Huawei's HongmengOS is faster than Android and MacOS, has broader application

06 July 2019
It will work for PCs, routers and even data centers.

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The fact that ArkOS is gonna be used on widespread products, I can't help but think about ctOS from Watch_Dogs. It can be hacked and manipulated by any means so I'm skeptical about allowing a 3rd Flagship OS such as this to coexist.

I think I rather give my data to the American overlords than the Chinese.

    Sure it is. That's because it has NO, Google Assistant, Google Maps, Google Docs, Siri, awesome iOS apps and features, etc.

    That OS would also would be the least used by far. Your point? Lmao!

      • s
      • sanket
      • U{p
      • 06 Jul 2019

      get us hongmeng OS

      • 👍
      • D
      • AnonD-833125
      • p%B
      • 06 Jul 2019

      Was an Android user and fan up until 3 months ago, when I switched to IOS. Because various reasons.
      If this Chinese new OS will be exactly the way they are describing it to be, then the competition between ArkOS, Fuchsia OS (probably the future OS from Google) and IOS will be interesting.
      If they will not make a serious competitor for iPads and iPhones (software wise), then I am staying in Apple ecosystem.

        • D
        • AnonD-731363
        • SH3
        • 06 Jul 2019

        If ongmeng or Ark will be sucessful and they will be sucessfull google and IOS can go happiliy nuts.

          It will be famous in China and Rusia and banned all over the rest. They will spy you from everywhere...

          • 👍
          • D
          • AnonD-731363
          • SH3
          • 06 Jul 2019

          DavidRegalJnr, 06 Jul 2019Yeah just like the we're supposed to believe the kirin 810 ... moreBecause he is right.
          Apple is so rich company they can pay any test to prove they are number 1 even if they will be last in the line.
          When comes to Huawei i rather trust chinese company with chinese workers than american wolf with chinese sheeps.

          • 👍2

          DavidRegalJnr, 06 Jul 2019Yeah just like the we're supposed to believe the kirin 810 ... moreYou lost all credibility when you implied apple has the best hardware

          You don't live in reality, battery hardware, fast charging hardware, screen hardware and camera hardware been a joke for so long( can't compete with versatility of lenses or night mode)

          Even when folks said the iPhone had best picture the Lumia 1020 was destroying everything in low light...

          Don't even get me started on their laptops keyboards, thermal management, hompepod etc

          Software is subjective though... But that Siri though

          • 👍2


            Thank you China to beating up these Americans.

              childish bluff!

                Anonymous, 06 Jul 2019Just wish they'd change the name as it sounds like a Chines... moreHongmengOS is China, ArkOS for international. Huawei has already registered ArkOS as trademark.

                  DavidRegalJnr, 06 Jul 2019Yeah just like the we're supposed to believe the kirin 810 ... moreI agree!

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Njt
                    • 06 Jul 2019

                    Anonymous, 06 Jul 2019Just wish they'd change the name as it sounds like a Chines... moreIt's rumored to be either oak or ark outside of china

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 39x
                      • 06 Jul 2019

                      Just wish they'd change the name as it sounds like a Chinese dish

                      • 👍

                      Yeah just like the we're supposed to believe the kirin 810 gpu is better than sd 730 by 40%...i wonder why the chinese tend to hype up average software and hardware...Apple has had the best of both for years and they always get thier improved percentage right..why Android will rather put up ridiculous numbers like 80,50,40 percent better when they're just around 5% better anyway

                      • 👍4
                      • D
                      • AnonD-819322
                      • 3aW
                      • 06 Jul 2019

                      Android is be faster if you decrease animation speed.

                        • N
                        • Ng
                        • wHU
                        • 06 Jul 2019

                        After that hongmeng 1.0, 1.2, 2.0, 2.2.1?