Apple will finally let you repair your out-of-warranty iPhone at independent shops
- A
- Adul Al Salami Kebab
- nrX
- 30 Aug 2019
Apple is going in the right direction tough its still kinda restrictive, tough better than nothing?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 6wN
- 30 Aug 2019
Apple will let you to repair your phone? Are you kidding me? Many people freely repair their phones in my country and repaired long years ago. Like fixing software issues changing broken screen or back cover.
- EskeRahn
- 0wY
- 30 Aug 2019
Hmm, as they still need to be "approved", the "independent" should be taken with quite a pinch of salt...
Though it allegedly is free to apply, i bet it does not cover all.
"...will be provided with the needed tools and training", we can only imagine at what extreme costs these are going to be "provided"...
And this
" it will have access to the same genuine Apple parts as the authorized resellers at the same price"
Most like means that they now move 99% of the current repair prices to the parts...
But at least it is a step in the less bad direction
- A
- AverageUser
- 3qF
- 30 Aug 2019
They are probably in tight situation... who knows, maybe they actually become consumer friendly in order to save themself?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7X2
- 30 Aug 2019
But you will have to pay $$$$$$$ for those Apple Quote Quote Genuine Parts Quote Quote....
- U
- User
- 7Xn
- 30 Aug 2019
It's just apple trying to divert people attention from the news about fake sar value put on their phones and FCC credibility is also in question.
- m
- mel
- jKu
- 30 Aug 2019
I just wathc jessa jones, video about this and apple have a lot of things that didnt mention if how to get approve to get OEM parts from them. requirements are not clear yet! see jessa youtube video on this matter.
- D
- AnonD-558092
- ke}
- 30 Aug 2019
Oh no. I see them coming. They'll use this as leverage against a Right to Repair law. "Look that's the best we can do. If OOW third parties could repair more, we'd let them."
You know that California hasn't given up on such bill, and that bill is also gaining traction in Canada. Sounds like a weird, twisted logic, but I swear they'd go through all lengths to prevent such bill to ever pass, especially since they blamed battery replacements for the decrease in iPhone sales and thus profit.
- Q5x
- 29 Aug 2019
Louis will be sooo happy about this, we hope there are not catch about this very good thing.