And who says I'm carrying aroud 20 devices. TWO devices. Read... TWO. Phone... camcorder. 2

      I can read just fine, I can actually type very well and WRITE very well, unlike you. Sometimes your words are confusing - they are missing certain grammatical elements that cause what you say to be confusing at times. That is not my fault. Is English not your native language? Not trying to be a jerk, just curious.

      Trolling? This article was about the iPhone holding onto market share and increasing it. I was commenting here on that fact. YOU came in here TROLLING looking for a fight against iPhone users. YOU are the troll, sir. If this was an Android centered article then I would be the troll. Sorry its not.

      And is that your best excuse for an Android device not working properly? YOU KNOW what I am talking about when I say that many Android devices crash and have issues like this. Its those poor underpowered androids that have all the problems. I never threw my Galaxy at a wall. Its just an inefficient poorly put together device. The OS is buggy and it lags! Plain and simple. There is no other explanation. The only thing I was BUTTHURT over... actually just "pissed" is that I spent $200 on that phone when I could have gotten the N8 right away and save money from having to get the N8 from Amazon.

      And the Galaxy S is NOT a good phone. Its very clear you've never used one. OR you did and are in complete denial. What I find amusing is that you act as if my phone is working great and that I'm lying. No sir the Galaxy is a problem child with many issues. Why do you think I wanted to get a different phone so bad? When I first got it I absolutely LOVED it. See - my distaste for Android came from experience. I was so mad when the phone started acting up - which was about 2 weeks in btw. Let the fandroid forums rave on about how good their clunky plastic junk galaxy is. Its a phone with problems. End of story.

      Statistics have shown that iPhone users are more satisfied with their phones than most android users. The problem is that these people get the cheapest android they can find (free maybe?) and it isn't impressive... so they just "live with it". Causing them to rethink getting another one or not.

      And already told you that I honestly don't care if you DO have a macbook air... I'm using an i5 iMac so whats your point? Do you NOT understand why I said that???? Really? I said that only because you dared challenge me that I had a Galaxy. Want me to take a pick of me holding my galaxy?

      The only one lying here is you.

      Since I never heard of your dumb trooloololollllololloll crap it must not exist other than in your head.

      And the only one butthurt here Tommy boy is you because everyone in this forum is telling you how wrong you are and you know its true. Especially about the HOT OVERHEATING dumbphone you have.

        • D
        • AnonD-10525
        • qC$
        • 06 Jul 2011

        Tom-Helge, 06 Jul 2011Yeah all of the hardcore Alienware gaming laptops with mass... more"Yeah all of the hardcore Alienware gaming laptops with massive GPU's and massive CPU's are going to melt to right?

        Oh noes, they gets a bit hot when you are gaming, oh mah god, it's the end of the world."

        Tom, you are deflecting the point here. I wasn't talking about Alienware gaming laptops that run hot when you are running full tilt. We are talking about a phone that is noted to run hot while doing basic stuff. And run VERY hot under duress. What does this say about Samsung's brilliant engineering? Or about Google's "need" to make the OS run soooo much stuff that hardly anyone needs that they'll not write the OS to be efficient enough to run without overheating the phone. The trick is to not overwork the hardware. Just was talking to someone yesterday at work who's family member has a newer high powered samsung. This person said they were lucky to get 6-7 hours of battery life. And this is just the phone sitting in their pocket at work.

        Truth is - the Galaxy S2 runs hot. And its going to cause problems for users - as it apparently already has. As it is now - that is a big problem. Especially if there are reports of the phone shutting down and not restarting for a while. OH yea - great features - if you can get the damn phone to stop overheating long enough to stay on!

          • D
          • AnonD-1825
          • p77
          • 06 Jul 2011

          Tom-Helge, 06 Jul 2011Yeah, being fast isn't really helping much when iOS lacks t... more"I'll rather have a not so fast and cheap Android phones that have all of those good functions that suits me very well rather than having a fast iPhone with absolutely no functions, almost"

          yes and you can and it's your opinion.

          I would pick iPhone over slow and crappy android phones everytime. It has every function what i need. What i do with phone which i used two minutes and it was pain as hell, have you tryed zte blade? if you are saying iPhone 3gs is bad because it's slow and "laggy" Zte blade is very laggy all the time even moving in OS. Even 2008 3g iPhone works better even first iPhone might (never tryed)

          For me smooth user experience and smooth browser are one of the most important things when buying phone, it so much enjoyable to use phone which works butterly smooth. I hate lag that's why i use iPhone. Also because i'm graphic designer i like good looking stuff, everything in IOS works perfectly together in graphical way, it's enjoy for eyes how well every little details have thinked. IOS is perfectly unified Ui.

