Nokia N9 pre-orders through the roof, 64GB batch all reserved

16 September, 2011
Nokia N9 pre-orders are going so well in Finland, that the 64GB version is already gone.

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  • s
  • simple user
  • Sve
  • 16 Sep 2011

"Nokia N9 pre-orders through the roof"

Anyone surprised?

    • s
    • simple user
    • Sve
    • 16 Sep 2011

    AnonD-252, 16 Sep 2011I can not understand why Nokia choose WP7 when all Nokia-fa... moreif N9 is cheaper it will eat market share of future WP phones from Nokia.

      • s
      • simple user
      • Sve
      • 16 Sep 2011

      arron, 16 Sep 2011any one know where i can purchase a N950 from?N950 is not for sale. One day after Nokia ceased to exists you can try to find N950 in e-bay. Till then only developpers may get it.

        • M
        • Mark
        • mby
        • 16 Sep 2011

        I want one as well!

          • M
          • Mattias
          • S3e
          • 16 Sep 2011

          In Sweden you can pre-order it from Halebop and 3. With cash-SIM from 3 it will go for 540 euro! Not that bad! It´s the 16Gb though. Can hardly wait for it to come to Telenor so I can order it, mine will be baby blue... :-)

          Check this link:

          Go Nokia go!

            • N
            • None
            • 75r
            • 16 Sep 2011

            The Nokia N9 will be the best phone on the market when it comes out. Its nothing short of amazing.

              • D
              • Dude
              • IVR
              • 16 Sep 2011

              AnonD-16060, 16 Sep 2011I salute Nokia in its camera functionality, second to SE :)Second to SE? Are u kidding me? SE is by far always have mediocre camera. Nokia always have good camera together with Samsung.

                • D
                • AnonD-13986
                • IVF
                • 16 Sep 2011

                Sun Down, 16 Sep 2011This might be problematic for me. Teenagers here buy iPhone... moreMy country not so bad, it's keeping low profile. By the time the masses know, I'll have my hands on one, still havent decided which colour though.

                I suspect though that people from your country coming over to get it, there's a queue list. Lol, first time ever I heard for Nokia

                  • S
                  • Sun Down
                  • PF5
                  • 16 Sep 2011

                  AnonD-13986, 16 Sep 2011Oh yeah, for those in Spore & Msia, it seems the 64 GB ... moreThis might be problematic for me. Teenagers here buy iPhones and SGSIIs like their candy, as in their parents are rich. I need to be quick for this one before it runs out.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-13986
                    • IVF
                    • 16 Sep 2011

                    Oh yeah, for those in Spore & Msia, it seems the 64 GB will come in all 3 colours, not just black. Info from Nokia authorised dealer.

                    Sun Down, not bad, the 64GB even lesser price difference with 16 GB in your country

                      • S
                      • Sun Down
                      • PF5
                      • 16 Sep 2011

                      Once this beauty is available in my country, that black 64 GB is mine to buy, mine to use and mine to experience.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-13986
                        • IVF
                        • 16 Sep 2011

                        AnonD-252, 16 Sep 2011I can not understand why Nokia choose WP7 when all Nokia-fa... moreFor all you know, the next thing you hear Mr Elop fired, haha.
                        In Asia, the 16GB N9 is slightly cheaper than Samsung S2, the 64 GB same price with S2's price at 1st release.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • t7X
                          • 16 Sep 2011

                          no matter, 16 Sep 2011Not worth looking at.but you still managed to "look at" this entry. Lol.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-16060
                            • fnc
                            • 16 Sep 2011

                            I salute Nokia in its camera functionality, second to SE :)

                              • S
                              • Sun Down
                              • PF5
                              • 16 Sep 2011

                              AnonD-252, 16 Sep 2011Samsung is considering to use MeeGo, because of less proble... moreExcept that most Nokia fans are dedicated to Symbian more than Meego.

                                • j
                                • jck
                                • mtk
                                • 16 Sep 2011

                                This is just like Cartman and his amusement park, when you tell people they can`t have it, they all want in on it, I really hope meego will see another model as well, not just the N9

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • t7X
                                  • 16 Sep 2011

                                  N950 is developer-exclusive device. Check mynokiablog for nokia updates (symbian, meego and window$).

                                    • q
                                    • qwerty
                                    • HBe
                                    • 16 Sep 2011

                                    In my humble opinion the main issue here it's the support Nokia will give to N9 users. We all know this N9 will be the first and last, ok we can live with that. But nobody knows nothing about updates to the platform or the apps/games.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-252
                                      • 397
                                      • 16 Sep 2011

                                      Samsung is considering to use MeeGo, because of less problems with Apple, and I really hope Samsung make many quad-core MeeGo, and if we are really lycky then the first Samsung MeeGo could be in stores before the end of this year. I hope Samsung now see how very popular MeeGo really is!
                                      If Samsung choose MeeGo and Nokia leave MeeGo, then I think most Nokia-fans will become Samsung-fans!

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-252
                                        • 397
                                        • 16 Sep 2011

                                        I can not understand why Nokia choose WP7 when all Nokia-fans, and most Android-fans, want to buy smartphones with MeeGo?
                                        MeeGo should be Nokias number 1 os, and Symbian as their budget alternative, WP7 should not be used at all!
                                        If N9 get software to use the built-in FM-radio, and if it can use full Adobe Flash 10.3 within the browser, then even I could consider buy this N9. But preorders for N9 is more expensive than preorders was for S2, and I think the quad-core Androids by the end of this year also will be less expensive than N9 so I will probably not buy this N9, but for the very many die-hard Nokia-fans N9 is really their only good alternative and the only one that can compete with Android and iPhone5.
                                        Elop should be fired, and Nokia leave WP7!