Android users in the US show more loyalty to the OS than iOS users

09 March 2018
9 out of 10 Android users upgraded to another Android last year.

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  • D
  • AnonD-92238
  • gMK
  • 14 Mar 2018

AnonD-94030, 10 Mar 2018Thats not true take iPhone 5s, as i remember it was launche... moreAnd none of those are major updates for 5s. It received forked out features, or mostly didn't receive any.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • G6}
    • 13 Mar 2018

    Akorn Farmer, 10 Mar 2018My bad, last sentence is not correct. The whole royalty rat... moreGood observation.
    I think you can estimate the data you are interested from the loyalty number and market share number.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • Y7u
      • 12 Mar 2018

      AnonD-147910, 09 Mar 2018What a nonsense article. Apple is only involved in the flag... moreExcellent point.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • xFJ
        • 12 Mar 2018

        Android seem much more mature as an operating system. iOS comes across as a simple system for people who don't know how to use a cell phone. I use both and always feel frustrated at how much I can't do with iOS.

          • B
          • Boldy
          • rxh
          • 11 Mar 2018

          ZolaIII, 11 Mar 2018Try with DSP's as Tensilica P6 instead with stupid old desi... moreThey cut the double precision from single one. About half precision, it's done at the same speed as single precision, not 2x as it's supposed to.

            • D
            • AnonD-739952
            • Kxu
            • 11 Mar 2018

            AlexG, 11 Mar 2018Well Pixel 2 offers 3 years major updates and the software ... moreMaybe one fine day I will try out Google phones...I’m now on my 3rd Android device since moving from iOS over 3 years ago...

              I believe this is a testament to people preferring a more open source App Store and hardware... Emulators anyone? Wish to auto forward sms to email or another phone # without iMessage bs? Rooting still live and well can the same be said about jailbreaking? Not to mention the diversity in hardware I mean you can really get a catered to your specifications smartphone now a days with android ranging from the Blackberry Keyone with its keyboard, Samsung Note with its stylus, Micro Sd, Curved screens, 4K screens, Moto Mods itÂ’s insanity.

              And I am by no means particularly Android-Centric I’m writing this on my iPad Pro even, which I definitely prefer iOS as far as tablets go... but I definitely switch back and forth between iOS/Android frequently as far as my daily driver... I love iOS for its simplicity and that it is very refined and it’s ecosystem simpler to connect between other Apple devices... but Android is also such a great tool there are some things I just can’t do with iOS that I can with Android.

                • A
                • AlexG
                • N5b
                • 11 Mar 2018

                AnonD-94030, 10 Mar 2018Thats not true take iPhone 5s, as i remember it was launche... moreWell Pixel 2 offers 3 years major updates and the software is so comfortable and smooth... not to mention fast updates, like iOS.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 6p$
                  • 11 Mar 2018

                  I have iphone 3GS in the past and I changed to galaxy S and then never look back at iphones since. The reson is that I can't live in closed apple eco system.
                  With iphone
                  I can't even view the files in my phone
                  There is no way to add files other than music and movies
                  I can't copy music to my phone without itunes
                  I can't connect to computers unless that computer has itunes
                  So on
                  Well, a java phone can even do better than this

                    Boldy, 10 Mar 2018Each /2 cut is not 2x performance unless you have hardware ... moreTry with DSP's as Tensilica P6 instead with stupid old designed GPU's. I told in the first comment that it's becoming popular & why. Naturally regarding hardware. One more thing; they don't cut (at least not much) half precision on mainstream GPU's, what they do cut severely is duble precision.

                      • o
                      • opt
                      • P@Y
                      • 10 Mar 2018

                      AnonD-94030, 10 Mar 2018nothing about bug, its about major update, bugs or not. it is relevant mate, how can you say that iOS had better update compare to Android when bugs are there? fast updates are useless if it had bugs

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • tNw
                        • 10 Mar 2018

                        Anonymous, 10 Mar 2018In other news, users are "more loyal" to the only products ... moreNot sure how something that need its hardware crippled, due to faulty/shitty design, thru software updates whose true nature were witheld from public unti someone exposed them can be considered luxury products.

