Google Play combines Market, Books, Music and Videos
- D
- AnonD-36409
- L3K
- 06 Mar 2012
Still waiting for a update for Brazilian users...
- E
- EskeRahn
- 0u3
- 06 Mar 2012
Yeadrk for a stupid name....
Do they think we are all kids using our phones as an alternative to a Nintendo ???
How utterly stupid!!!!
:-% :-(
- v
- veda
- 06 Mar 2012
why the partiality towards other nations like india and europe......India has a huge android fan following too googl should consider launching it there too....
- a
- andrei
- LaI
- 06 Mar 2012
AnonD-17674, 06 Mar 2012what a crappy name..sounds childish store would... moreIt is supposed to be a platform name. Google store is a product name so it would not have been appropriate. I guess they are trying to build a platform solution, like Amazon.
- M
- Me
- mTh
- 06 Mar 2012
Silly name for something that wants to be like...the iTunes store.
US only??? WTF??? This sucks. First, there are the Android updates that take 2000 years to roll out, just to bring some devices new features and even more bugs.
And now this. Do your work properly, bloody hell!
Love my SGS2, but sometimes I miss iOS...
- D
- AnonD-1792
- fqW
- 06 Mar 2012
Play is remained a common name for a media service. Why Google didn't call its new service something uncommon.
- N
- Nilays
- u7K
- 06 Mar 2012
It already available in india. many apps are going for INR25 i.e. $0.49 to celebrate its launch.
- h
- hi
- Lh@
- 06 Mar 2012
google version of icloud nice
the only thing its missing is google playstation =p
- ?
- Anonymous
- dQm
- 06 Mar 2012
Such a terrible name. Sony needs to sue (PlayNow and PlayStation app stores, along with Xperia Play). should sue too.
The better name would be "Google Market".
- D
- AnonD-17674
- Kxt
- 06 Mar 2012
what a crappy name..sounds childish store would've sound better.