Google brings Android Go to Brazil

08 June 2018
New devices featuring Android Go will be introduced by Positivo, Multilaser and alcatel.

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rgr2508, 08 Jun 2018I believe they just used a stock image of the manufacturer'... moreThe image is the first version of Positivo Twist Metal, released in 2017.
The recently introduced device is simply an updated edition of the smartphone of the photo.

    SohailSays, 08 Jun 2018I don't know why OEMs wants to stick their custom skins eve... moreI don't think they do. But they should since custom skins are better in every way.
    I used to hate Samsungs touchwiz UI, but sammy has learned a lot since then. And even if Samsung can't make a decent skin, doesnt mean no one else should.

      Anonymous, 08 Jun 2018Alcatel = money for Nokia Oyj (not HMD Global).Alcatel is part of the nokia ,but not Alcatel mobile.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • nDi
        • 08 Jun 2018

        Alcatel = money for Nokia Oyj (not HMD Global).

          SohailSays, 08 Jun 2018I don't know why OEMs wants to stick their custom skins eve... moreI believe they just used a stock image of the manufacturer's UI. Already saw another image of the same phone with the Google "pure" UI on it.

            SohailSays, 08 Jun 2018I don't know why OEMs wants to stick their custom skins eve... moreAnd you can blame Samsung for this trend until now. XD

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 8Kf
              • 08 Jun 2018

              The device of the article has 512MB ram, 8GB storage and screen is 5.3" 360p

                I don't know why OEMs wants to stick their custom skins even in Android Go phones. Gosh!