iPhone 5 3.7-inch screen confirmed by the latest iOS beta?

01 September, 2011
iOS 5 beta 7 contains an image of the iPhone 5, which hints at a 3.7" screen.

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  • x
  • xivshin
  • PUZ
  • 02 Sep 2011

seriously ? rectangular home button? doesnt it remind you of Galaxy S2

    • w
    • wisewizard_87
    • PS6
    • 02 Sep 2011

    J3ki..media protecting Steve? the excel of iPhone? Birth of iGenerations? we called tat illuminati,period.

      • A
      • AJ
      • 44r
      • 02 Sep 2011

      It's a step in the right direction by Apple; one that I'm sure the faithful will really appreciate. However, seeing as how my 4" Samsung Galaxy S screen seems too small to me at times, I can't get even remotely excited about iPhone 5's screen, retina display or no retina display.

      Here's what it would take at this point for me to switch from Android to iPhone:

      1) Flash support (One word, Apple... OPTIONAL)
      2) 4" screen (not a fraction less)
      3) First-party or official third-party bluetooth gamepad add-on (kiss your hopes and dreams goodbye Vita/3DS)

        • M
        • Moiz
        • L2Q
        • 02 Sep 2011

        3.7" no no I dont think I will buy this , nothing less thank 4.3", andriods highly friendly and stands head to head with iphone, SGS2 the best till now

          • 4
          • 4v
          • nHF
          • 02 Sep 2011

          i always said that "screen-to-bezel ratio" in iphone 4 and previous iPhones is OBSOLETE! and that next gen will be modern, or will be crap. iPhone 5, if its real, look really cool, isn't it?

            • L
            • Leo
            • s0%
            • 02 Sep 2011

            I don't think 3.7 is good idea, would like to see it 4 inch as iPhone 5

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • svk
              • 02 Sep 2011

              AnonD-1825, 02 Sep 2011You think you are going to find card slot from Nokia wp7 ph... moreHalf the price anyway.
              All brainwashed journalist will leave this iphonehype now.

              Then price tag og Iphone is just to high and now when all Iphones look the same and even the low-class are using them, then the magic will fade away.

              death is certain life is not

                • D
                • AnonD-1825
                • p77
                • 02 Sep 2011

                Anonymous, 02 Sep 2011Whatis this? No progress at all! Will it break when d... moreYou think you are going to find card slot from Nokia wp7 phone? Fail!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • svk
                  • 02 Sep 2011

                  Whatis this?

                  No progress at all!

                  Will it break when dropping it?

                  Still no FM, card slot and no FM-trasmitting.

                  Now I am leaving this no-sexy-ex

                  Hello Nokia WP7

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • TSD
                    • 02 Sep 2011

                    Im sorry to say this Apple but this phone will be your downfall. Why? You simply cant say that making the screen an extra 0.2 inches is really going to win any one over. Of course isheep will go rush out and buy it but remember this the SE Xperia x10 has a 4.0 inch screen and that phone has been out since the 3gs and look at it, it can still nearly do everything (except for the speed) that a dual core can do thanks to gingerbread. Im not biased to any product but i can see Apple taking a step back here, come next year Android & WP7 will be the leading os. The only thing saving Apple is its huge amount of applications but Android especially will catch up with the number. I do think Ipad is an awesome device though but again give it some expandable memory and get rid of itunes it would do well, but again Samsung seem do have their ducks in a row with that! Roll on next year!!

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • gD7
                      • 02 Sep 2011

                      Rectangular button? ohoh... seems lile apple didnt just copy android with iOS5, but also samsung galaxy phones... i wouldnt care much, but apple would deseeve some of their own medicine.

                        • s
                        • sani
                        • 39E
                        • 02 Sep 2011

                        will be pleased and amused by idevice , this is the fact about it , market , usability , design ,...... or any concept you are concerned about different gadgets is just excuse to be satisfy by your gadget ,all brands producing daily means just for market on credulous way,
                        so They will get it on same way and people,
                        in general who has idevice will love it, who don't hate it.

