Samsung Galaxy S9+ vs. Apple iPhone X camera comparison

27 February 2018
We've decided to do a quick shootout between the two flagships while we are still in Barcelona.

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  • r
  • radu
  • ajP
  • 07 Mar 2018

s9 is a better camera... and yes i have the 8 plus i am not a fan ... and i will buy s9 plus

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 3DR
    • 06 Mar 2018

    Larsen, 27 Feb 2018Apple is still two light years behind Android flagships... ... moreWrong, you and everyone else are being blind to the truth. The truth is Apple isn't behind at all. The Truth is that they're actually ahead in some aspects such as security and facial recog. That DOESN'T mean they're the best phone, but that applies both way.

    "The BEST Phone" is subjective to the user. GSM has been notorious for being 90% Android lovers which includes a heavy bias(Nothing wrong with a bit of bias), but the blatant need to slander Apple users for preferring a phone is childish.

    IOS is a better and more secure software than Android, that's a fact. It's even more simple to use, BUT this does restrict users from such options.

    Conclusion: Stop being silly and hating on people. IPhone is Good. Samsung is Good. Sony is-.. You get my drift. Nobody is an idiot unless you're disrespecting facts to fuel your ridiculous hate for Apple or Android. Each phone has it's peaks and downfalls, it's how we can POSITIVELY compare the two that matters.

    In THIS case I would suggest neither of them are up to par in low light, though we all know this is a common IPhone trait. Although Samsung boasted about their photos in low light and have nothing less but fallen short. IE - Samsung wins and it's not necessarily hard to win as previously mentioned, the IPhone X is designed for Good lighting photos.


      How fake apple can you be,guys? just chill! iph X was like 3rd or 4th best camera of the year back in 2017 as it was 1. Pixel 2 XL 2. Note 8 3. Mate 10 Pro/iph X and so on! I can clearly see that iph X's images has lots of noise and colors are so washed out, I am not viewing on OLED display so I think it is safe to say that color re-production is way better on S9+, not to mention, S9+ sharpening is in optimal position,(because not being over-sharpened).
      Gosh, these people are like being brainwashed or something? cos once a person is told enough times about lies, those people will likely to think lies are the "Truth"

        • D
        • AnonD-706449
        • n@{
        • 01 Mar 2018

        dladz, 01 Mar 2018The X features are way ahead of anything, primarily as it's... morefor real ? until when you guys wanna defend Apple ? are you blind or you act as you are? can you clearly read texts on objects on iPhones pictures ? iPhones pictures are noisy and oversaturated, clearly S9 Pictures are way much better but as i said some ppl are blind or iDiot.

          • D
          • AnonD-706449
          • n@{
          • 01 Mar 2018

          El Natan, 01 Mar 2018And Consumer Reports thinks that the iPhone X has the best ... moreJoke of the year, 2017 best Camera in almost every poll was Pixel 2 and 2018 defenetly is not iPhoneX. I have no idea where you get your informations( i assume Fox News or but serious websites like gsmarena and many others did pop enough polls , didn't see name of iPhoneX between 3 first places in almost all of them. but sure for an iSheep like you even iPhone 3S has better camera than a S9 or Pixel 2.

            • d
            • dladz
            • GJe
            • 01 Mar 2018

            The X features are way ahead of anything, primarily as it's camera is bespoke to 1 single piece of software and 1 single piece of hardware.

            Googles OS has to work on a myriad of hardware and software so because of this android will never be as good as the Apple competition.

            That being said, this is a very close call and the work that must have been done to get this close to and actually better in some shots (X looks saturated in some pics) is quite an achievement.

            Personally i'd rather have sub par camera than be shackled to Apples eco system.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • npB
              • 01 Mar 2018

              S9 is better than x in details

                [deleted post]iPhone shots are the best

                  X has better camera. Sammy supersaturated.

