Tim Cook talks about how the HomePod sets itself apart from Amazon and Google

24 January 2018
Cook is confident that the new speaker offers an unmatched audio experience.

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Apple's repro is all about creating sound without distortion. Not sure if others offer that but it can hardly be considered as creating high quality sound. Its digital interference as opaque to pure sound playback. Most people won't hear difference, but not everyone.
I just need to see how their phone still records mono audio and I got Idea already what is sound quality to them.

    • D
    • AnonD-715331
    • UFD
    • 24 Jan 2018

    Pee off Timmy, Stick to what Jobs told you to do and don't build a phone over 4 inches oh wait.....

      Wait! How is this apple crap consider a " smart home speaker " if Apple doesn't plan to put their voice assistant in it? Cause if this is just gonna be a pricey wireless speaker( Bluetooth or WiFi) with a Apple logo on it, that's just crap!
      I mean if this crap really is a WiFi wireless speaker like the Google home, Google home mini or the Max, and the adapter like Chromecast audio does. Then it isn't settings it apart from anybody, or let along being a leader of any kind!
      I don't know what's in it yet, I'm definitely interested in what's Apple gonna fool their fans with, if this is really turn out to be a WiFi wireless speaker like all the new Google toy does. Then Apple is dead and their fans are just sheeps!
      If you already have a much much better ( or expansive sound system) with the aux input, just get a Chromecast audio for less than $40 bucks and turn it into a wireless speaker via your WiFi.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • IWM
        • 24 Jan 2018

        The way he put it sounds like this is just another good speaker with nothing special, so being Apple that set this apart from the rest. Oh well, let's see if he has under marketed this item.

          • t
          • techguy
          • Rjs
          • 24 Jan 2018

          the " price "

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • vGX
            • 24 Jan 2018

            Apple playing catch up.

            No more the marketing or technical leaders in any segement ...