Nokia Lumia 800 still selling greatly, in some places at least
- D
- AnonD-19741
- mR%
- 29 Dec 2011
if nokia s wp7 sells so well how come i never saw anyone use one on the street?
- D
- AnonD-29989
- t7R
- 29 Dec 2011
i hope nokia will make a smaller screen resolution like xperia mini pro for their windows phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- u7m
- 29 Dec 2011
Good to hear that there is a 3rd popular phone after SGS2 & IP4S, It would be too boring it is either Android or IOS, All the best Nokia, i might come back to Nokia by mid of next year if the Tango & Appolo works well, maybe even for Nokia Carla, Nokia phone alway come with the human touch which i like, at time i find my present android to complicated for my liking, but adobe flash something Nokia cannot ignored, hopefully window phone will come with it in their future update.
- D
- AnonD-2663
- tAG
- 29 Dec 2011
Nokia themselves aren't expecting to nab the number 1 spot overnight, so this kind of speculation is trash talk at best.
I'd be treating the negative reports floating around at the moment with extreme suspicion, especially the ones from financial analysts with ulterior motives.
- w
- wisewizard
- iba
- 29 Dec 2011
congrats LUMIA!!! I already own a windows phone 7 but tis one, sumthg to die for!! want to change my phone!
- F
- Fire Elop
- d$L
- 29 Dec 2011
The Truth is that the sales are very ugly in most places. But in Business you have to lie, to keep your stock prices stable . But in the end, the truth will come out, and the sh*t will hit the fan, the share holders will demand Elop's resignation.
- V
- VF
- n%n
- 29 Dec 2011
the fact that the Lumia is doing so well at KPN and VF is becouse the salesmen are pushed with a nokia Lumia pitch. here at VF the sales is going grazy , 1 of the 3 phones is a lumia . rewarded bij VF and Nokia with a groups incentive ...
Nokia is pushing their Phones realy hard .. but than again .. its a great Phone !
- s
- sadmanh
- K2F
- 29 Dec 2011
am interested in that phone, but would next year come with some Nokia specific customization ? I like the idea of simplicity but really Microsoft we need something nice to look at when we are bored outside & a lot of times its our phone we stare at.
- S
- Sid
- 2@j
- 29 Dec 2011
It will be a great loss if Nokia dies away. They still make, IMO - the most sturdy & battery efficient phones in this world. The Nokia 710 I am using also has a stellar battery life. It lasts over 2 days on a full charge under some heavy usage [7 hours of music & some gaming + email syncing turned on all the time].
Its important for all the fans of Nokia that it wins Round 1 with Nokia 800 & 710.
- S
- Scoop
- P$u
- 29 Dec 2011
I think the true numbers will be out by mid-Feb
- t
- tintin
- 29 Dec 2011
Cry bee
- n
- nano
- v0q
- 29 Dec 2011
this is a very good phone from a good company, so it should sell good..
- L
- Lau
- K7g
- 29 Dec 2011
Success indeed