Apple Watch Series 4 arrives with larger display, ceramic and sapphire back, ECG

12 September 2018
Plenty of new features thanks to the watchOS 5, the new gyroscope and ECG sensors.

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More BS than ever. I can see there Apple is going. Instead of focusing on witness people, not so much as comparing with obese and sick, they will try to focus on providing a lot of gimmicky sensors so any person related with Hart problems or weight would be targeted to get this shitty accessory, you no need 499 dollar watch to be healthy and proactive people, don't fall for deceiving Apple Marketing :)

    • D
    • AnonD-558092
    • 45}
    • 12 Sep 2018

    Don't understand why people spend that much for a picophone barely usable strapped on their wrists. I cna understand luxury watches but this isn't ok.

    But the fall detection with auto 911 is a great idea

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • Ixs
      • 12 Sep 2018

      Apple - expect to receive many "thanks" from 911 regarding your automatic drunk party calls

        Wished it was also compatible with Android. It's a good expensive watch, but much better than other watches

          Damn, it's even more expensive than last year with the phones and the watch

            • M
            • MdN8
            • 3@f
            • 12 Sep 2018

            At least they didn't put a notch on it.

              18hrs battery life as before I will pass