Vertu releases a teaser for Constellation Quest Ferrari
- D
- Daz
- ftb
- 23 Jan 2012
dont discriminate show appreciations
- z
- zing!
- Tk1
- 23 Jan 2012
AnonD-1082, 22 Jan 2012Nokia handsets are technological wonders and innovative. Th... morehi Nokia out-dated Fanboy.
please get out of the closet and enjoy the brightness of the technology out there.
don't come here with custom made sentences that don't reflect the reality which is, who wants an outdated nokia ?
you guys are funny...
- ?
- Anonymous
- PF5
- 23 Jan 2012
lol, 21 Jan 2012hahaha e72 running symbian...what a huge pile of crap. ... moreHAHAHAHA... ''future-proofing''??? In the tech world??? Epic fail man, epic fail.
- C
- Charlie
- SsA
- 22 Jan 2012
Wow... seriously?
Buying a Vertu phone is like buying a Rolex watch. You dont care about the functions! If you want functions you should buy a Galaxy S2 and a ugly Casio Watch. If you want handcrafted luxerious masterpiece you buy a Vertu and a Rolex. Another parable is "Why buy a luxerious and tasty Bently when you can buy a Peugeot full of buttons and useless functions?"
A little video of the phone that clearly show that its not a sloppy Galaxy S2 or an fragile iPhone 4S we are talking about...
- D
- AnonD-1403
- vGt
- 22 Jan 2012
maverick , 22 Jan 2012Vertu??? A dying Company? Like her parent who deposed the c... moreBlackberry? Samsung?? Lol
Say android and iOS ...
- D
- AnonD-8217
- 9FM
- 22 Jan 2012
SkNOB, 22 Jan 2012I'm ultra rich,...I mean really stinking rich.
I use my ... morehey daydreamer!
Wake up!
- S
- m4N
- 22 Jan 2012
AnonD-1082, 22 Jan 2012Nokia handsets are technological wonders and innovative. Th... moreI'm ultra rich,...I mean really stinking rich.
I use my Galaxy SII, since it is the best tool to communicate with my ultra rich, stuck up friends.
The only Nokia I bought was to act as a door wedge for my dog kennel. It is a true multi-tasker indeed.
- m
- maverick
- u{E
- 22 Jan 2012
Vertu??? A dying Company? Like her parent who deposed the called Nokia also a dying Company. Nah not worth nor matchable to the current smartphone market in lights of Iphone, Samsung and Blackberry. To Vertu no point teasing cos only your technology is worth the museum
- D
- AnonD-1082
- kJq
- 22 Jan 2012
AnonD-36827, 21 Jan 2012What an super interesting release from Vertu. I can't belie... moreNokia handsets are technological wonders and innovative. This Vertu is a Nokia for the ultra rich and not for the Droid people who wants multiple cores even though the OS isn't optimized to use them and run multiple malwares in the background and call it multi-tasking.
- s
- suru or suraj
- 98W
- 22 Jan 2012
Vertu is about to announce yet another Ferrari product in the nearest future. The Nokia subsidiary, which is rumored to be for sale, has released a teaser for Vertu Constellation Quest Ferrari - a version of its well know Constellation Quest business offering, treated to a serious amount of Italian...
- o
- owen
- v6F
- 21 Jan 2012
I don't care what anyone says about Nokia at present. but the e series 63,71,72 are the best phone that have ever been made..
- D
- AnonD-36827
- LaK
- 21 Jan 2012
What an super interesting release from Vertu. I can't believe my eyes.
Oh wait! It's just the Quest, but the added the logo of a horsey.And it will cost as much as a small Fiat(who owns Ferrari. And of course, when it comes to the insides, it's an ancient Nokia model.
- S
- Sol
- IW1
- 21 Jan 2012
I bet it's panels will fall off after a few hours of use and it'll burst into flames at stoplights, just like a Ferrari. Symbian should make it fast though, just like a Ferrari. Maybe people who own it also get the power to lobby motorsport sanctioning bodies to bend rools to benefit their cars, just like Ferrari.
- k
- kosfil
- m%j
- 21 Jan 2012
LOLMASTER, 21 Jan 2012Nobody cares!!If you don't care then why did you read it and post a comment?
- ?
- Anonymous
- p8c
- 21 Jan 2012
Symbian is still by far the most stable OS out there. It never fails and handles everything from email to browsing without a hitch. It does not freeze, lag or gets hijacked by anti-virus. It has a much superior, faster and more accurate GPS with Nokia Navteq then anything on the market today. Symbian OS is used by 90% of worlds military forces because of it's stability. People who buy Vertu are probably semi-rich and most probably businessmen that rely on top class OS and high class materials.
I am Android user, but Symbian is still untouchable. Android OS and iOS are toy OS compared to Symbian.
- t
- tella
- 9Da
- 21 Jan 2012
Lol, Nice going ott,
- D
- AnonD-32148
- LaT
- 21 Jan 2012
[deleted post]HAHAHAHA!!!! thats classic mate!! seriously put a smile on my face !!
- ?
- Anonymous
- PF5
- 21 Jan 2012
Wow, based on the E72? Now this is a collector's edition worth foaming over for! Expect nothing less than a ruby screen.
- D
- AnonD-12237
- PFe
- 21 Jan 2012
I Will wait for the Chinese copy