Official photo of Samsung Galaxy S II in white emerges

28 July, 2011
Samsung Galaxy S II reveals itself to the world, dressed in white. Should be on sale in August.

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  • G
  • Gman
  • 7BC
  • 29 Jul 2011

This phone looks awesome in white! I like it a much!!!

    • J
    • JunePhilippines
    • t7G
    • 29 Jul 2011

    TheTruth, 29 Jul 2011Black sucks. White rules. Black is ugly, dumpy and dirty.... moreIt depends upon individual taste. For me, i prefer black because cellphones are like watches, u need to match it with your outfit. Black is more versatile.

    And it matches my gums, which is also in black.

      • K
      • Kean
      • vV5
      • 29 Jul 2011

      I like it red.

        • J
        • Jteve Sobs
        • PUj
        • 29 Jul 2011

        AnonD-15185, 29 Jul 2011Expected to the Apple Fanboy... Don't tell me they invente... moreI never said they did! But of all other colors, they just had to go with black and white. The very 2 signature colors that Apple has used from iPods to the iPhone 3GS/4. With lawsuits flying around, it's time to pay the piper, Sammy ol' boy.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • IVU
          • 29 Jul 2011

          i think black for men and white for ladies...

            • J
            • Joey
            • 9F8
            • 29 Jul 2011

            wow.. SGS 2 in white color looks great!!!

              • T
              • TheTruth
              • 4Hu
              • 29 Jul 2011

              Black sucks. White rules. Black is ugly, dumpy and dirty. White is clean, crisp and smart.

              I'm sick of the lack of choice with the color of most phones...forcing consumers to buy ugly black hardware. As one of the many Americans anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Galaxy S2, I'll wait as long as it takes until they're available in white in the USA.

              And I thought I was going to have to buy a white phone protector to make my future phone look less black. This is a dream come true!!

                • D
                • AnonD-15185
                • t7X
                • 29 Jul 2011

                Jteve Sobs, 29 Jul 2011Expected. Since they just have to copy Apple. Expected to the Apple Fanboy...
                Don't tell me they invented color white phones??

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • HBB
                  • 29 Jul 2011

                  White is feminine

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • u{a
                    • 29 Jul 2011

                    White is tight

                      • S
                      • Sunny
                      • TVW
                      • 29 Jul 2011

                      white is much better for both gentlemen and ladies

                        • C
                        • CC
                        • IVT
                        • 29 Jul 2011

                        I like SGS2 in white more than black, it look excellence

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 0Ue
                          • 29 Jul 2011

                          if you do a search on google youll find same picture in black same date, hour and even the screen1 the phone is on touchwiz window.

                          looks like either a well made photoshop pic or something

                            • j
                            • jeon
                            • PB1
                            • 29 Jul 2011

                            i think black is better.. reduce the black's price to give way for the white.. :P

                              • J
                              • JayJ
                              • IVF
                              • 29 Jul 2011

                              Yea, finally S2 in white, and it looks so cool for me. I don't see why the fellows saying that this is a copy of Iphone. If the "white" of a white device means a copyright of the device, then all the white stuff must be filed a lawsuit by the Apple??

                                • M
                                • Malith
                                • wur
                                • 29 Jul 2011


                                  • J
                                  • Jteve Sobs
                                  • PUj
                                  • 29 Jul 2011

                                  Expected. Since they just have to copy Apple.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • q}@
                                    • 29 Jul 2011

                                    Mmmm its definitely an attractive phone but I'm going to stick with black. The super amoled screen flushed in right with the rest of the phone to make it appear like its not even there, I kinda like that :D

                                      • j
                                      • jn043
                                      • tRa
                                      • 29 Jul 2011

                                      black looks smarter. White kind of looks like a cheap korean knock off.

                                        • =
                                        • =l
                                        • iiY
                                        • 29 Jul 2011

                                        AnonD-4764, 29 Jul 2011NOW Samsung are definitely copying Apple. I hope their asse... moreumm the white scheme was done for like 10 years -_- are u dumb?

                                        i had samsung phones in the past and they all had white versions of the phones if they were popular