Facebook security breach affects 50 million accounts
- G
- Goodfellow
- 01 Jul 2019
Everyone of facebook requires a complete detox programme. They have caused more damage then good.
- F
- Fishbook
- UD{
- 05 Oct 2018
Anonym, 30 Sep 2018The moment you realize your accounts hold much more informa... moreSay all you want I am aware the things happening in Facebook and gathering stuff, I am full aware that every time I use the Log in with facebook they get my information. When I open my account there would be ads showing most things I actually follow like NBA, food and gaming all of those are just common to me. I don't put anything in my account only my name, pictures and some details but nothing much that would affect me somehow. If somebody would chat me about something important or very private things I would go calling them or finding a way to talk to them without putting it in the chatbox in facebook.
- Walter C. Dornez
- 47n
- 02 Oct 2018
Omega, 02 Oct 2018Ugh, I'm offended!*nasally nerd voice*
Well, you're WRONG! WRONG WRONG WRONG! This iPhone is better than you Fandroids could ever dream of! Look at the gold colour! Where's your gold colour?!
- O
- Omega
- UD{
- 02 Oct 2018
Walter C. Dornez, 01 Oct 2018Hmm Let's test this hypothesis, shall we? *breathes in*... moreUgh, I'm offended!
- O
- Omega
- UD{
- 02 Oct 2018
Deb, 01 Oct 2018Get rid of FaceBook! No, only the idiot who posted all their security and private information are going insane over this, the rest of us who use it to catch up with friends are enjoying facebook just fine.
- D
- Deb
- IrI
- 01 Oct 2018
Get rid of FaceBook!
- Walter C. Dornez
- r93
- 01 Oct 2018
Realistic1, 01 Oct 2018I got called "iFanboy" by simply commenting that I have an ... moreHmm
Let's test this hypothesis, shall we?
*breathes in*
- D
- AnonD-731363
- SH3
- 01 Oct 2018
Well if we turn off Facebook forewer we can start live a real life.
The fact is 6/10 people cant live without any social network at all
Instead of playing with friends on grass or streets we are hour by hour day by day ona phone laptop, tablet or personal computer.
Even or TVs were filled with Android and Social networks.
In stead of living own lives we lives the lives as a souls wailing from one place to another within the Social networks and we are loke lost from existence.
- ?
- Anonymous
- XNk
- 01 Oct 2018
Anonymous, 29 Sep 2018"So because Google gives you something what you like you ar... moreOh gosh, you are letting your life be controlled by Google. There are so many other comparable or better non-Google apps.
- ?
- Anonymous
- XNk
- 01 Oct 2018
Baykko, 29 Sep 2018You would think this being GSM arena you would find a lot o... moreWell said!
- ?
- Anonymous
- XNk
- 01 Oct 2018
Anonym, 30 Sep 2018The moment you realize your accounts hold much more informa... moreSame goes for Google when you log in with your Google account.
- R
- Realistic1
- 3qE
- 01 Oct 2018
Walter C. Dornez, 30 Sep 2018Ha ha....ha HA.......HA HA...... HAHAHAHA
Dude, this is GS... moreI got called "iFanboy" by simply commenting that I have an iPhone, and was also called "fanboy" for saying that I prefer iOS over Android (and I did use both)... and that is just beginning.
If you ever say something good about Apple here - people will hate on you.
- J
- Jucking Fesus
- UD{
- 30 Sep 2018
Whackcar, 29 Sep 2018I got rid of Facebook long ago. I keep convincing new peopl... moreI care whether you don't care or care about you caring about Facebook. I just don't care if somebody cares to reply saying that they don't care that you don't care about Facebook. Actually, people doesn't care if I care to reply even if you don't care.
- b
- bogs
- t7N
- 30 Sep 2018
I dont have facebook account and I have less worries.
- A
- Anonym
- Lcd
- 30 Sep 2018
Fishbook, 30 Sep 2018Well it doesn't concern me at all even if my account was co... moreThe moment you realize your accounts hold much more information that you are thinking of, you will also worry. Think about all those times you went to a site and chose the "log-in with facebook" option -- now facebook also holds logs of what you've been doing in the general internet.
The data collected this way is far more valuable than anything you "share", as this one is as true as it can be, while what you "share" is just your own version of the image you want to project -- which is not so useful to people in the data gathering business.
- m
- macky2green
- Sq6
- 30 Sep 2018
Someone please make another social media platform. Please.
#FacebookSUCKS #QUITFacebook
- D
- DunCare
- UD{
- 30 Sep 2018
Whackcar, 29 Sep 2018I got rid of Facebook long ago. I keep convincing new peopl... moreI don't care that you don't care about facebook because I don't care about it also and I don't really care if facebook doesn't really care about the account because it doesn't matter to you also that's why you don't care. If people wants to use facebook let them use it don't shoved you butt into other people's business mind your own and really I don't care about you telling people not to reply that we don't care because I care. Hahaha wait whut?
- F
- Fishbook
- UD{
- 30 Sep 2018
Well it doesn't concern me at all even if my account was compromised since I don't have any sensitive information in my account or anything I am not like those people who is very important and have like a billion dollar company or super rich that would affect me in anyway possible. People complain that they lose millions of dollars or their account is so valuable that no information should be breached. If you don't want your important things to get hacked why put it on your online account which people can see or access, even hacked.
The only thing you guys might be careful in your account are your nudes and dcik pics! Hahaha!
- Walter C. Dornez
- 30 Sep 2018
Baykko, 29 Sep 2018You would think this being GSM arena you would find a lot o... moreHa ha....ha HA.......HA HA...... HAHAHAHA
Dude, this is GSMARENA. If you are looking for a site with mature people, you are in the wrong my place. Trust me, I've been here awhile. Just say, "Apple is the best", and just wait
- B
- Baykko
- LEi
- 29 Sep 2018
You would think this being GSM arena you would find a lot of mature people and mature conversations here. Instead all you find are silly brats speaking "OMG Facebook sucks, why do people still use it? OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE". I bet 99% of you only have pictures of you and a couple friends, some games, some things you follow and a thousand of all the memes you share everyday. You wake up. As long as there are barriers, there will be people trying to break through those barriers even if all that's behind those is a pool of mud. If it wasn't Facebook they'd simply go for another target