Sunday debate: Classic 16:9 vs. Taller screen ratios

03 June 2018
The tall screens started as a trend, but is there good reason behind it or is everybody just blindly following it?

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Its about bringing visually bigger screen while not getting bigger - top/bottom bezels become the screen. Everyone wants big screen. Also no ratio is definitive, as tech evolves.

    Anonymous, 03 Jun 2018Its funny that people who never used 18:9 or taller devices... morewhat do you mostly use it for?

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 0xR
      • 03 Jun 2018

      Its funny that people who never used 18:9 or taller devices are saying they suck. I thought changing the aspect ratio was unnecessary, but after using a taller device I couldn't go back.

        • i
        • idman
        • 3EJ
        • 03 Jun 2018

        Why are comments saved for DB and mostly never posted these days?

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 3EJ
          • 03 Jun 2018

          " get much more content..."

          Oh please. We're talking of one (1) additional row of icons on the home-screen which is wasted due to badly designed launcher UI's.

          You can also get an additional row of icons when using for example Nova launcher instead of Samsung's or huawei launcher. Don't need a elongated screen for that! UI designers should use their brains instead of just adding screen.

          Then there's the fact that more pixels to lit-up in case of AMOled screens need more power. And pushing more pixels around require the GPU to do more work and again uses more power.

          Everytime battery-power increases it's wasted on screen. Either higher resolution or longer non-standard screens. We STILL haven't got smartphones that can truly last a week.

          Then there's the fact that "content" isn't designed with these non-standard aspect ratios in mind. Creating ugly black bars at the sides and thus defeating the purpose of having a bigger screen. How ridiculous is that?

          But I get it. It's the manufacturers plan of planned obsolescence.

            16:9 is by far superior, 18:9 and higher are utter gimmicks on a phone and content will not see wider adoption for these standards for a very simple reason: all TVs are 16:9, and 99% of monitors are 16:9 as well. Good luck changing that any time soon. Never mind how inferior they are for reading PDFs, comic books, etc.

            I vote with my wallet, got an XA2 Ultra (which is beyond gorgeous display-wise), and maybe will switch to XZ2 Premium if I feel like it. As long as 16:9 is still an option I'll never switch.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 3JY
              • 03 Jun 2018

              Why can't we have bezel less 16:9 like the original mi mix

                Best is STILL 16:9. Having notch or taller screens you have a BIG problem. On Instagram, for example, I press on an Insta-story and the image is croped on sides to fill the whole screen. And guess what. I CAN'T read the text on the sides of the image. Idea is great, I LOVE these taller phones, but there is little content with tall aspect ratio, and forcing a 16:9 image or video looks awful. If an image is 4:3, is 4:3. You can't make it wider.

                  • M
                  • M33
                  • nUx
                  • 03 Jun 2018

                  AnonD-666080, 03 Jun 2018The XZ2 Premium will be my next phone mainly because of it'... moreMaybe last 16:9 flagship

                    • D
                    • AnonD-558092
                    • r7b
                    • 03 Jun 2018

                    Those dumb notchphones are copycats. Loot at them.

                    But I prefer 16:9. Gives enough liberty to make phones original and allows true enjoyment of video content as they were meant to be. Zooming is dumb. To fill the sides you will have to crop the video. Also you can reach the whole screen more easily

                      AnonD-673279, 03 Jun 201816:9 is objectively superior. There isn't even a standar... moreI agree; Xiaomi made the first mi mix 17:9 but it felt the right ratio because of its precisely designed bezels, but it did cost 1000$ and it had a big flaw, had you dropped it would have broken to pieces
                      Samsung used to differentiate S models to note ones, S were for gaming and social media and Note series were made for professionals on the go(remember the first galaxy note ad?)
                      people could use it to read a pdf file or edit a doc without having to hassle to grab a laptop
                      Now though note 8 is just a stupid thing simply because samsung has become rich enough not to care or the bribing business has ruined it

                        I voted for 16:9. With the new ratio 18:9 or even 19:9 etc, the brands now claim they offer 6 inches phones which are actually 5+ something.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 7}U
                          • 03 Jun 2018

                          AnonD-666080, 03 Jun 2018The XZ2 Premium will be my next phone mainly because of it'... moreBingo

                            21:9 is what Smartphones must be.

                            In my opinion Smartphones are 60% multimedia, 20% connectivity and 20% digital Assistant.

                            The one who use Internet for serious matters in Smartphones, use Graphic User Interface to interact with the business.
                            21:9 is excellent for that matter.
                            The one who use Social networks, has more space to surf, watch, or write in 21:9.
                            The one who play games has more viewing angle in the same zooming level in 21:9.
                            The one who watch movies will not see black bars anymore in 21:9.
                            The one who write in his screen with any input method, has more space to save in 21:9.

                            Notch is not a logical idea to deal with space.
                            Some say, notch is in fact a screen above another one to deal with Time, Antenna, battery or any other indication symbols. Which is again true 16:9 + false 1, 2 or 2.5 more to enlarge numbers.
                            16:9 is good when there is no other way to widen the screen.

                            Classic is 21:9 which was forgotten thanks to limitation of technology.

                            Since childhood, I have seen movies in 21:9 in theater and characters in VHS, CD, DVD were taller and thinner or movies were sandwiched by Black bars thanks to 4:3 or 16:9 Aspect Ratio.

                            vivo NEX is a start for true 21:9 by bringing full screen display to us. Although the model itself is not, the path is prepared.

                            If smartphones want to be more relevant in multimedia, 21:9 is a need which is capable to be achieved now.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 7}U
                              • 03 Jun 2018

                              Either you use HDTV 16:9 screen ideal for video, games, internet browsing and TV shows.
                              Or you use CinemaScope 21:9 screen ideal for movies and some games.
                              Anything else is pure rubbish created by Samsung and LG for their own commercial and manufacturing purposes, and the rest of the herd followed them.

                                • R
                                • Reality Cheque
                                • j09
                                • 03 Jun 2018

                                The photos in this article are very, very, very misleading...
                                A friend of mine saw my Lenovo Phab 2, and decided he wanted a 6 inch phone also... the media experience is excellent, so the laptop can stay at home.

                                So my friend purchased a Samsung Galaxy 8+.

                                My Lenovo Phab 2 = 6.4 inch display, 16:9 aspect ratio.
                                His Samsung Galaxy 8+ = 6.2 inch display, 18:5:9 aspect ratio.

                                The difference in size is like night and day. His phone is WAY, WAY smaller, in every way.

                                There is only a 0.2inch difference on paper, but in reality, his phone is more than an entire 1 inch smaller than mine!

                                It's like a 5 inch phone next to a 6 inch phone.
                                AND, his phone, compared to mine, is shaped like a ruler. Wide with hardly any height, in landscape mode.
                                Hilariously bad for landscape viewing our soccer games, he is very disappointed.

                                Fix the photographs in this article! Place a Lenovo Phab 2 next to a Samsung Galaxy S8+!

                                  show me the trend of 19:9 tvs and I will believe... but since that moment still has not arrived let me enjoy 16:9 new phones as the xz2 premium, etc...

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • DRc
                                    • 03 Jun 2018

                                    base on your need get each one that you are easy to use..

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-510098
                                      • mx{
                                      • 03 Jun 2018

                                      Huawei Mate 10 is one of the best looking 16 by 9 devices ever created

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 7}U
                                        • 03 Jun 2018

                                        "classic" vs "modern" ??!! really ?
                                        I would say "optimized normal" vs "incompatible abnormal"