Samsung Galaxy Note10 and Note10+ US prices revealed, to start at $949
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- .alpha
- ytx
- 03 Aug 2019
A $100 price bump and a "lite" version with cut down spec for people that can no longer afford the regular Note. It now truly matches iPhone XS Max in price.
- D
- Dominic
- 46b
- 03 Aug 2019
Time to upgrade my S7 Edge .Oh Yeah
- ?
- Anonymous
- kgd
- 03 Aug 2019
I was expecting $999+, so good on Samsung for going the slightly lower $949... really excited for this phone!
- ?
- Anonymous
- pL{
- 03 Aug 2019
Whackcar, 03 Aug 2019Remember the times when flagships used to cost $600 & u... moreTime for me to jump ship to the next Oneplus 5G phone. My Note 9 has done well but time for a change. Specs are all similar nowadays on the flagships but the Chinese brand has the faster updates. Only customer service may be poorer.
- J
- Joe
- DxH
- 03 Aug 2019
Oh look, more whining in the comment section. Yeah i thinks it's only best that i just ready the articles then leave
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- Anonymous
- nD$
- 03 Aug 2019
someone, 03 Aug 2019not worth 949 .... seriously Samsung ? Seriosly, did you expexted less than a grand for a samsung note?
I am surprised that it is not higher. The tradition is prices get higher and higher year by year.
- D
- Dishonored
- rpV
- 03 Aug 2019
Then u get an Asus
With 12gb ram and 6000mha for a FHd+ amoled 120hz screen
With triple USB type C and headphone jack
And u Can choosed either zenUi with nearly stock Android or a gaming one .....if Asus manage to keep good wave of fixe updates then its a total win
- D
- AnonD-731363
- SH3
- 03 Aug 2019
I agree with comment bellow phone is the most ugly android device.
Redmi K20 Pro is equaly fast and does most of the same tricks apart the S-Pen and bit worse camera which on a 6 inch screen wont make much differences.
Nubia red magic also is equaly fast for much less. For 1150 buck people can cosnider soid laptop for most work.
But i dont budge its not my money toss out of window for a china made and assembled phone with 500% overprice excluding tax and wat.
- a
- akaike
- Ivd
- 03 Aug 2019
Too expensive
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- Anonymous
- p%X
- 03 Aug 2019
this is the uglies and most expensive phone after any crapple xD
- s
- someone
- Ye6
- 03 Aug 2019
not worth 949 .... seriously Samsung ?
- 7tV
- 03 Aug 2019
Considering specs only i.e. that the base variant will have 8GB RAM and 256 GB base storage, I think Note 10 is a better vfm than Note 9.
Of course this is otly considering launch prices. I expect prices to drop in Dec.
- Whackcar
- tZt
- 03 Aug 2019
Remember the times when flagships used to cost $600 & under?
Pepperidge Farm remembers!