5 megapixel Nokia N96 pictures leaked
- ?
- Anonymous
- q}u
- 10 Jan 2008
perhaps it will enable you to control it in landscape or not landscap..who cares year it looks like a stupid idea but i dont think its even that bad of an idea
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0hA
- 09 Jan 2008
this is obviously a prototype if not a joke. this phone has play/stop buttons in two places.... uhhh pretty dumb.
- M
- Matthew
- PP$
- 08 Jan 2008
I hate to say this "ng" but you have no idea what ur on about. The nokia e51 has wifi but on the active standby screen there is no such display u have to go into the menu to get the option. So it may just aswell have the same software version as the e51.
- ?
- Anonymous
- iBt
- 07 Jan 2008
come on the n82 have xenon and this not? this is one back step!
- a
- aZa
- vG6
- 05 Jan 2008
what no XENON flash ? Oh come on NOKIA
- n
- ng
- up6
- 05 Jan 2008
what a fake..the phone claims to have wifi,but the active standby screen has no such wifi option..a definite fake..
- d
- dragoshu
- nDB
- 04 Jan 2008
A BIGGER n95 with the design of the n81 ... GENIOUS !!!
A real breaktrough ... keep inovating(copying) nokia ! :))) :D
Doesnt matter anyway i dont think this phone will be real :p
- F
- Fr@n
- nU1
- 04 Jan 2008
As importantly as all the raucous rants made previously, do we know if the possible new addition to the N family, N96, has the necessary lens cover re-added ? It was a disasterous design error excluding it on the N95 8GB.
- C
- Carl
- 02 Jan 2008
Yeah, but having no external memory is a whole lot of mess, you won't be able to save as much files as you wish for, in short, it's a non-expandable crap, just imagine there's your personal desktop computer in your room without any hardware external / removable device (cd rom, writer, floppy, etc) in it except only a harddisk? it's definitely a junk! see?
- M
- Marwan Jaber
- S9h
- 02 Jan 2008
I have read the comment about N95's 8GB of internal memory, saying that its' worthless, since if the phone malfunctions you will lose all data.
Dude, I have the N95 8GB and it's such a smooth phone, in regard of your concern, I would like to tell you, that the User Data part is separate from the system files, similar to your PC's partitions. you will not lose a thing, if you had to do a software update, or flash your device.
Computers, this is what mobiles are now-a-days.
Happy New Year Everyone
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2@6
- 02 Jan 2008
hey dis is nokia N81.. wat rubbish.. dese days ppl tend 2 b very smart.. i dun even think nokia has evn decided 2 launch nokia N96 in the market
- d
- demz
- 2A3
- 02 Jan 2008
this is not edited@!!!!! its true........
- ?
- Anonymous
- q{Y
- 02 Jan 2008
Hmm, what is the other slider for? The first one is for the keypad right, the 2nd is for media keys, but the media keys are already in the front. I really want this phone if it isn't a fake!! Please don't be a fake!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- M@T
- 02 Jan 2008
sonyericsson should worry about LG phones they are atleast adding something in there phones rather than introducing old age phone in a new package and same stupid walkman branding Nokia should be worried about samsung Nokia dont even bother about SE
- c
- celllman
- Ycm
- 01 Jan 2008
hmm are ppl blind .. this is obviously fake and a photoshop from n81 - - wake up ppl
- R
- RAZ - P4u
- mCS
- 31 Dec 2007
Forget about the features of this phone, it looks exactly the same as the rubbish n81! Nokia need to tighten up there shoe laces for the new year, Sony ericsson are coming and coming very fast!
- a
- andre
- QuD
- 31 Dec 2007
mohammad....ur tirade on the n96's features cracked me the hell up man...i was laughin thru the whole thing...u have way too much time on ur hands :-P lol...i think the n96 is a pretty decent phone...the OS looks different so its possible its the new symbian...screen looks larger than the n95 so its POSSIBLE this could be a touch screen...if not then it probably has DVBH tv shizzzle on it..either way...nokia are taking a risk with this design hopefully it gets the job done
- A
- Afzal aka eViLrAcEr
- wuc
- 30 Dec 2007
looooooooooooooooooooooooool :@ nokia :D great specs man :P
gr8 phone imho
- t
- thenootz
- pkq
- 30 Dec 2007
There could be a very good photosop editor behind those pictures. But it does sound so very good, as N81 has a very good design (IMHO)and a very good sound quality. The N95-like dual slide thing may release N-Gage keys, 'cause the music buttons are on the D-pad. This new device may also have DVB-H TV receiver.If this one combined the funcitionalities of an N95(powerful and a very good camera)and of an N81(great music experience and N-Gage) it could be the perfect phone, at least almost.
- m
- mohammad
- mg}
- 30 Dec 2007
very good n96