GSM Galaxy Nexus gets 4.0.2 update, 4.0.3 announced already

17 December, 2011
4.0.3 to bring new features, bug fixes and performance updates. 4.0.2 is identical to the LTE version.

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  • l
  • lannder
  • n72
  • 30 May 2012

is a galaxy nexus for woman or for guys?

    • L
    • Linux
    • n98
    • 14 Jan 2012

    Saint, 19 Dec 2011It's strange that ICS is practically made for nexus and it ... moreWas this closed source commercial break...

      • n
      • nick
      • Trj
      • 19 Dec 2011

      Yay!! I already got the 4.0.3 update!!!!!

        • S
        • Saint
        • nmU
        • 19 Dec 2011

        It's strange that ICS is practically made for nexus and it is still full of bugs. Doesn't bode well for other Android devices. At least google is working hard on fixes.

        This is part of the reason I think my next phone is WP7. A friend has been really praising how "it just works".

          • D
          • AnonD-23345
          • 2Cd
          • 18 Dec 2011

          [deleted post]Kies will give you legal updates that aeeive in your country...if that is so you need to wait 10 years to install android 4.0 when your friends will be bragging abt android
          Use odin or discuss with xda developers

            • D
            • AnonD-23345
            • 2Cd
            • 18 Dec 2011

            Mohhi, 17 Dec 2011Hello everbody, How and where can I update my nexus i925... moreYou can ask get it in the forum posted by xda developers....they are very helpful.
            Check out
            Type your model number and bingo

              • E
              • EliteDEV
              • mEk
              • 18 Dec 2011

              Thank god for another patch. android 4 is bugged as hell.

                • S
                • Saurav
                • NH{
                • 18 Dec 2011

                Gaurav u wstng ya tme wtng 4 an updte frm samsung thy r uslss kies suck the wave also scks stpd cmpny thy gng 2 lse buznss drstclly.mind the texting i like texting without vowels hehe

                  • D
                  • AnonD-27407
                  • sXv
                  • 18 Dec 2011

                  Not seen a hint of 4.0.2 in the UK yet. I have a feeling we'll skip straight to 4.0.3

                    • j
                    • jT771
                    • KI1
                    • 17 Dec 2011

                    Mohhi, 17 Dec 2011Hello everbody, How and where can I update my nexus i925... moreHi Folks, so I have got the official ics version (4.0.3) for Nexus S a bunch of apps are not compatible with ICS so expect that to happen when you get/download one. I cannot find the option for putting Google apps into one folder and no face unlock option either, my guess is this is a little worn down version of ics for nexus S. Other folks who have got the new ics on nexus S please let us know your thoughts. thx

                      • D
                      • AnonD-34623
                      • nCi
                      • 17 Dec 2011

                      Already got the 4.0.3 on my nexus s! downloaded directly from google! :D

                        • M
                        • Mohhi
                        • 0GJ
                        • 17 Dec 2011

                        Hello everbody,

                        How and where can I update my nexus i9250 . Please help me.

                          • H
                          • Hi
                          • Lh@
                          • 17 Dec 2011

                          Reminds me of gingerbread 2.3.3 was the main version which google wanted to give to companies

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • YcE
                            • 17 Dec 2011

                            4.0.3 already rolling out for nexus s

                              • H
                              • HASSAN
                              • Hxe
                              • 17 Dec 2011

                              also w8ng

                                • h
                                • huo
                                • PA8
                                • 17 Dec 2011

                                testing testing

                                  • E
                                  • Esk
                                  • 0Fq
                                  • 17 Dec 2011

                                  Well, the Galaxy Nexus is getting all the updates a test device should...