          Only android phone which i could buy is galaxy s2, but like i said still too big for me, and all the problems i read i'm not that impressed anymore.

          users experience: Wifi stop working after two hours, someone tryed to call for you but you have been unreached, people are saying phonevoice comes from under ground, data wont move (booting phone helps), screen problems (flicker screen, dead pixels (many have this), phone booting itself when loading battery, phone calls disconnecting, you can't make calls, yellow screen tin,

          Overal there so much different crashing and booting reports and so many people who are very frustrated about quality to make call or get call

          Is it that hard you to understand everyone don't want same than you?

          Because you clearly can't see any other opinion than your own. If you want cheap crappy android phone, EVERYONE dont, also EVERYONE dont want that fast iPhone over more features.

          You have repeated your same comments about two day now :D

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • mTW
            • 06 Jul 2011

            Dear Tom

            1. What car do you drive?
            2. Do you own a house? What kind of house do you own?
            3. Are you married? What kind of woman did you marry?
            4. Do you have a console? If so, which one did you buy?
            5. What camera do you use?
            6. What computer do you use?
            7. What clothes do you wear?

            You don't have to answer. The questions above are just for you to think. Whatever your answers, you have a right to them, as they are indicative of your choice.

            If you like speed, you would buy a fast car, but if you had 8 kids, you may not buy a two seater. Then again, you may buy both.

            Even with all the money in the world, you will not be able to please everyone. You could buy the best value for money digicam, and people would say real guys use DSLR. You could then buy the best DSLR, then people could say its not the camera, its the photographer. You could even buy 10 cameras, the best in each category, and yet still, someone could say "Photography is lame".

            The answers to the questions above, are irrelevant to me. The only person that counts, is you. You decide what to buy, what to use, for yourself.

            Free choice FTW!

              AnonD-10525, 06 Jul 2011Your phone overheats. Soon all that hot hardware will kill... moreYeah all of the hardcore Alienware gaming laptops with massive GPU's and massive CPU's are going to melt to right?

              Oh noes, they gets a bit hot when you are gaming, oh mah god, it's the end of the world.

                The post under was me (Tom-Helge). The browser decided to log me out before i pressed the 'Submit' button.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-10525
                  • qC$
                  • 06 Jul 2011

                  [deleted post]Your phone overheats. Soon all that hot hardware will kill the phone. It will melt. Keep at fire extinguisher handy. Don't put it in your pocket or you'll get burned!


                    • D
                    • AnonD-10525
                    • qC$
                    • 06 Jul 2011

                    [deleted post]You questioned why I had a dedicated device for video and pictures when the idea was to have everything mobile in one device. Um Duh - because the dedicated camera DOES IT BETTER

                    Are YOU for real?

                    And those are not panic posts. People only panic when they are in trouble. I just forgot something or realized you said something and forgot to respond. There was no panic. I am, however, a fast typist so its not difficult for me to make multiple posts and think nothing of it.

                    And having my phone and my camcorder is hardly 50 devices. Its 2.

                    The camera on the Galaxy is a great one! I never said it wasn't. But its when you fandroids act like every single thing about the phone is superior - then is when you all start sounding stupid. Yes I had a fandroid tell me that once that the N8 was inferior to the Galaxy in terms of the camera.

                    I take a lot of nature pics and the Nokia does a brilliant job of it... its one of its greatest strengths.

                    And I'm allowed to challenge you on the MacBook Air. Why? Because you said I never owned a Galaxy... probably because you thought it was impossible that it had so many problems. Sorry but it does. Never had those kinds of problems from any Apple products. (with the exception of the time capsule's drive)

                    And they didn't have phones in the stoneage. once again you act like the iPhone is horrible tech. its from 2010 and when it came out it was awesome stuff. Its still a great phone and is much better than still many android devices. It will be replaced soon so relax.

                    And what the hell is "troolololoool play mobile"?????

                    I'm actually heading to bed finally after finishing some stuff. Some of us work for a living. You are probably just some kid that has nothing better to do with his time than sit on here. You show all the tactless signs of it.

