Official photo of Samsung Galaxy S II in white emerges

28 July, 2011
Samsung Galaxy S II reveals itself to the world, dressed in white. Should be on sale in August.

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  • G
  • Gem86
  • nid
  • 29 Jul 2011

Could we please stop the Apple copy-rants? Black and White phones are older than my mommy's girl parts, Apple didn't invent that, not even the marketing idea.

Since about the year 1999, there have been white and black versions of phones. It has even been good practice in marketing to provide the market with a black version, and release a white one shortly thereafter. That is also why many anxiously awaited a white version of the Iphone 4 - this is not Apple marketing, it's *marketing* in general. White is considered desireable/a fashion statement/more suitable for women, take your pick, fact is pretty much every company knows White is popular. (Look @ the Nintendo Wii, Sony Walkman(phones), Discmans, TV's etc.)

So please, stop trolling.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • nid
    • 29 Jul 2011

    i wating!, 29 Jul 2011When yellow is coming?.Probably around Easter :)

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • nid
      • 29 Jul 2011

      Jteve Sobs, 29 Jul 2011I'm not referring to other manufacturers or other phones bu... moreI knew it had to happen some day -

      An Apple fanboy saying they invented White and Black.


        • D
        • AnonD-11691
        • 04n
        • 29 Jul 2011

        Scoof, 29 Jul 2011let's see if it takes Samsung a year to paint a phone in white...It took them less dan 3nths 2 release white SGS2 wen u dont have any knowledge of somthing stop makin ur self fool

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • P%$
          • 29 Jul 2011

          Anonymous, 29 Jul 2011Because they used cheap plastic and that things makes the g... moreeven you use gold cover, that's not mean you are not cheap!

            • t
            • telo
            • uWF
            • 29 Jul 2011

            it was time when apple overcome other cells but samsung strike back in such a way that apple is not being able to release iphone5 which can compete galaxyS2 ... android is on top and apple users should consume it :P

              • t
              • telo
              • uWF
              • 29 Jul 2011

              it was time when apple overcome other cells but samsung strike back in such a way that apple is not being able to release iphone5 which can compete galaxyS2 ... android is on top and apple users should consume it :P

                • L
                • LooL
                • 70c
                • 29 Jul 2011

                As with cars, big size should be dark color and small size bright color. That is why the gigantic S2 should be black, and the cute SE Xperia mini looks good in white

                  • B
                  • BKP
                  • tRf
                  • 29 Jul 2011

                  I think Samsung are smart ass guys.....Agree they copied the Apple in design, but inovated like the home button takes less space, cramped more powerfull components in thinner body. Finally they used some good quality plastic to overcome the cheap feeling (remember galaxy s) Also priced it higher then Apple based iphone model (non contract phone.) and sold 5 millions even without starting in US. Where they won't come close to iphone is after one year you won't even find a screen protector or case for Galaxy s II but check in the market you still get the acessories for iphone 3. Iphone get the OS update immediately but it takes ages for HTC/Samsung to give the updates. I am no fan of Apple, if Galaxy S II comes with Window 7 then I will surely buy or if they sell it with uncustomized Andriod like google phone. Hardware is the best in Samsung phone which no one can beat.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • j@N
                    • 29 Jul 2011

                    EdB, 29 Jul 2011If you think the plasticky, feather weight phone felt/looke... moreAgree!!!

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • j@N
                      • 29 Jul 2011

                      Anonymous, 29 Jul 2011The phone does not look good any ways to even look good in white.Because they used cheap plastic and that things makes the galaxy user looks cheap!

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • j@N
                        • 29 Jul 2011

                        [deleted post]transparent! :) lol

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • u1v
                          • 29 Jul 2011

                          the phone's n the colors r great toooo

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • w6L
                            • 29 Jul 2011

                            white or black make no different wat really matter is the spec is good...

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • FvC
                              • 29 Jul 2011

                              hey ppl i think d white looks tops n note that not everything white revolves around apple cos wat about blackberry most of they models are now white y are ppl not saying dey copied apple all phone makers have they own choice n design its just wat ppl choose that matter and so wat if sgs is now white samsung just wants to make money n oda phones sell in white so y cant d sgs

                                • S
                                • Scoof
                                • n{Z
                                • 29 Jul 2011

                                let's see if it takes Samsung a year to paint a phone in white...

                                  • E
                                  • EdB
                                  • qQe
                                  • 29 Jul 2011

                                  If you think the plasticky, feather weight phone felt/looked cheap before, it will really look cheap in white. Sorry to mess w/ everyone's Lord & Saviour

                                    • o
                                    • o0o
                                    • R5h
                                    • 29 Jul 2011

                                    lol..sure d white was awesome man..great and sexy man..

                                      • k
                                      • khushal
                                      • uvm
                                      • 29 Jul 2011

                                      no metter is colour in black or white but we didnt see to many phones in white so its feel something diffrant.
                                      i will stick to my black colour SII

                                        • F
                                        • Fueled
                                        • KIe
                                        • 29 Jul 2011

                                        I think white is going to make you unique