LG asks Reddit for feedback on “the Notch”

29 March 2018
LG support asks Redditors what they think of having a notch in the display.

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  • J
  • Jman
  • dQa
  • 30 Mar 2018

It's just presented chinese manufacturers with another reason to make their phones look like the iPhone, thus more "high profile" The notch is useless and shouldn't be on any phone.

    • D
    • DrCyberman
    • 7k7
    • 30 Mar 2018

    5 Disadvantages having 'The Notch' :
    1. 'The Notch' looks ugly
    2. It may/might cut-out (important part of) images/videos/texts
    3. Disturbs Visual as well as Ergonomic symmetry of Device
    4. Horns around 'The Notch' are not much useful, especially in full-screen apps. ('Head' is always better and usefull than 'Horns'...!!!)
    5. 'The Notch' adds unnecessary burden on designing/developing Hardware as well as Software.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • gNT
      • 30 Mar 2018

      dont like notch

        • D
        • AnonD-356176
        • 7sD
        • 30 Mar 2018

        Notch = ugly and useless, also sheep.

          • D
          • AnonD-139449
          • v$D
          • 30 Mar 2018

          Notch is not the phone thing! It will become history!

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • KhD
            • 30 Mar 2018

            So, how many people have notch-phobia?

              • m
              • miri
              • mcK
              • 30 Mar 2018

              Some time ago, i bought with great wishes Samsung Galaxy S4, then afterwards, i complained about the big frames of S-G-S5 and S-G-S6 and the small batery capacity of the s6. With the output of the S-G-S7, i did not buy it because the company did not mount the usb type c port. After the release of s8, again I did not buy it because of the stupid 18.5: 9 aspect screen ratio and the un'ulesless curved display. Becouse of these deficences i mentioned above, i buy the beautiful LG V30. Now, is the round to discuss the stupidest idea of the notch screen. Hahhh... Please!!! Dont do that!!!

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • t7X
                • 30 Mar 2018

                no to the notch!!!

                  I dont like notched phone, but I hate notched phone while still having a chin!

                    • D
                    • AnonD-744321
                    • D9q
                    • 30 Mar 2018

                    Anonymous, 30 Mar 2018LG Do like to try something different, So put the camera at... morethen you'll have a black line on the top of the phone to balance with the bottom bezel
                    have you seen how BAD is XIAOMI mix 2s selfe is? and LG V30?
                    with a bigger notch I hope they made the selfe better ;)

                      LG deleted the question...

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • m5N
                        • 30 Mar 2018

                        LG Do like to try something different, So put the camera at the bottom of the screen. No need for a notch then. This position would still work for selfies but also make it so you could turn the phone upside down to put it at the top.

                          • c
                          • crimsondynamics
                          • bx9
                          • 30 Mar 2018

                          LG was already on the right track with the V10: dual cameras on the left side, a second screen which, given today's tech, could have been part of the entire screen,and just like in the V10, didn't interfere with video viewing. It was also minimal; you hardly ever notice it.

                          And the power button doubling as a fingerprint sensor so you kill two birds with one stone. The volume rockers flanking the power button was a stroke of genius, as that's where your index finger naturally gravitates towards.

                          Give me a bezel-less V40 with those ergonomics please. This is why I'm still hanging on to my V10.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • sys
                            • 30 Mar 2018

                            I think it's abundantly clear that the notch novelty has worn off. Iphone X users have to constantly learn to maneuver around it by dragging down photos in full screen mode, so that the notch doesn't cover up content.
                            Frankly it'd be a lot better if manufacturers fit in better front facing stereo speaker setups than to keep trying to follow the falling Apple.
                            The software work-around is exactly that. It'd be better for everyone if devices had more sensors, than notches.

                              • r
                              • r33fd
                              • LaB
                              • 30 Mar 2018

                              Anonymous, 30 Mar 2018Notch is very useful. It allows for the notification bar to... moreYou are completely wrong !

                              First of all : the companies should "learn to love" what the customers want and not vice versa.

                              Second of all : secondary display is not a new thing. They already tried it with the v20 and HTC with the U Ultra and it ended up as a huge gimmick that nobody cared about but at least it wasn't as ugly as the notch.

                              Third of all : Notch is USELESS ! If they want to put bigger screen: Just make the phone a few millimeters larger. Problem solved. Nobody will complain about that.

                                • J
                                • Jerry101923
                                • fJx
                                • 30 Mar 2018

                                Because of the notch, I won't consider the G7 for replacing any of my phones (I have an G5 and an G6). G5's commercial failure is mainly due to the not good enough implementation of modular design. Most other things are good. For G6, its only bad things are not using S835 and a bit backward main camera sensor and non-removable battery (this one is more serious but still can tolerate), but it's still worth buying especially after the first price cut. All other features of the G6 are brilliant.

                                But the worst-ever notch feature is absolutely annoying in a phone. It's okay for the G7 to follow some trends, but definitely NOT this one. This time really disappointed.

                                  • L
                                  • Love the Community
                                  • Fv4
                                  • 30 Mar 2018

                                  Reddit may be cancer but no Notch. One day, there'll be a display screen that can allow a camera to take a picture through all the pixels a.k.a. Underscreen Camera. Until then, the notch is the reasonable way to make it All-screen.

                                  I hate the obnoxiously large display driver & plug and that's the reason why there's still a bottom bezel. They should copy the iPhone X's width so they can put the display driver on the frame thus making the front All-screen. Make phones thick again just to make it allscreen.

                                    • S
                                    • Scot
                                    • TKt
                                    • 30 Mar 2018

                                    I actually like the notch and would not be put off buying a phone with it. Not so keen on the notch and chin together, for some reason that does look odd.
                                    Think that a lot of the hysteria surrounding the notch was that people used it as a factor to bash Apple with (a default setting for many) and now it’s being adopted by so many other companies they are having to justify their original stance. I didn’t hear the same reaction when Essential first brought the notch out.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • IWM
                                      • 30 Mar 2018

                                      If this is what LG has wanted, they have picked the worst smartphone trend to follow indeed

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-744321
                                        • D9q
                                        • 30 Mar 2018

                                        Anonymous, 30 Mar 2018Notch is very useful. It allows for the notification bar to... moreyou are right
                                        but they should really stop saying in the promo video and writing in the retail box:-
                                        "FULL VIEW" or "BEZELESS" sadly most people outside GSM will ether :-
                                        vote for the notch because they are silly enough to believe this BULL$HIT :P
                                        or Apple fans and copycat haters how will vote against it for no good reason :(
                                        the NOTCH will NEVER get a far judgment :'(