                    BTW - the forums are loaded with overheating issues. Those are not good things to have happen. Overheating can do some damage. Way to go Samsuck.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-10525
                      • qC$
                      • 06 Jul 2011

                      Tom-Helge, 06 Jul 2011OMG, panic posting that even made you to post the same repl... more"I just posted a link where some peoples told how they was liking their iPhones after getting a new phone. And i'm no where an Android fanboi just because of that alone.

                      I'm sure you are butthurt because they are telling the fact / truth after getting one of the best phones in the world atm."

                      ROFL... funny! Especially since the link you posted was from an HTC forum, not just a general forum. That's like going to NY and asking who they think its better - the Yankees or the Phillies. Seriously????? You could not have posted a more DUMB link if you tried! That was took no brains.

                      Butthurt? Haha... not when you just put your foot in your mouth.

                      Go back to your overheating phone. Yes it overheats. You know it does.


                        • D
                        • AnonD-10525
                        • qC$
                        • 06 Jul 2011

                        Tom-Helge, 06 Jul 2011Yeah, and because it took you 30 mins to boot up the Galaxy... more"Yeah you see what i'm talking about here."

                        Haha... I love how you do that. Talk like you know what I'm thinking. Hardly! No I think you are stupid for thinking that a mobile phone will ever be able to take better photos and video than a dedicated device. So you think NASA is longing for the day when they can take Hubble out of orbit and send up a Galaxy S smartphone to do all the work? No, sir.

                        You dont make much sense and all you are doing is bleeding fandroidism. Nothing you say is doing anything other than driving me FAARRRTHERRRR away from that horrible OS Android and all of its cheap plastic phones that overheat and crash and freeze and take 30 minutes to reboot. Bleh!!! Horrible!

                        Gimme my old SE K790 over any Android phone any day!

                          [deleted post]OMG, panic posting that even made you to post the same reply 2 times.

                          LOL keep panic posting, it's funny.

                          I just posted a link where some peoples told how they was liking their iPhones after getting a new phone. And i'm no where an Android fanboi just because of that alone.

                          I'm sure you are butthurt because they are telling the fact / truth after getting one of the best phones in the world atm.

                          The thing about that the Galaxy S II gets hot.

                          It's like saying OMG, my Alienware hardcore gaming laptop is getting hot, omg it sucks.

                          Ofc it will get a bit hot when you run more CPU heavy programs and such.

                          And because the Galaxy S II is so thin, then it most likely have to offer some cooling on the CPU. It's logical.

                          So the heat is something i can live with. And it's nothing to worry about either, because it's none that have burned their Galaxy S II's because the CPU / phone gets so hot.

                          So it's just normal.

                          EDIT: Samsung will pretty soon release an update that will fix the issues with the CPU being so hot.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-10525
                            • qC$
                            • 06 Jul 2011

                            Tom-Helge, 06 Jul 2011Yeah, being fast isn't really helping much when iOS lacks t... moreYou keep saying that even the crappy Android phones can outdo iOS. They can't even run the current version!

                            You'll defend the crappy Android phones that have low screen resolution and slow processors and lag badly.... but you'll bash the iPhone 3GS that has a great track record.

                            Your arguments are very one sided. You are a biased fandroid.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-10525
                              • qC$
                              • 06 Jul 2011

                              Tom-Helge, 06 Jul 2011Yeah, and because it took you 30 mins to boot up the Galaxy... moreYou just asked me again why I hate Android? Haven't you been listening???? The phone took 30 minutes to reboot. It wasn't the first time it took long to do so. Other times it felt like it was never going to leave the flashing logo screen. Apps crashed and force closed all the time (may wouldn't even start like Angry Birds and Words with Friends), home screens lagged, widgets vanished and had to be re-added. I felt the phone was decent hardware but what can you expect from an OS that lags? Have some other friends that had the HTC Incredible.... one would shut off randomly and the other would lag just like my Samsung.

                              I never experience lag in iOS. Only in Symbian 3 a tiny bit. And There are things that I wish Symbian 3 would have that iOS DOES have.

                                AnonD-10525, 06 Jul 2011Great point Duel! I've said this same argument to Tom be... moreYeah, being fast isn't really helping much when iOS lacks the most basic function of what a dirt cheap Android phone have.

                                I'll rather have a not so fast and cheap Android phones that have all of those good functions that suits me very well rather than having a fast iPhone with absolutely no functions, almost.

