Analyst: Apple to stop bundling a Lightning to 3.5 mm adapter with iPhones
- S
- SKR...
- 7kd
- 02 May 2018
I've never seen such a greedy and business minded company which has nothing to do with customers' needs and satisfaction!
Buying a 1000 dollar phone which comes without a fast charger, buying a 2000 dollar MacBook without any USB port then buy 4 different Type C to USB OTG adapters, and now don't even get that cheap headphone adapter!
I'm literally tired of this ridiculous company, and I am gradually throwing away all my Apple products starting from iPad, MacBook and now my iPhone! Samsung is wayyyyyyyyyyy better!!!
- D
- AnonD-735023
- mF8
- 02 May 2018
Well iphone or not, if the 3.5mm socket dies (i hope not) one thing is for sure bluetooth is the way to go.
Quality wise, theres virtually no difference, it all depends of the conversion quality of the adapter/bluetooth_headphones, but at least bluetooth doesnt have wires.
- ?
- Anonymous
- kb4
- 02 May 2018
There is no organic
- ?
- Anonymous
- Tab
- 02 May 2018
Another reason for me not to buy an iPhone. Well done alienating a lot of people, Apple.
- E
- Eske Rahn
- s0J
- 02 May 2018
Yet another reason to never again will buy an aPple product...
- D
- Duckofdeath
- mY{
- 02 May 2018
I don't really know how analysts calculate things. Forcing consumers onto a wireless or USB-type solution actually increases the sales for component manufacturers like Cirrus Logic, as they get to sell one DAC for every headphone you buy instead of one DAC for every Phone your buy. They should lower the ratings for consumers instead. Getting poorer quality while paying more money. Evolution, the Apple way.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3EJ
- 02 May 2018
"...Now an analyst at Barclays believes that Cupertino will drive the final nail the coffin this year – the new iPhone models will not come bundled with a Lightning-to-3.5 mm adapters...."
So they want to save a few measly pennies and earn yet another few million by giving less but asking more. This WILL inevitably end bad for Apple.
- S
- SakshamGupta30
- gNW
- 02 May 2018
Apple.. Like in the picture, take these 2 L's and shut your greedy ass down. I hope the third party royalties from your proprietary port is enough insurance for your impending downfall
- f
- fullstrength
- xKJ
- 02 May 2018
just another reason to never buy apple. Oh LG has a jack and superior sound.
- Fearghast
- 3D9
- 02 May 2018
Devices with worst bluetooth codec support and no Lighting to 3,5 jack adapter ... makes sense.