Verizon has a Buy One, Get One free deal for iPhones, Pixels, Samsungs, and LGs

17 January 2019
You buy one of a brand and you get the second one free (although this will be the cheapest option).

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Anonymous, 18 Jan 2019Lol. Is it a joke? These phone companies occupy more than 9... moreIs that right? So OnePlus ain't selling? Not to mention they may control, but they aren't selling

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 6p$
    • 18 Jan 2019

    Walter C. Dornez, 18 Jan 2019So basically, all four companies are having a bad time selling.Lol. Is it a joke? These phone companies occupy more than 95% of US smartphone market.

      Bill credits. LMFAO. No thank you, Verizon.

      Scam artists.

        Career locks potentially 4 lines for 24 months! Good strategy! They probably bought these at discounted rates from Apple with different negotiation based on the present market conditions where iPhone inventories are going higher up every month!!

          So basically, all four companies are having a bad time selling.