20 million Samsung Galaxy S II sold in 10 months
- B
- Badj
- vjv
- 23 Feb 2012
They release different phones (different display size, hardware buttons, etc) and they still call them galaxy s II so they may have a very high sales for their flagship. LG, nokia, and htc dont do like samsung does. Even if phones look almost the same, they come as different phone models...
- ?
- Anonymous
- IV8
- 23 Feb 2012
Mobilemaster, 23 Feb 2012Samsung is going up, up! :> But they will have a big suc... moreSamsung sales will be going DOWN DOWN DOWN after Google - Motorola Mobility deal, Motorola with be Google Golden Boy as all of the latest Android update will be given priority to Motorola, Samsung will be seen as rival for Google from now onward, without latest Android Samsung turned Samsucks.
- D
- AnonD-3209
- PS6
- 23 Feb 2012
my sister, my friend, my neighbor, my teacher bought one..
- M
- Mobilemaster
- Lax
- 23 Feb 2012
Samsung is going up, up! :> But they will have a big success with their S3? I am a Samsung fan, but the competition is going to be different this time, with Fujitsu, Panasonic and Nec around.