11 sued over selling Samsung OLED secrets to Chinese company

29 November 2018
The research took Samsung around six years and millions of dollars.

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Love the way how the Note has slim bezels which looks so pleasing than most others including notches.

    I'm Chinese and your comment is spot on.

      Marvin, 29 Nov 2018It's not like the Chinese forced Samsung and Apple and othe... moreInjustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere - Martin Lutherking Jr.

      It's not about loyalties. It is about knowing what is right and wrong and supporting the right. Coz Karma

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • X}6
        • 30 Nov 2018

        Note7 owner, 29 Nov 2018If they are willing to sell why not buy it. Maybe Samsung c... more"Samsung could pay their workers more money so they don't need to seek other means to make money"

        This is a stupid comment. Samsung is not forced them to work for samsung. It is their choice to work under samsung. If they don't like the salary, just quit, but don't steal. It is a poor little excuse for stealing. And, Ibx, don't live your life with this piss poor attitude. No amount of money can satisfy greedy people. They want to get more and more.

          • F
          • AnonF-85937
          • rwq
          • 30 Nov 2018

          glxy, 30 Nov 2018I've argued against these and the other side seems to have ... moreThis is the sad reality indeed, thank you for coming here with logic and some sense.

            • F
            • AnonF-85937
            • rwq
            • 30 Nov 2018

            DJ FROST, 29 Nov 2018bro how much are they paying to stay here an argue about ra... moreIf you cannot handle an argument properly rather not get into one. You and I both here so I guess we are both lonesome? Lol.

            Next time come prepared with some facts please.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • XNk
              • 30 Nov 2018

              Anonymous, 29 Nov 2018Its not hard to make a hole in a display lmao, do you know ... moreIs it? What do you know about glass engineering?

                • g
                • glxy
                • Kg%
                • 30 Nov 2018

                I've argued against these and the other side seems to have their own twisted "reason". The counterargument is that patent owners are just as greedy and refuse to rationalize prices for poorer countries to benefit. Governments will put the welfare of their own people first - these acts support industries that feed their people - not about living comfortably, but people who struggle to have decent life. This mindset is why patent cases can drag on in China while the industries continue using the designs.

                  good for samsung these chinese companies that keeps on releasing knock offs and bad quality devices should be penalize.

                    Anonymous, 30 Nov 2018Nobody hires what you call 'suspicious' looking people. The... moreOh well.
                    It's business.
                    Nothing personal.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • YHB
                      • 30 Nov 2018

                      Time to make a copy

                        Anonymous, 30 Nov 2018Nobody hires what you call 'suspicious' looking people. The... morelol nice one!

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • B{1
                          • 30 Nov 2018

                          Geric.770, 29 Nov 2018Bad news for Samsung. They shouldn't have hired suspiciou... moreNobody hires what you call 'suspicious' looking people. They gave in to greed. This is corporate espionage. It happens a lot but doesn't make it right.
                          What do suspicious looking people look like? Do they wear an overcoat and a hat, maybe false nose and moustache and glasses?!? How did they get past the interviews i wonder... Lol

                            AnonF-85937, 29 Nov 2018So now you have gone from racist to political, lol, great j... morebro how much are they paying to stay here an argue about racism, everbody has a different state of mind, we talk different we think different etc... no matter how much you fight to change peoples ideology to yours it wont happen, look something to do bro it seems like your are so lonesome, so you are looking company f*** *ff.

                              • F
                              • AnonF-85937
                              • rwq
                              • 29 Nov 2018

                              wewew, 29 Nov 2018well I wonder why where is the R&D efforts that was mad... moreBMW, Qualcomm, Tesla, Renault-Nissan, Nvidia, Sony etc... Are not in your little top 20 list either, guess they stole all they have to right?

                                • D
                                • AnonD-732843
                                • 0p}
                                • 29 Nov 2018

                                Why is this even important when Samsung's creation of unsafe work environments and hiding it for over a decade is much more newsworthy than this laughable "theft of secrets"???

                                Why is there no mention of Samsung reaching a final settlement with cancer-stricken employees for bad work conditions???? After 10 years of fighting with them in court!!!!

                                  • F
                                  • AnonF-85937
                                  • rwq
                                  • 29 Nov 2018

                                  AnonD-762416, 29 Nov 2018That is some seriously broken thinking. At risk of sounding... moreYes because the rest of the world of the world is always right and China is always wrong, yeah?

                                  Get back to us when you are using a device that has 100% of its components NOT made or installed in China

                                    • F
                                    • AnonF-85937
                                    • rwq
                                    • 29 Nov 2018

                                    Scram, 29 Nov 2018The point is that this isn't a standard routine industrial ... moreSo now you have gone from racist to political, lol, great job!

                                    You don't have much of a point again, as you have pretty much proven that this happens, no matter the circumstance globally, be it government or a company that will be lambasted.

                                    End of the day majority of the devices you all use to post here are made in China anyway, lol, thank them for your device not costing +$5000.

                                      Anonymous, 29 Nov 2018LG G6 the first phone comes with 18.9 aspect ratio not Sams... moreLol those firsts are like "XX OEM is the first snapdragon 845 phone". That doesn't make it an innovation. It was the new trend in phones and other companies did have QHD and 18:9 displays in the pipeline upcoming. It just happened that LG was the first one to release in market

                                        • S
                                        • Scram
                                        • xtS
                                        • 29 Nov 2018

                                        AnonF-85937, 29 Nov 2018So if the others believed Nubia made the best phone you wou... moreThe point is that this isn't a standard routine industrial espionage by competing companies. This is a state-sanctioned pervasive operation where the CCP encourages and funds the theft while claiming to be a responsible global trade partner.

                                        It is the deception and flagrant "whatever it takes" mantra that makes Chinese stealing particularly nauseating. Other companies do it on the realization that it'd hurt their image and regulators will be impartial if they're found out.

                                        The Chinese do it on the realization that no one in Beijing will raise an eyebrow. Rather, they'd get an "attaboy" pat on the back, a nice check of state loan, and protection from litigation in the largest consumer market on the planet.

                                        You can call it racism, that changes nothing. We're nerds here, not college art liberal snowflakes.