                          • S
                          • Savor
                          • j3k
                          • 02 Sep 2011

                          Remember five years ago when Symbian, Windows Mobile BlackBerry, and Palm ruled the smartphone market? Where are they now? Dead, dying, or completely revamped. Remember when Sony and Microsoft were BIGGER than Apple just 10 years ago?

                          The point is nothing stays "cool" forever in this industry.

                          I don't even think iPhone has the best operating system and this is coming from an iPhone 4 fan and owner. What it has is the best ecosystem and app support. QNX and webOS are better and both Apple and Android will rip off their multi-tasking UI. Ask yourself, which apps do you the most in your life? It generally doesn't come from Apple unless it is iOS or iTunes you are talking about.

                          People probably use Google Search, YouTube, GMail, GMaps, Google Voice, and Chrome more than iTunes.

                          If Google buys Facebook or even Amazon, they are dangerous company for Apple or Microsoft. The top three most used sites in the world is Google Search, Facebook, and YouTube. Two are owned by Google. Amazon is the biggest online retailer. Google bought out one of the cell phone industry's pioneers in Motorola. Apple will never buy these companies because they prefer to work independently without the power struggle of differing visions. Apple is basically Steve Jobs' extension to his Draconian personality.

                          The greatest invention for modern times was NEVER the iPhone. We can even listen to all our songs on the cloud. We can text and make calls through the net. It is the internet. When we have smartphones, most of the time it needs an INTERNET connection. Smartphones and computers are just "vehicles" to get there. And who can rule the internet? Google can. They are the biggest INTERNET service giant in the world. Google WANTS YOU to use the internet more. So whether you dislike Android, Google still makes money without selling anything ever intangible strictly with ads. You end up buying Apple hardware to use Google services. You probably use Google Search and YouTube than you ever use iTunes on a daily basis.

                            • y
                            • yahoo
                            • puB
                            • 01 Sep 2011

                            if u give me an iphone or this new icrap5 or zte blade at 100$, for everyday use i will choose the zte blade, because my phone ROCKS.

                            got music, bt, mem card, free gps, peer 2 peer(yop), and no need of itunecrap! and other things which cost lot of money like reparing baracuda glass after 10 cm drop , mouahahah!!!.

                            I love my ZTE....yahooo!

                              • S
                              • Savor
                              • j3k
                              • 01 Sep 2011

                              TechnoFreak = Apple fanboy

                              You buy Apple hardware to use Google services anyway...

                              If iPhone is a vehicle into the internet, then the road to get into Information Super Highway is run by Google.

                              iOS vs Android, who cares? QNX and webOS are superior operating systems. iOS is nothing without its apps. And even that will be a passing trend like anything in life. Remember when cameraphones were all the rage? Do you really think there are people who wants to spend their whole life checking out 500K apps in which many of them do the same thing? Alot of it is OVERKILL. You just need the bare essentials. The rest are meaningless games. Someday, the iPhone/iPad will be looked upon as just a poor excuse off a toy and gaming system like the Nintendo Wii was once the gimmicks of app collecting wears out.

                                • m
                                • majestixblue
                                • nBg
                                • 01 Sep 2011

                                looks like SGS2... and the button hmmm there's gonna be another court..

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 3A1
                                  • 01 Sep 2011

                                  jeeylu, 01 Sep 2011Can you send files over BT? Can you insert a memory card? ... moreLOL

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-1825
                                    • p77
                                    • 01 Sep 2011

                                    AnonD-252, 01 Sep 2011"Noone needs"? Do you, and Apple, really know exa... moreTC is back! why you are writing these same things in every apple news, also i saw you writing these same lines in iPhone 4 comment section. Whats your point? if you dont' like/care iPhone why need to write these same lines everywhere? We already know that you want flash etc, you have said it like more than 10 times.

                                    Write to apple about those what you want, it's pointless to write it here ten times.

                                      • s
                                      • suraj patel
                                      • Khh
                                      • 01 Sep 2011

                                      hey...this thing looks like my galaxy sII....now its clear.....tell me who is a copycat....

                                        • C
                                        • Cootified
                                        • 95m
                                        • 01 Sep 2011

                                        From day one, Apple has always said it is pursuing to eventually have what looks like just an LCD screen for the iPhone design. This is the next iteration.