Samsung's Galaxy Note rumored to appear on Verizon in the US

17 January, 2012
There's talk of the Samsung Galaxy Note coming to Verizon & Sprint, possibly under a different name.

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  • h
  • hawgleg89
  • RcW
  • 22 May 2012

yes i just moved to sprint not long ago but i am also thinking of going to at&t just for the galaxy note

    • B
    • Barb
    • 4c0
    • 02 May 2012

    I'm a big samsung fa, I have a flatscreen by them, I've had only Verizon evr since I owned cellphones, I can't wait heard by mid-June Yeh!!!

      • f
      • faye
      • kVy
      • 18 Apr 2012

      i want this phone i was thinking of leaving verizon to go to at&t just to get this phone at&t note phone.
      come on verizon get with tne program come on..

        • J
        • Jeleisa
        • ILS
        • 07 Apr 2012

        yes, plz come tew verizon,,, i really want this phone bad,,,

          • M
          • MXGREGG
          • bef
          • 04 Apr 2012

          Waiting for Verizon and I wish they would hurry up and get it. I need a new phone!

            • K
            • Kesyon
            • 4GL
            • 04 Apr 2012

            I am ready to upgrade and holding on until Verizon gets this phone.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 4Hw
              • 24 Mar 2012

              Can't wait! This phablet should be phantanstic!

                • m
                • minniceptor
                • j7G
                • 22 Mar 2012

                Yes Please!!! Verizon please get this phone asap

                  • M
                  • Matt
                  • NIL
                  • 21 Mar 2012

                  I will be dumping my iPhone 4s as soon as this comes out. The iPhone was a major let down.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • MiN
                    • 20 Mar 2012

                    I would defenitely get this if it were to come out on verizon. I have been thinking of switching to AT&T just for this phone but I do not want to lose my benefits from being a long verizon customer.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 4%Z
                      • 18 Mar 2012

                      Definitely interested.... Currently a Tmobile customer... only other perk would be dual camera for Skype or video chatting.

                        • g
                        • ghost
                        • sHW
                        • 14 Mar 2012

                        Let's get real - AT&T gets the phones first but Verizon beats them every day on service. So is it the phone or service that really counts. I'd like the "note" or whatever it will be called but worth not having it to stay with Verizon

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • ILU
                          • 12 Mar 2012


                            • M
                            • Michael
                            • 4vF
                            • 10 Mar 2012

                            You really really want the Samsung Galaxy Note? Then dump Verizon and go with the company that offers that. Verizon will never bring Galxy Note or Journal; it took them 2 years to bring iPhone. Don't waste your time with verizon.

                              • E
                              • Eden
                              • Chx
                              • 08 Mar 2012

                              I really really want this phone, please come to Verizon! I don't wan't to switch to AT&T so please don't make me!

                                • A
                                • Andy
                                • 8Y6
                                • 05 Mar 2012

                                i've just got boner thinking about this phone, please come to verizon!!

                                  • A
                                  • AM1218
                                  • kJe
                                  • 05 Mar 2012

                                  I am SO ready for this phone to hit Verizon's network. I will pay full retail just to have it! It's an amazing device and I cannot wait to own it. I refuse to use AT&T, but I will switch to Sprint if Verizon decides to pass on this wonderful device.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • RbX
                                    • 01 Mar 2012

                                    Hurry up Verizon! If I have to switch to AT&T I will but I dont want too!!! So get on it !!!! :)

                                      • G
                                      • Gygeek
                                      • 4{k
                                      • 27 Feb 2012

                                      Yep, hoping this comes to Verizon.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-42092
                                        • kEh
                                        • 13 Feb 2012

                                        Cannot wait for this to come to Verizon...Have an upgrade that will be burning a hole in my pocket in about 2 months, hopefully I won't have to wait long for the Verizon version.