Price history of Apple's iPhones: how did we get to €1,600?

04 November 2018
Early on, Apple hid the true cost behind carrier subsidies. Even now that that's over, it's not shy about raising the prices.

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Apple is the worst brand.

    • D
    • AnonD-800802
    • vCK
    • 04 Nov 2018

    Modest Mind, 04 Nov 2018As long as there are iSheeps and sSheeps who will pay exces... moreLol Samsung is nowhere near in the same league as Apple. It’s position in the market is eroding fast because of other android OEM, Huawei will dethrone it eventually. Apple will stay on top of the high end segment for a very long time.

    Its market share will shrink and will further be perceived as luxurious and exclusive because of this. This already happened to the entire MAC OS line.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 6jr
      • 04 Nov 2018

      "How did we get to 1600?"

      Competitors stopped competing. At this point buying an Apple is buying a SoC from 2 years in the future. Qualcomm is such a bad company that inadvertedly increase the prices of competitors.

      Android is/was done for once Qualcomm became the sole provider of compute power. Back in the era of Tegra, Ti Omap, etc. Androids were actually faster than I phones and iphones were far cheaper so that to compete. These days an android literally does everything at half the speed, no wonder that apple han increase the price and still sell. That is what happens when competition dies...

        • D
        • AnonD-800802
        • vCK
        • 04 Nov 2018

        Modest Mind, 04 Nov 2018As long as there are iSheeps and sSheeps who will pay exces... moreLol Samsung is nowhere near in the same league as Apple. It’s position in the market is eroding fast because of other android OEM, Huawei will dethrone it eventually. Apple will stay on top of the high end segment for a very long time.

        Its market share will shrink and will further be perceived as luxurious and exclusive because of this. This already happened to the entire MAC OS line.

          Sigh... I wonder when apple will learn....

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • PGq
            • 04 Nov 2018

            Price = Up
            STANDARD features (e,g 3.5mm jack) = "Down"
            "GIMMICKY" features (e.g NOTCH) = "Up"

            These should sum everything up :D

              BigDisplay, 04 Nov 2018One word... INSANE moreHAHAHAHA! I laughed really hard at this.
              nothing changed in the next 7 years.

                AnonD-800802, 04 Nov 2018Another article to incite hatred from android users towards... moreWhen you become a trillion company people consider that you have the best product on the market and buy your product. That may be correct, but in fact Apple is falling behind innovation and has stopped inventing: they can simply afford buying a company just to buy its invention, and this is what Apple is doing right now. The last time they invented something was when Steve Jobs was alive. True, it may be a rich company but it is already rotting from the inside...what we are seeing form outside is actually the only "wallpaper" this company has. I do hope people will learn to value their earnings and stop being sheep: learn to demand more..for less!

                  As long as there are iSheeps and sSheeps who will pay excessive prices for an average technology such as Apple/Samsung smartphones, Apple/Samsung profit will continue to rise exponentially. Propaganda on ignorants works wonders!

                    • A
                    • Alex
                    • mAZ
                    • 04 Nov 2018

                    My first and last iPhone is the iPhone SE...

                      AnonD-800802, 04 Nov 2018Another article to incite hatred from android users towards... moreTrue that. But those ppl wanting special status apart from the commonera dont know that there are actually better quality cameras on phones manufactured in this world, among other things(like oled, which they are getting only now) which they are denied bcoz they want exclusivity to subpar devices. Apart from exclusivity to specific restricted os and status, apple users are actually enjoying subpar tech!!

                        • D
                        • AnonD-800802
                        • vCK
                        • 04 Nov 2018

                        Another article to incite hatred from android users towards the company that is envied by every single tech company in the world.

                        iOS is clearly positioned as the premium and luxury equivalent in smartphones. This is something that android will never accomplish. It is extremely difficult to sell Android OS as premium when it’s available at every price points.

                        Yes, the hardware can be as premium, but the perception of it being a “commoners” OS WILL ALWAYS REMAIN. Exclusivity is part of Apples appeal and this is a common trait that all luxury brands share.

                        Since Apple never chased market share, it’s obvious that they are marketing their products purely as high end with no equal.

                          Apple didn't become the first trillion dollar company by selling well priced products. The manufacturing cost of their phones are always a fraction of the amount they charge their customers.

                          People are practically paying the premium for that Apple logo on the back.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • KZK
                            • 04 Nov 2018

                            Indeed.. If they can get even only 10 million phone sold, the profits already equal if not more than other manufacturers... That's what's bothers me... Coz people still buying it..

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • B{w
                              • 04 Nov 2018

                              all whats we paying for now on iphone is what been around for years now and iphone make people think its new tech then putting a massaive price hike on there stuff, look ata the new ipads a 64gb cost 11” cost £769 wifi only you opt for the gsm version and that will set you £919 and lets not talk about the 12.9 🙈 apple old probduct works good but the still trottle them talking about swtiching off i have a lg g5 it works finish never even crash and everyone keep saying android is rubbish but in general i think its way better because they done trottle your phones in the long run unlike apple

                                • R
                                • Rajeev
                                • rJH
                                • 04 Nov 2018

                                Apple pricing policy allowed Chinese companies to flourish. A 100$ phone is being sold at 400$ and 300$ phone at 800$. Even Samsung produce second grade products which hardly lasts one year or so, but pricing is touching apple. By collecting loads of money, these companies would pose challenge to Apple in times to come. Apple should rethink and revise its pricing policy to curb competition or at least genuine competitor should be there.

                                  Apple need 60%+ mark up on there phones, so once they start building phones like top quality android phones oled screens etc there price goes through the roof.