GSM phone in wrist watch disguise

6 Dec, 2007
Ever wanted to know how it feels for a secret agent to blow their cover by talking on their wrist watch? Well, if you did, the guys over at seem to have the right little something for you...

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  • t
  • the hacker
  • iGg
  • 08 Dec 2007

there is something like this with microSD suppport but its chinese I might buy it this weekend just too added to the collection it has touchscreen but no PEN, it has 2 buttons and a VGA cam its very nice to have it isn`t?

    • C
    • CASS
    • PbW
    • 08 Dec 2007

    Sorry it's so big that even de 007 could not hide it anywhere, maybe Q could built something more smaller.


      • r
      • robert
      • nCx
      • 08 Dec 2007

      it's good for school... :-)))

        • z
        • zabitos
        • ib9
        • 08 Dec 2007

        If only there's a mobile watch with integrated camera.
        That's the best :D
        Somehow, this still considered cool! Never thought of a phone on my wrist

          • s
          • sri_mersing81
          • PSP
          • 08 Dec 2007

          i've read it from somewhere (the website can't be mentioned its name because it'll be considered as free advertising) not much of the similar look with the watched displayed here, but the manufacturer is Hyundai.

            • L
            • LAzy BoNE
            • PEn
            • 08 Dec 2007

            Hmmmm..... its gud i wanna buy it wat is the rates

              • j
              • ja3_mik3
              • jrY
              • 08 Dec 2007

              i am going to cop it just as a phone to stunt on nice lil something to have with a n95 you can use the watch just to store names and contacts or ur fav pic as a bground, nice idea

                • B
                • Brian
                • PBR
                • 08 Dec 2007

                Interestng! but just a CHINA PHONE. What i dream about is popular brand such as SE or Nokia make it...China give us a style but no convinient and quality.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • nEQ
                  • 07 Dec 2007

                  Sony Ericsson Make this !

                    • T
                    • Tomas
                    • jZ$
                    • 07 Dec 2007

                    Looks terrible, like a dog shock collar for invisible fence.
                    No style what so ever and no brand name, next year wall-greens will be selling these for $9.99 buy one get one free. Touch screen requires tooth pick to navigate. Somebody give me a break this is nothing but “bs” reaped around your left hand.

                      • x
                      • xenis
                      • SrC
                      • 07 Dec 2007

                      oh i forgot. china made!

                        • x
                        • xenis
                        • SrC
                        • 07 Dec 2007

                        i bought this thing a month ago from a seller on ebay. the first impression is 'wow'. but then that all. you'll get bored with it. it has quite lot of apps, like a real new mobile. but the size of it will be the boring thing. trust me. and it s hard for it to trace a network,unless is good at your area.
                        its:i mobile m500 or m600 or m700

                          • I
                          • Igntion
                          • PSd
                          • 07 Dec 2007

                          Which Company Is IT ?

                          Sony Ericcson Do reply

                            • G
                            • GSMRULES
                            • P9h
                            • 07 Dec 2007

                            Is more a curiosity than anything else. Is the kind of gadget that makes you say: "Is amazing how far technology....." but that's it. Maybe if you add FM radio, MP3 player with expandable capacity, stereo bluetooth profile support, it can be a gadget people will use when jogging. They will take the SIM card from their REAL phone and put it there while they're jogging.

                              • f
                              • fxy
                              • wce
                              • 07 Dec 2007

                              samsung made a watch phone before n somehow they cancel it

                                • G
                                • Golds
                                • wph
                                • 07 Dec 2007

                                Looks like a cool gadget. but under what brand name this phone is sold. And, is it available in asian markets.

                                  • G
                                  • Golds
                                  • wph
                                  • 07 Dec 2007

                                  Looks like a cool gadget. but under what brand name this phone is sold. And, is it available in asian markets.

                                    • T
                                    • The Watchmaker
                                    • mCS
                                    • 07 Dec 2007

                                    Tick-tock, tick-tock, I have a mobile built in to my clock. You must be high or definateley p*ssed, to wear this monstrosity on your wrist.
                                    I heard that they releasing a phone that is intergrated in to a pair of contact lenses, it's quite basic in features and texting will take a bit of getting used to as it uses the same principal as Morse code, the blinking of the eyelids represents certain letters. Making and receiving calls is relitively easy:to make a call the user thinks of the name for 3 seconds and the number is automatically dialled from the numbers pre-stored in the same card which is worn as a necklace/pendant.
                                    Manufacturers are currently in dispute over the name of the new device wanting to call it the Eye phone but with obvious objection from a certain company.
                                    The good news is that this new mobile will also be available for the visually impaired

                                      • L
                                      • Luks24
                                      • M@T
                                      • 07 Dec 2007

                                      Not bad at all,they should make it water resistant too,so you can even make text under water,how nice

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • m}k
                                        • 07 Dec 2007

                                        hi, does it have a KVM on it?

                                        can you run Java apps on it?