                          Akorn Farmer, 10 Mar 2018This Royalty ratio (percent) by OS is meaningless and misle... moreMy bad, last sentence is not correct. The whole royalty ratio measure is misleading. The really meaningful measure should be net user base number, which is number of switch-in's minus number of switch-out's. If it is positive, the OS is growing, negative, shrinking.

                            This Royalty ratio (percent) by OS is meaningless and misleading. There are only two viable choices in mobile OS. And Android has larger market share. So even in dynamic equilibrium condition (no change in OS share), royalty ratio of Android will shown as higher. In fact, more user is switching from Android to iOS than iOS to Android. So iOS market share is now increasing slowly and Android market share is decreasing. So The royalty ratio should be calculated as number of staying (not switching) user against whole smartphone user base, not per OS user base.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 6XU
                              • 10 Mar 2018

                              Anonymous, 10 Mar 2018Android has improved a lot these last 2 or 3 years but I st... moreiOS isn't smooth anymore. It is bug factory. They fix any bug and another bug is there.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-94030
                                • 6iP
                                • 10 Mar 2018

                                opt, 10 Mar 2018with extra bugs so no!!!nothing about bug, its about major update, bugs or not.

                                  • K
                                  • Kangal
                                  • uCX
                                  • 10 Mar 2018

                                  Android users: Betrayed by the software support
                                  iOS users: Betrayed by the new hardware designs

                                  Can't win them all.
                                  So people will always tend to flip-flop. However, more users will stick to Android than iOS simply because its the cheaper option. If iPhone's (eg 7 Plus) didn't cost around US$900 new, but closer to around the mid-life price of a Samsung (eg S8), they would priced closer to US$700 new... so there would be more pressure to stay in the Apple Ecosystem and we would likely see the opposite of these statistics. Everyone constantly underestimates how crucial pricing really is (like my LG G6 which I bought for US$360 brand new back in June 2017).

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • Lc2
                                    • 10 Mar 2018

                                    In other news, users are "more loyal" to the only products they can afford rather than the luxury offerings they cannot. It must take a special kind of genius to conduct this study.

                                      • B
                                      • Boldy
                                      • rxh
                                      • 10 Mar 2018

                                      ZolaIII, 10 Mar 2018Most of AI deep learning / visual computing is done on 16 b... moreEach /2 cut is not 2x performance unless you have hardware to support it. Heck, to even get 2x boost in 16-bit, you need Nvidia tesla or Titan cards, or AMD Vega cards. 2x performance of 8-bit over 16-bit is unfortunately not supported as of now on any hardware I know of.

                                        • A
                                        • Alien
                                        • 3RM
                                        • 10 Mar 2018

                                        AnonD-674280, 10 Mar 2018I have never owned iphone or ipad so i cant say much for t... moreIt all depends on what kind of a user you are. If you only use it for calls and sms you can buy a dumb phone for 10 bucks. BUT, if you plan on writing scripts and run them on the phone, if you are a developer or just a tech junkie and you try to get the most out of the processor, then you need to buy a Sony or a Samsung.
                                        Again, it all depends on what kind ofuuser you are.
                                        I know people that barely touch their pc's anymore since using a HIGH-END flagship, including myself.
                                        With the right skills and knowledge you can do a LOT of things, not just post selfies on fb.
                                        With Android, you can do all those things because it is open-source, while ios is like a prison for grannies where you can only change the static wallpaper.
                                        Open-source is the future!
                                        Closed environments like ios will eventually die by themselves because nobody will want to develop apps for them.
                                        Apple keeps you locked with their payed apps, while on Android they're free. That's how GOOD software should be. Free and based on the number of downloads and donations.