Apple drops HomePod price a year after launch
- A
- Anonymous
- ix9
- 09 Apr 2019
I'd rather buy something from xiaomi like the XiaoAi Speaker HD that just came out and probably will give Google Home and other smart speakers a good run for it's money and it will sell for a quarter of the price while retaining all the quality.
Xiaomi, little by little is taking on the whole world of smart devices while retaining quality
- ?
- Anonymous
- T6s
- 08 Apr 2019
Optimist Prime, 05 Apr 2019How does it feel knowing a stopped clock is correct more of... moreThey're not smart enough to know that
- Optimist Prime
- pp3
- 05 Apr 2019
NexusSuperFan, 05 Apr 2019The entire Apple Titanic ship hanging on to iOS for it's li... moreHow does it feel knowing a stopped clock is correct more often than you are?
- G
- GrU
- m%J
- 05 Apr 2019
God, 05 Apr 2019Looks Like No-one Brought This Garbage For that price you can get a really nice house shaking stereo. Without that useless siri and so on...
- N
- NexusSuperFan
- 05 Apr 2019
God, 05 Apr 2019Looks Like No-one Brought This Garbage The entire Apple Titanic ship hanging on to iOS for it's life, when Fuchsia OS gets released, iOS will finally become obsolete
- G
- God
- X$c
- 05 Apr 2019
Looks Like No-one Brought This Garbage