HTC Desire S gets Gingerbread 2.3.5 and Sense 3.0

02 October, 2011
Google promised at least 18 months support for Android devices, HTC seem to be keeping their word.

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  • J
  • John
  • SaJ
  • 20 Oct 2011

The update has also arrived in Denmark =)

    • j
    • jipa
    • iJ3
    • 20 Oct 2011

    Just installing it. O2 SK

      • g
      • goofy1984
      • Le$
      • 20 Oct 2011

      Available in Hungary.

        • s
        • srác
        • 0uR
        • 20 Oct 2011

        Got it in Hungary, T-mobile

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • nMr
          • 20 Oct 2011

          Wiwwe, 20 Oct 2011Update released today here in Finland, at last! :)Same in Italy... got it today

            • S
            • Siva
            • U@Y
            • 20 Oct 2011

            Updates almost reached all the places in Europe. Still waiting in India

              • S
              • Siva
              • U@Y
              • 20 Oct 2011

              People. Happy news. Updates reached Spain and Denmark. Hope we will get this soon.

                • i
                • igor
                • n5x
                • 20 Oct 2011

                it´s look like the update run out everywhere but not in uk O2. its strange. cmon

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • mTn
                  • 20 Oct 2011

                  Just received the update in Belgium ...

                    • D
                    • AnonD-26068
                    • 3Zx
                    • 20 Oct 2011

                    Today i receive update in Bulgaria (Android 2.3.5 and Sense 3.0) ! I hope soon you got it all of you :)
                    My operator is M-tel Bulgaria.

                      • f
                      • fadly_nn
                      • vV5
                      • 20 Oct 2011

                      when we can get this update?can someone tell?cant wait no more :)

                        • W
                        • Wiwwe
                        • SqG
                        • 20 Oct 2011

                        Update released today here in Finland, at last! :)

                          • R
                          • Remco
                          • Sd{
                          • 20 Oct 2011

                          Today I got the update on my phone as well! I live in The Netherlands with network KPN!

                            • J
                            • Jay
                            • j01
                            • 20 Oct 2011

                            No updates in philippines also...:(

                              • H
                              • HayTeeSee
                              • P%C
                              • 20 Oct 2011

                              still no update from Indonesia, but seriously, why Sense 3.0 instead of 3.5?

                                • H
                                • HTC-Kam
                                • m5j
                                • 17 Oct 2011

                                Desire HD won't support update as it has older hardware, only some old phones will support. Incredible S is not being ignored the update is in develop and it has not reached testing mode. The desire s update is in testing, all the networks recieve the update then test it and if its working they will roll it out like Orange have done, other networks like 3, vodaphone and t moblie are getting rid if bugs, then they will release it. All the updates should be updating by the end of October. Just go to settings-about phone-check for updates, daily and watch over and your networks websites. This update is only for UK currently until most UK devices have it then HTC will send the fixed version to unlocked and network undranded devices world wide and the networks like 3 will send there fixed version to the 3 companys located worldwide the they would check it then roll it out. Be patient.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • uQx
                                  • 15 Oct 2011

                                  no updates in Singapore as well

                                    • i
                                    • imzuhaib
                                    • sy4
                                    • 15 Oct 2011

                                    HTC ,why are u delaying this update in whole world?

                                    As ICS will be launching by end of October.i think instead of giving Sense 3.0 u should just give Sense 3.5 updated in recently released HTC Rhyme :)

                                      • Y
                                      • Yolem
                                      • uSS
                                      • 15 Oct 2011

                                      Anonymous, 03 Oct 2011Hi, I'm from Manila. I received a software update when I ch... moreNo, its just a minor update... Updated mine back several months ago... Ive chatted with online support in Taiwan, but says they cant confirm the new Sense 3.0 update, says we only have to wait...

                                        • M
                                        • ME
                                        • fq6
                                        • 15 Oct 2011

                                        No update yet in EGYPT.
                                        any new news from HTC official site?