                    • E
                    • El Natan
                    • jZ}
                    • 01 Mar 2018

                    AnonD-706449, 28 Feb 2018not best comparison but anyway S9's camera just destroyed i... moreAnd Consumer Reports thinks that the iPhone X has the best camera...lmao.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-741315
                      • X{X
                      • 01 Mar 2018

                      AnonD-702336, 27 Feb 2018Of course! Even if GSMARENA used a DSLR in the place of the... moreActually you are commenting here something bogus.. your X has been lost in every camera test comparison before.. mostly in blind test.. samsung always produce vivid and crispy pictures with satiated.. which you need to do it by editing after shooting with dslr

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 45N
                        • 28 Feb 2018

                        Anonymous, 28 Feb 2018Hahah, the S9+ deleted every feature from his face, looks l... moreLet's play a game of spot the defensive apple fanboy. You've been provided clear cut proof, yet you handpick the shot that's favorable to you on which to build an argument. Denial is a toughie. (An argument which btw can be dismissed by something as easily as a cloud moving, allowing more light to come through the window LOL) The lighting is obviously different. Take a look at the other photos. Why no drastic difference in brightness to go along with the difference in picture fidelity? OUCH.

                          • S
                          • Smartphones Fan
                          • 3aE
                          • 28 Feb 2018

                          dis is boring

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • pj8
                            • 28 Feb 2018

                            Hahah, the S9+ deleted every feature from his face, looks like a wax statue, like he dont have human skin. Impressive samsung, im laughing so hard, people must wonder if i swallowed a whole glass of Wile E Coyotes earthquake pills.

                            Can you double check you didnt accidentially use a filter like "cheap looking android skin" or something? It cannot be THAT bad, even samsung cant get away with so poor realism.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-706449
                              • n@{
                              • 28 Feb 2018

                              not best comparison but anyway S9's camera just destroyed iPhoneX's camera. there is a huge defference iPhoneX camer looks like a cheap junk compare to S9's and don't forget iPhoneX does cost minimum 300$ more.

                              • 👍

                              People forget the the majority of phones have a manual mode for the camera. There you can set everything auto and only change what you desire to change on the scene. Phone wants to capture the scene too cold or too warm? Two taps and can change this. Too dark? Again, two taps.

                              The only thing in the way of a "perfect" phone is usually two taps of your finger.
                              It's insane that we are nearly the end of the decade and reviewers still refuses to use any manual controls when comparing cameras on phones and their already have advanced features like log video.
                              No same person you'd buy a +$800 phone partly for the camera and use only auto.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • SpI
                                • 28 Feb 2018

                                To me it doesn't look like the best comparison overall, not many photos (and all in similar lighting) to compare with. I'm a Samsung fan but I feel the iphone came out well but that over abundance of yellow could look wrong and bad in some areas and we could really do with more photos in different scenarios for a real head to head. This is kind of like how statistics can prove anything if you use specific samples or different methods and hide some others.

                                I like the more natural skin tone the iphone gets but it's clarity and sharpness isn't as good so detail wise it's not as clear and as stated, we'd really need different lighting shots to gauge it properly.

                                  Your 1000 dollar phone just got smashed by cheaper by another 1000 dollar phone, good for Samsung, bad for consumers, none of them worth that money

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-672395
                                    • vGS
                                    • 28 Feb 2018

                                    I saw the details of the sensor and I feel that after a firmware update the quality of the S9's photo and video can be further improved (by stacking/ HDR).

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 3Rn
                                      • 28 Feb 2018

                                      The S9+ is clearly the better camera based upon those images. If you want the phone to do all the work for you and simply send as is, then you may want the warm look of the inferior iPhone X but if you do just a little post-processing, you can create a far better image with the S9+ than you can with the iPhone X.
                                      If you try to sharpen and make the images clearer on the X, you will inevitably introduce unsightly grain. Whereas the S9+ simply needs a little colour tweaking.

                                      • 👍