Apple sues Samsung in Japan, wants sales ban and money
- T
- The Truth
- mpM
- 08 Sep 2011
I'm sick of reading about Apple's stupid & pathetic little games with so many different manufacturers, it's time they all came together & put Flapple in its place.
- D
- AnonD-15787
- fv8
- 08 Sep 2011
Apple is totally a disrespected company and anyway they should stop this sh*t now because Nexus Prime wont look like iPhone
And from when did apple invented the rectangle???
- A
- Androidhater
- P@1
- 08 Sep 2011
Apple is the best in the world,Samsung is the worst copycat
They dont have originallity in their design
They always wait for apple design and apply it in their future phones and tablets:......
- T
- Tom
- n$e
- 08 Sep 2011
It time to sue the hell out of rotten Apple who is the trouble maker by joining forces with Google, HTC, and Sumsang. Also don't Apple products.
- ?
- Anonymous
- uBU
- 08 Sep 2011
What a disgrace from Apple, going out sueing anybody that is a real competition to them and cutting they're market share..... thats why i will never buy anything from apple. seems to me they want to control the world now.
- d
- djk
- wHr
- 08 Sep 2011
Apple betr does sumthin awesome wit dat rumord iphn5 n betr pricing coz samsung and android is becoming stronger with its progress in capturing world market. Love d widgets and d big amoled screens! Galaxy note cant wait!
- 3a0
- 08 Sep 2011
samsung should stop copying apples products
- a
- audio_junk
- 08 Sep 2011
WTF is wrong with Apple lately...has it lets its dogs run lose after Steve quits?It seem like Steve is the only common sense of Apple
- A
- Andy
- 3d2
- 08 Sep 2011
AnonD-8044, 08 Sep 2011What if you spent 200 hrs inventing something and patent it... moreUnfortunately apple patents that are used in the lawsuit can be invented by any modern engineer in about 48 hours.
- S
- Shoaib
- Hxh
- 08 Sep 2011
dont be a cry baby Apple...
- K
- Kleenex
- 08 Sep 2011
A bad compromise still better than a good lawsuit
- 3
- 3D
- Bqx
- 08 Sep 2011
Anonymous, 08 Sep 2011Samsung innovatieve? realy................ Samsung is th... moreApple took HP name iPAQ and made it iPAD, iPod & Iphony.
- D
- AnonD-21041
- pkp
- 08 Sep 2011
This is happening because Apple is VERY VERY afraid that Samsung is becoming NO1. Recently (LMAO) a Japanese group of researchers(sustained by other researchers from arround the world also) predicted that in one year Samsung will be the Market leader followed by Apple and Nokia standig next to HTC as third place on the podium. The ideea is simple, even though iphone 5 will arrive soon Sasmung will still be No1. Apple becomed desperate because of the ammount of Samsung's smartphones/tablets sales and it's fast popularity growth in such a short time. The Samsung Galaxy S II already recieved a "Best phone of 2011" distinction.
- ?
- Anonymous
- RdQ
- 08 Sep 2011
i don't think apple invented smart phone or cell phone, didn't it copy other company idea??
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3SP
- 08 Sep 2011
Mobilemaster, 08 Sep 2011What a blind person you are! Samsung will beat the hell out... moreEven Nokia did it in the courts...
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ac9
- 08 Sep 2011
Apple doesn't own the exclusive rights to sell cellphones in Japan. What the heck? Samsung has been in the Japanese market WAY longer than Apple.
- M
- Mahdi Akrami
- dQx
- 08 Sep 2011
Apple is really a NAME.
I like it but it isn't really the BEST.
Apple is good but others like SAMSUNG
are good too.
Don't lose your money by buying an apple device
just for it's good design and NAME.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3Ir
- 08 Sep 2011
Stop being such a baby apple!!!
- M
- Mario
- 0pD
- 08 Sep 2011
I dont understand you guys saying you are ashamed of and that you have lost all respect for ... let's say that you came up with something that you protected with a patent... and later on somebody infringes that patent... I would sue the hell out of them cause it was MY idea... no matter what... they are still doint the right thing.