Motorola Razr foldable smartphone's features revealed
- d
- duh
- LnN
- 22 Aug 2019
why is the battery so bad?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 16 Mar 2019
Cool off ooo
- ?
- Anonymous
- 81X
- 13 Mar 2019
A media player that unfolds into a phone is not something I'm interested in. A more compact phone that unfolds into a mini tablet is what I'd want.
- D
- AnonD-731363
- SH3
- 11 Mar 2019
ZloiYuri, 08 Mar 2019Lenovo is out of trust credit. Man bearing my Moto X4 since first day of buy and the phone still working as a brand new and i am a heavy gamer.
- 7tV
- 11 Mar 2019
For some reason this isn't as exciting as the Mate X /Galaxy Fold. Yeah perhaps it will be more durable than these (they are first gen products after all). But, once Samsung and Huawei make more refined products, Moto will find it difficult to stick with this ideology. I hope they prove me wrong and the Razr implementations lie beyond consumer imagination.
- h
- harlekkin
- 10 Mar 2019
I'm totally down with a 2020 version of the RAZR, yes please. Nostalgia!
- J
- Joe
- 09 Mar 2019
Anonymous, 09 Mar 2019In fact the idea of Razr foldable was inspired by HMD Nokia... moreNot really, Moto did an ad titled Moto 06.09.16 (Look for it on YouTube) where people were walking around and using the RAZR V3 clamshell. I believe their concept has been in development since that year or so.
- N
- NeoGeo12
- 0g5
- 09 Mar 2019
Tablet sales have went down. Many big brand companies stopped making them. No is doing innovative things in the tablet market that can compare to what going on in the smartphone market.
- Tonberry
- J88
- 09 Mar 2019
It looks quite nice! Although it's not really right for me, since the screen is long and narrow, personally I'd prefer a foldable phone with a large, more proportional screen, like Galaxy Fold and Mate X.
- ?
- Anonymous
- La$
- 09 Mar 2019
Kingslayer, 08 Mar 2019I'm not going to lie, I'm actually interested in this and I... moreLet's not jump on conclusions when there's basically no facts yet. Pictures show a phone opened flat but sure that may change. But given that opening a foldable phone to get a bigger flat display is the main idea behind foldables, I'd be somewhat optimistic ;)
The price will probably exceed the usual budget for a few years from now. It's yet to be seen whether foldable phones will ever reach price range which we deem "appropriate" for slab phones. It's not unthinkable of but on the other hand the current trend is driving the prices of top devices back high in the sky.
To me, this Motorola might be trying to tap into the group of users longing for more compact devices in this sad world of >6" monstrosities. That huge display in a device folded in half might be an acceptable solution for them.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 09 Mar 2019
Anonymous, 09 Mar 2019Like Nokia presenting classic feature phones in a new way.In fact the idea of Razr foldable was inspired by HMD Nokia 3310 to revive the popular classic namesake
- H
- Hil
- HjC
- 09 Mar 2019
Now this kind of smartphone interesting for me.. The tablet and laptop segment are there.. Smartphone should be more reliable and small..
- I
- Imperator Neubaticus
- sxs
- 09 Mar 2019
Now this is the kind of foldable tech that's sensible and practical. Unlike the pig-disgusting mate x and every other similar iteration.
- L
- Levy
- q{r
- 09 Mar 2019
Finally, a Motorola to be excited about! The original Razr was one of the best cellphones designs ever, and to have it combined with modern Android capabilities would make for a very attractive proposition.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PA7
- 09 Mar 2019
Cant wait what the king of innovition will bring
- ?
- Anonymous
- tPG
- 09 Mar 2019
Like Nokia presenting classic feature phones in a new way.
- O
- Oflife
- mpR
- 08 Mar 2019
Want! And for our Mum too, so she doesn't have to struggle with swiping to answer or end a call, very unreliable on both iPhones and Androids, whilst a flip open to answer or close to end is way more intuitive and reliable.
- Kingslayer
- cUU
- 08 Mar 2019
I'm not going to lie, I'm actually interested in this and I was never a big fan of the original RAZR.
Folks forget Motorola made some of the nicest clamshell phones in the mid-2000s. It will feel weird browsing and texting on it. The screen will be too narrow and it won't open flat. GPS is going to be odd.
For $1,200? Hell no. It's probably worth below $400. As of right now, most foldables are gimmicky until they pick a certain design that makes it practical. We won't really know that until 2-3 years in.
This is a gimmicky phone for the nostalgic. But I will still be curious about it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3E0
- 08 Mar 2019
Take my money