                                And i'm not saying anywhere that iOS is losing market share. I'm saying that if Apple doesn't change iOS quite alot soon, they will most likely lose market share because peoples gets piss bored with the same shitty UI since iOS have had since 2007.

                                Symbian was living it's good days before Android came on the market. And when Android came it took a little while before the Symbian guys actually did realize that Android was miles ahead over Symbian. Peoples then lost interest in Symbian because Symbian was very poor to update the OS other than giving bug fixes and some small changes here and there.

                                And you see what happened to Symbian right?

                                And the same thing is going to happen with iOS if Apple doesn't change iOS totally soon.

                                Per now, iOS is doing good, but like i said, it's now.

                                And who did tell you that 5 of those Android phones in this case would be only cheap phones?

                                One of the phones could be dirt cheap while the other one could be a killer phone hardware wise.

                                And lol, like Angry Birds require so much graphic power to run smoothly.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-10525
                                  • qC$
                                  • 06 Jul 2011

                                  EVERYONE... Google search "Galaxy S2 overheating". Quite a few links. Many from android forums. Read a review the other night and they too were discussing how hot the unit got. One user spoke about the smell of melting plastic. Another user - his phone got so hot it shut off! The only device I ever get any degree of warmth from is the 4th gen iPod touch.

                                  Proof that no phone is perfect. I bet Samsung will take some "heat" for this one.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-10525
                                    • qC$
                                    • 06 Jul 2011

                                    Tom-Helge, 06 Jul 2011Oh, and just to add this to this discussion: http://forum.x... moreBTW posting a link to an HTC Sensation forum and acting like "wow users hate the iPhone" is pretty pathetic and actually makes you look like even more of a fanboy. As one guy on there even said - its about the sensation what do you think people are really gonna chose? So BIG TIME FAIL.

                                    So how's the failing wifi, bluetooth, and reception on that crappy Sensation? And how about the overheating issues reported on the Galaxy S2?

                                      AnonD-10525, 06 Jul 2011The N8 runs circles around the Galaxy S I had because it do... moreYeah, and because it took you 30 mins to boot up the Galaxy S, then it's clearly a hardware fault and not because the Galaxy S is a bad phone.

                                      Yeah, it's also true that feature wise, Symbian kicks iOS'es ass pretty hard. And Symbians problem is poor support and slow updates and ofc the bad UI.

                                      Yes, i told longer down that Nokia N8 is much better in the camera and 720p video recording thing over the Galaxy S II.

                                      But still, if we looks away from the Nokia N8, then nothing comes close to the Galaxy S II again. Simple as that.

                                      Can i ask why you hate Android?

                                      If you care about having excelent picture and 720p video recording quality, then ofc Nokia N8 is a good phone to have. I'm not denying it by any means.

                                      But then, i would take a Nokia N8 ANYDAYS over an iPhone 4 :-).

                                      The point here is not to have a dedicated 16mp camcorder when the whole point here is to have most things in one device (mobilephone).

                                      It wouldn't be fun to have a seperate camera, seperate mp3 player, a Sony PSP (to do the gaming) and use the laptop for web surfing with you.

                                      You see my point in this right?

                                      The point is to be able to do all of this in the same device while still having good enough quality on the camera and video recording on the phone and so on.

                                      Yeah you see what i'm talking about here.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-10525
                                        • qC$
                                        • 06 Jul 2011

                                        Tom-Helge, 06 Jul 2011And because you can get cheap Android phones with all of th... moreBTW, Tom, Angry Birds - ran great on my old 2nd gen iPod Touch. And when you dismiss iOS as "not that big a deal" in terms of market share... you keep forgetting that its not just the iPhone running it. Its iPod touches, AND the iPads. If you completely eliminate Phones and just focus on tablets... then Apple is slaughtering the competition. There is no other way to look at it. Even still a year and a half after iPad 1 was introduced and nobody has come up with a suitable opponent. Galaxy Tabs failed, Xoom failed, Iconia failed, etc. Even the Playbook is failing. And the HP TouchPad isn't cashing in at all. However the HP touchpad has the best formula, next to iPad. The often criticized aspect ratio of the iPad is now looking to be the preferred one. So much for the Android makers acting like everyone wanted 16:9.

                                        Its almost 11 here in Pennsylvania. So I'm out.