Is this the iPhone 5? It sure looks like it [UPDATED]

29 September, 2011
A video popped up showing an iPhone 5 but all suggests it's an elaborate fake. Still, kudos to the author...

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  • D
  • AnonD-3576
  • 39T
  • 29 Sep 2011

My First Comment:

I also think that would be an iPhone 4S because its dimensions and design are not noticeably differs from the current iPhone 4. Though, when we look at the notification bar at the top of the screen, we can't see any operator name. The man uses it on wi-fi, we can't be sure about the browsing performance as well... And at last he hides the phone. I'm going with GsmArena here, I think it is a legit 4S but not an iPhone 5. It has not enough new features besides screen and cpu(?) to become iPhone 5.

My Second Comment:

LOL I laughed myself very hard. The date on the lock screen shows September 24, Saturday but on the calender app it shows Sep 22, Thursday. WTF? iOS 5 could be a beta but it doesn't confuse the days, right? :)

My first comment goes to garbage..

    • m
    • mario
    • nnZ
    • 29 Sep 2011

    its fake, look when game start, on display we can read "touch to start the game" but the game start and he didnt touch anything...

      • S
      • Sami
      • Tr3
      • 29 Sep 2011

      it is a video playback running on that device. Look at his finger touching the screen to late to start that bike game (0:41). Same thing when he closes the browser with the home button (0:17). ;-)

        • b
        • beefiron
        • RcW
        • 29 Sep 2011

        Fake! Seriously, if you had the iPhone 5 and wanted to make a quick video showing it off, is this the video you'd make? The iPhone is all about the aesthetics, and this guy didn't show the form of the phones at all. He didn't show the back, the sides, nothing. There's no way this video is real.

          • D
          • AnonD-24023
          • mNZ
          • 29 Sep 2011

          I think it's fake.
          Look at the lower left corner of iPhones screen when user rotates the phone. It's position don't match up with movement of device.
          And the date problem that was mentioned before...

            • D
            • AnonD-24024
            • N80
            • 29 Sep 2011

            Well, I received my R**Case skin I had pre-ordered from THE major e-tailer today in the mail. Now it was not the tear-drop shape that had been pictured...rather exactly this shape. Overall though the new skin seems a half inch bigger in both height and length and much thinner. We'll have to wait and see if my $15 bucks was a lesson learned but I wanted to share that. Also, you can clearly see the dual elongated buttons on this model (like my 3gs) and not a iPhone 4.

            I'm not sure if it's smoke and mirrors but it obviously is made to appear like the advance sale R**cases that are now being shipped for iPhone 5.

              • m
              • mlaclom
              • RNL
              • 29 Sep 2011

              Iphone 5 will need to have much more than just a dual core processor and a 4" screen to compel, particularly next to other phones such as gs2. They need technology that will still be relevant in a years time, if they keep to their product release schedule of the past. With quad core Kal-El chips coming out on phones early next year, the iphone 5 stands a real chance of being obsolete before it even ships. This is from an objective, non-fanboy consumer.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • qFW
                • 29 Sep 2011

                AnonD-24022, 29 Sep 2011dont think so it might be just a chinese fake i'd buy it regardless

                  • w
                  • waquzy
                  • n5y
                  • 29 Sep 2011

                  Looks fake

                    • D
                    • AnonD-24022
                    • iKv
                    • 29 Sep 2011

                    dont think so it might be just a chinese fake

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • pK2
                      • 29 Sep 2011

                      looks more like iphone 4s as the rest of the body looks the same as the iphone 4. it could always be fudged including the boss walking in sound. :) or a fake chinese make thats out in the market somewhere

                        • S
                        • Someone
                        • Sgf
                        • 29 Sep 2011

                        @Alvin there are comming 2 iPhone's one 4s that is the same as the 4 but a better processor and higher resolution camera. And one iPhone 5 who is new.

                          • t
                          • tyler9999
                          • uRA
                          • 29 Sep 2011

                          definitely it is iphone as someone enters the room the person panics!! thats the biggest and only clue!!

                            • C
                            • Coguar
                            • mVh
                            • 29 Sep 2011

                            This looks like 4S for me :)

                              • A
                              • AKA
                              • 258
                              • 29 Sep 2011

                              If its the screen and the notification icon and no hardware changes then i think SGS2 & HTC Sensation and EVO 3D rock by far... It has to be a major hardware change with a higher resolution camera...

                                • G
                                • GHDJ
                                • nx0
                                • 29 Sep 2011

                                haha he didn't drop it, someone came through the door at the end and he panicked lol looks real though

                                  • B
                                  • Bill
                                  • mxH
                                  • 29 Sep 2011

                                  Not big step ahead

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-24020
                                    • 2Td
                                    • 29 Sep 2011

                                    looks legitimate. and if its fake.. man! very good editing.

                                      • A
                                      • Alvin
                                      • kVN
                                      • 29 Sep 2011

                                      It is iPhone 4S not 5.

                                        • i
                                        • iPhonetics
                                        • sn7
                                        • 29 Sep 2011

                                        This one have a very high probabilty of being the real thing.
                                        1.) The dimensions, screen-body proportions
                                        2.) The new icons found at :07 a:08 are features of iOS5