Samsung Galaxy Note9: the story so far
- R
- Robbie
- n5u
- 05 Aug 2018
Tempted get my Note 8 on ebay now, like the one with the yellow s pen.
- D
- AnonD-546724
- 0Ks
- 05 Aug 2018
The same stuff as last year, but still 1000$
Samsung seems to follows the path of some rotten fruit
Some says they can't improve on perfection, but perfection or not, if they keep trying to sold us the same stuff as last year without any real improvement at the full price, then they're wrong.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mx{
- 05 Aug 2018
The chipset is old... and it still on 10nm
Samsungs adding old tech and expecting a high price lmao
This phones a flop before its released.
- L
- 03N
- 05 Aug 2018
Looks like great device , I'm a big fan of Samsung galaxy note series and since i skipped last year note 8 , this time this beast is mine !
- Kiyasuriin
- Hx4
- 05 Aug 2018
Hmm.... Gray one for me! And I hope the bluetooth of the pen can be turned off for extended battery life
- P
- PeterThePanda
- t7x
- 05 Aug 2018
So around 63k Philippine pesos on release, same price as the 64GB iPhone X.